📢Dear Followers,
every morning 🕗we will present news summary of the last 24 hours in #Ukraine 🇺🇦.
Please follow our 🧵threads #Russian_Aggression_Watch ❗️
🧵1/11 On 24 February, Russia invaded Ukraine, and its armed forces entered the country from several directions. Russia carried out rocket fires throughout Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities introduced martial law and severed diplomatic relations with Russia.
2/11 On 25 February, President Zelensky signed a decree on universal mobilisation. Intensive fights continued in eastern Ukraine. Kiev has been fired upon by rocket attacks and the city has prepared for defense. Ukrainian soldiers recaptured the Hostoml airport.
3/11 On the night of 25-26 February, Russian attacks on Kyiv and eastern Ukraine continued. The Ukrainian army defended the capital and other cities and caused losses to Russian troops. Russia has gathered more forces in Belarus, near the border with Ukraine.
4/11 Aggression against Ukraine has its legal and international consequences - for Ukraine, Russia, but also Belarus, which, by making its territory available to the Russian armed forces, has become an aggressor. Text by Szymon Zaręba bit.ly/358OJJd
5/11 Poland is open to refugees from Ukraine. Entry to the Republic of Poland is possible even without the relevant documents and covid test.
Important links: gov.pl/web/mswia/info…gov.pl/web/udsc/ukrai…
6/11 President Zelensky has repeatedly called for support from Western countries, also in the form of severe sanctions on 🇷🇺. The 🇪🇺reaction was quick, but as E.Kaca and @koziol_sasza wrote, the EU did not decide to cut off 🇷🇺banks from the SWIFT system bit.ly/359pOW5
7/11 Information chaos is exacerbated by Russian disinformation. It is primarily aimed at Ukraine🇺🇦 to undermine the morale of its armed forces and society, but also against Western countries.
More by @FilipBryjka 👉 bit.ly/3vlbnsB
8/11 Russia’s participation in the Council of Europe was suspended. Sanctions against V. Putin and S. Lavrov were introduced by the EU and the U.S.
About the 🇺🇸 sanctions 👉@m_m_piotrowski 👉
9/11 Poland, Czechia and Bulgaria have closed their airspace to Russian planes.
Talks about new sanctions on Russia are ongoing.
10/11 UEFA also reacted to the Russian aggression by moving the final match of the Champions League from St. Petersburg to Paris. People of sport and culture from all over the world, but also in Russia, are calling to stop aggression.
11/11 We encourage you to follow the analyses of @PISM_Poland analysts on our social media and on the website 👉pism.pl
1/13 On 27 February #Russia continued air strikes, rocket attacks, artillery shelling and sabotage and diversionary activities against civilian and military targets. The Russians failed to capture #Kyiv or #Kharkiv. Russian losses are mounting and morale to fight is weakening.
2/13 In #Ochtyrka the Russians attacked a bus with civilians, in #Kharkiv they blew up a gas pipeline and in Vasylkovo a fuel base. The world's largest aircraft, the An-225 Mriya, was damaged, and in Vladimir (in the west of the country) military warehouses were attacked.
Podsumowujemy wydarzenia z ostatnich 24h w 🇺🇦Ukrainie!
1/13 27 lutego #Rosja kontynuowała naloty powietrzne, ataki rakietowe, ostrzały artyleryjskie i działania dywersyjno-sabotażowe na cele cywilne i wojskowe. Rosjanom nie udało się zdobyć #Kijów, ani #Charków. Rosyjskie straty rosną, a morale i determinacja do walki słabną. 💪
2/13 W Ochtyrce Rosjanie zaatakowali autobus z cywilami, w Charkowie wysadzili gazociąg, a w Wasylkowie bazę paliwową. Na lotnisku #Boryspol uszkodzono największy na świecie samolot An-225 Mriya, a we Włodzimierzu (na zachodzie kraju) zaatakowano magazyny wojskowe.
📢Dear Followers,
every morning 🕗we will present analyses and news summary of the last 24 hours in #Ukraine 🇺🇦.
📢Please follow our 🧵threads #Russian_Aggression_Watch
🧵1/12 Third day (26.02) of 🇷🇺aggression against 🇺🇦.
🇷🇺 troops attacked major cities in eastern 🇺🇦. Civilian infrastructure was shelled. The main target of the assault was #Kyiv. The attack was also conducted from the territories of the DNR / LNR "republics" and occupied Crimea
2/12 Russian troops are committing war crimes by shelling civilian facilities such as kindergartens and hospitals as well as apartment blocks. Ukraine is collecting evidence of such actions to hand over to the International Criminal Court.
📢Szanowni Państwo,
codziennie w godzinach porannych🕘 podsumowujemy wydarzenia z ostatnich 24h na 🇺🇦Ukrainie.
📢#Kronika_agresji w 🧵wątkach 🧵@PISM_Poland
1/12 26 lutego. Trzeci dzień rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę. Wojska rosyjskie atakowały duże miasta na wschodzie Ukrainy ostrzeliwując również infrastrukturę cywilną. Głównym celem natarcia był Kijów. Uderzenie prowadzone było również z terenów tzw. republik i okupowanego Krymu.
2/12 Wojska rosyjskie dokonują zbrodni wojennych ostrzeliwując obiekty cywilne takie jak przedszkola czy szpitale oraz bloki mieszkalne. Ukraina zbiera dowody na takie działania, by przekazać je Międzynarodowemu Trybunałowi Karnemu w Hadze.
📢Szanowni Państwo,
codziennie w godzinach porannych🕘 podsumowujemy wydarzenia z ostatnich 24h na 🇺🇦Ukrainie.
Zachęcamy do śledzenia #Kronika_agresji w 🧵wątkach 🧵@PISM_Poland ❗️
🧵1/11 24lutego Rosja rozpoczęła agresję na Ukrainę, a jej siły zbrojne wkroczyły do tego państwa z kilku kierunków. Rosja przeprowadziła ostrzały rakietowe na terenie całej Ukrainy. Władze Ukrainy wprowadziły stan wojenny w całym kraju i zerwały stosunki dyplomatyczne z Rosją.
2/11 25 lutego prezydent Zełenski podpisał dekret „o powszechnej mobilizacji”. Intensywne działania trwały m. in. na wschodzie Ukrainy. Kijów został ostrzelany atakami rakietowymi, a miasto przygotowało się do obrony. Ukraińscy żołnierze m. in. odbili lotnisko w Hostomlu.