Some personal considerations about the new trends in #SEO and the influence of coding and data in my journey.
This is a personal thread focused on explaining how different subjects can influence you 🧵
I started with #Python relatively early, I was into R before. The concept doesn't change either, they are just tools.
I decided to get into coding because I felt it was my route. I am improving everyday but I am still far from the biggest names in the industry or elsewhere.
I've always noticed that data are still misused by companies and there is a lot of misinformation.
Think about all the people using Excel as a database or SEO case studies with super weak proofs.
Some important #Python concepts that you need to understand, especially if you are an #SEO Specialist and have no clue about this sort of stuff.
You have to do some research, this is just an introduction.
A thread containing the essential that you need for Python 🧵
Lists. Used to contain multiple elements in a single variable, including different types, i.e. numbers with letters etc.
You will often work with lists as they are everywhere.
example_list = ["dog", "cat"]
Sets. You probably studied them at school, I am quite sure.
It's a collection of items without duplicates. Therefore, if you want to remove duplicates from a list you can convert to a set first and then retransform into a list.