Modern search engines like Google are powered by such technologies and understanding some key NLP concepts can increase your chance of ranking.
In the last few years we have seen the rise of new methodologies and perspectives that totally differ from the past.
If you read some Google patents, you can quickly notice how some topics are frequent and why people emphasize the role of topical clusters.
On a higher level you would need to treat your website as a big Knowledge Graph. Cover topics extensively and achieve authority.
Google is able to process what you write and can understand its sentiment.
While the sentiment of a text is not a ranking factor, some may even argue that it can play a role in what you see on SERPs.
This is NLU, not NLP but still useful to know.
Keyword density is useless. Instead of counting keywords focus on syntax and entities in your text. Google can detect named entities in a text and understand their role in a sentences too.
That's why you should be specific and accurate while you write.
My article is longer, why is it not first?
There are many answers, one could be that your sentence structure is not so clear or you are diluting your content.
If you don't go straight to the point, don't expect people to read your blog posts. Google knows that very well too.
The list of NLP tasks is long, you should mainly care about:
- POS Tagging
- Stemming/Lemmatization
- Named Entity Recognition (NER)
- Word Sense Disambiguation
- Entity Linking
- Semantic role labelling
- Question answering
I will cover them in future threads. >>>
>>> Just recall for now that there are different tasks that you can execute with some NLP knowledge.
You can evaluate your own text and look at competitors with a more critical eye.
If you are just starting you'll also encounter stop-word removal and tokenization.
Machines don't actually understand what you say. They eat numbers and perform some operations to process human language.
State-of-the-art models are pretty good at it and the best is yet to come.
Google applies BERT models to snippets to understand if they're good enough for the user. To win them, you should understand what HTML/structured data components your competitors are using.
Bring more facts and have a crystal clear language. Zero fluff.
Be careful tho, we are not optimizing for BERT, it doesn't make any sense to say such a thing.
We are just improving our syntax to provide better and clearer answers to the user's needs.
It's not a game to trick search engines, it's adding more value.
One of the most powerful concepts you may have heard is "semantic triple".
A triple can be described as the minimum unity to encode data into the semantic web.
Triples are made up by a "subject–predicate–object" structure.
Some personal considerations about the new trends in #SEO and the influence of coding and data in my journey.
This is a personal thread focused on explaining how different subjects can influence you 🧵
I started with #Python relatively early, I was into R before. The concept doesn't change either, they are just tools.
I decided to get into coding because I felt it was my route. I am improving everyday but I am still far from the biggest names in the industry or elsewhere.
I've always noticed that data are still misused by companies and there is a lot of misinformation.
Think about all the people using Excel as a database or SEO case studies with super weak proofs.
Some important #Python concepts that you need to understand, especially if you are an #SEO Specialist and have no clue about this sort of stuff.
You have to do some research, this is just an introduction.
A thread containing the essential that you need for Python 🧵
Lists. Used to contain multiple elements in a single variable, including different types, i.e. numbers with letters etc.
You will often work with lists as they are everywhere.
example_list = ["dog", "cat"]
Sets. You probably studied them at school, I am quite sure.
It's a collection of items without duplicates. Therefore, if you want to remove duplicates from a list you can convert to a set first and then retransform into a list.