Less than a million years ago, a certain woman accused me of speculating on her #MentalHealth to an acquaintance of her's.
I don't know if I did or I didn’t. I DO know that I've known (or known of) the lady for more than a decade & that I'd probably speculate on Anybody's ...
... #MentalHealth during that time. I've sure as Hell speculated on my own.
We all have a #Shadow. When I take my shadow out of the #MetaphoricalBox in which I keep it hidden, and look it in the eye, I think: Gillard: You're as '#MadAsABoxOfFrogs!
Let's leave my #FragileFriend alone. The very thought of someone speculating on her #MentalHealth clearly sends her into a #BlindPanic. Let me speculate on my own Mental Health instead. I believe I'm entitled to do that. It's MY MENTAL HEALTH after all!
Here is a movie from the turn of the decade 1960s -> 1970s:
Approximately 1hr 18min and 30secs into the above movie, Turner says to Chas: "The only performance that makes it is the one that achieves madness!"
Recognise your own #madness & you're already half way to #genius!
These matters are described on pages 75 - 81 of Hermann Hesse's novel, Steppenwolf.
I believe it is stated (elsewhere in the book) that the man who recognises his own madness is #AlreadyAGenius!
I'm going to return to this theme. I'm going to discuss my own #shadow. One aspect of it is an inclination to #DominatrixFantasy. It is an inclination that could well get me killed. Am I going to worry about that? No. I'm not!
@StellaParton Strange to tell, Jesus, being a Jew, would have kept the Sabbath on a Saturday.
Moving the Holy Day to Sunday (Sun Day) was a trick performed by the Emperor Constantine, who wanted to bring Christians and Sun Worshippers under the same religious umbrella.
If we look carefully at the days of the week, we have:
Sun Day
Moon Day
Mars Day
Mercury Day
Jupiter Day
Venus Day
Saturn Day
And then back to Sun Day.
This is much more obvious when one learns the names of the days in Italian (see: dummies.com/article/academ… ) and when one ...
... and when one remembers that the English names (for each day) were based on the names of the Norse Gods, which seem to correspond to the Roman Gods and have similar planetary / day of the week, associations.
You exist outside of the English Mansion Porn Site!
Please could you help me? I was wandering in the Twittersphere and I'm lost. Please would you direct me to your deep, dark dungeon, underneath that impregnable fortress in the middle of the huge ...
@SidoniavonBork ... Please would you direct me to your deep, dark dungeon, underneath that impregnable fortress in the middle of the huge, dense impregnable forest?
You know? The one where, the only chaps who've ever ventured there have never been seen again.
@Ch_JesusChrist I live in the UK. Two beautiful young women (Sister X and Sister Y) recently approached me to tell me about your Church.
The women were beautiful and I was entranced. I showed an interest in the Church, the women evaporated into thin air. ...
@Ch_JesusChrist You'll have to do a great deal better than that, if you want to reel in this agnostic!
I'm entertaining the possibility that you hired these two women from an advertising agency. One of them had big brown eyes a chap could lose himself in, held a face to die for!
Following on from our earlier Twitter Space discussion, I feel one of the greatest weapons we can possess is knowledge. With that object in view, I have been building a list of my favourite Writers & Thinkers on my Website. Here it is:
@Reptile_Hybrid One of the people on the list is Damh the Bard. He's not included as one of the Writers & Thinkers. He's included because his song, We Are The Sons & Daughters of Robin Hood, can raise people's spirits, if they get depressed.
I suggest listing to sings like this one:
whenever the knowledge brings you down. We need something. If we allow ourselves to become demoralised our enemies have won!
@Kahlissee I enjoyed chatting with you about religion in that Twitter Space, earlier tonight. I would have liked to talk more, but suddenly it was all about Deep Fried Mars Bars.
I would be interested to discuss the Djinn with you. I believe, in Islam, the Djinn aren't ...
@Kahlissee I believe, in Islam, the Djinn aren't necessarily evil. In Christianity, the demons are all considered evil.
This interests me because, in the 1001 Nights, Djinn / Genies are sometimes useful companions, as in Aladdin & The Thief of Baghdad. ...
Also, in the Grimoires, such as The Lessor Key of Solomon Demons are listed as being able to assist one. For example, a certain demon is listed as being able to teach all Arts and Sciences.
@OmbudServices I recently entered a meter reading on the E-ON Website, after being presented with a quarterly bill of £360. My rate 2 reading was higher than my rate 1 reading.
When I entered the details this way, the software said I'd got it the wrong way around and re-enter.
@OmbudServices I followed this instruction and entered the meter readings the other way around. Now E-ON are saying I owe them an additional £600.
I have contacted E-ON on several occasions to ask them the swap back the readings. The Indian phone operators sound helpful ...
@OmbudServices but the next day I just get an e-mail demanding the additional money. My reading has not been changed on their website and the website won't let me change it. I feel I have been scammed, being charged high rate fees for low rate electricity.