SABOTEURS undermine institutions from the inside. Moles spy & report. Saboteurs destroy.
Ukraine is uncovering saboteurs within their military and government. Surprisingly, for some, saboteurs are also in faith institutions. Three Russian Orthodox Church priests were arrested.
Listen carefully to the content of the rhetoric to which we are subjected.
Is it actually a removal of freedom to protect ALL people in society? Or is it the removal of a human right to life for health compromised, the very young and the very old by removing Covid restrictions?
Is Covid public health policy creating freedom? And for whom?
Who loses freedom when restrictions and mandates are used?
Who loses freedom when disease is permitted to transmit freely?
The removal of freedoms and rights to protect all is a common feature in democracy.
You are NOT free to murder, assault, steal, commit fraud, lie in court, and many other restrictions controlling behaviour to ensure the maximization of every citizens’ freedom.
Absolute freedom is anarchy. None of us have absolute freedom. Because we live in civil society.
Whether you live in an urban or rural setting, the rules are the same. Every citizen has relinquished some freedom to live and benefit from society.
So if your behaviour causes harm to others, it’s logical to expect society will restrict it.
The freedoms we are guaranteed with the Charter of Rights & Freedoms are conditional on public health or wartime restrictions. It’s not a removal of freedoms when temporary restrictions are imposed. It’s protection for all citizens. That’s a big difference.
Because contrary to socialist dogma, we are not all equal. Some of us are more vulnerable than others.
To ensure all citizens right to life is protected, times of great crisis and chaos requires restrictions to be imposed. To protect ALL lives.
The VALUE of every life IS equal. Or at least it’s supposed to be in a democratic society.
Saboteurs are manipulating rhetoric and policy to deprive the most vulnerable citizens of their right to life and to expand their supporters freedom & privileges.
Saboteurs are imposing a hierarchy of human value using rhetoric, disinformation about Covid, minimization of Covid risk and constant gaslighting using these arguments.
What’s worse is an accusation of authoritarianism for imposing restrictions during a deadly global pandemic.
Legitimate Authority is not authoritarian unless power is abused, or used to corrupt institutions, programs and services.
Citizens in a liberal social Democracy choose who will be given legitimate authority to make decisions for ALL citizens by voting in elections.
Individual citizens’ submission to legitimate authority is a social contract. Individuals concede some freedoms to permit the legitimate duly elected authorities to make decisions on behalf of ALL citizens. To protect ALL citizens. NOT JUST SOME!
Saboteurs are indoctrinating the public that the social contract is removal of freedom. But the social contract has existed, unchanged, for over 400 years since John Locke wrote it down. It’s been tested repeatedly & has ALWAYS emerged as a valid belief.
Those who are attempting to amend the social contract do not support democracy. As is their right to believe. But not repeatedly gaslight using rhetoric that contradicts this concept. They are free to move to an authoritarian nation that favours their worldview.
They are not free to subvert Canadian democracy to suit their special interest groups demand for dominance & privileged impunity from social responsibility (that’s in the social contract too). Everyone benefits by taking personal responsibility for social cohesion & rule of law.
Great efforts by thousands of well trained & funded saboteurs has been undermining western democracies for decades. Masquerading as libertarianism on both the left and right.
Whether it’s Russia/Putin inspired, religious faith oriented, corporate funded, or implemented by political ambitious seditionists, saboteurs have been feeding the public bullshit with a spoon full of sugar for a long time.
Canadian exceptionalism has blinded most Canadians to these efforts.
Recognize who is destroying democracy right before your eyes.
When you’re told people fighting for their nation’s sovereignty are Nazis, autocrats and tyrants, perhaps you need to look up what those mean.
Before you jump on the rabbit hole bound bandwagon, think critically!
Weren’t Nazis the ones who invaded other nations to annex them? Didn’t they use propaganda to convince supporters all Jews were evil demons & tyrants? Wasn’t Hitler the leaders of the Nazis?
Wasn’t Hitler defined as a totalitarian autocrat who imposed tyranny on ALL citizens by the special interest group at the top of his hierarchy?
Are masking and Covid mandates tyranny? Are taxes and social programs and services tyranny?
Or is this just the social contract you were born into or inherited by moving to Canada and becoming a Canadian citizen?
We are on the same trajectory as Ukraine. Subversive saboteurs are moving towards authoritarianism by presenting it as religious freedom & libertarianism.
Now what did Hitler do to Jews who he blamed for the ruin of German prosperity & world domination?
The very same thing being done to Ukrainians fighting for their right to establish a democracy and live by a social contract of their own majority’s choosing.
He murdered them ruthlessly, in cold blood. Russians even brought their own portable crematoria.
Gives one pause when Jan 6/21 and Jan 29/22 are taken into perspective. Both were attempts at a coup d’état.
Putin is effecting a violent coup in Ukraine using the military. He started in 2014.
Because a Ukrainian majority dared to choose their own government instead of the one he had chosen for them.
Canada is on the same trajectory. It’s a matter of time before violence is used.
This isn’t about voting. Ukraine voted for Zelinsky. Putin wasn’t satisfied with that outcome & took it upon himself to alter the outcome of that election.
The threat to our collective existence isn’t just from climate change. It’s from the people obstructing climate action because it will remove them from power. Global oligarchs. The super wealthy.
You might have a difficult time accepting the wealthiest people in the world would attempt such diabolical plans. But most of their efforts have been conducted out in the open. So it’s not difficult to build backwards and reverse engineer their strategy and plans.
As I witness the vicious dehumanization occurring in Ukraine, by Ukrainians towards Russians, the tone of rhetoric is only slightly more toxic than what you find here in Canada. Several conservative politicians & many supporters walk a dangerous line.
@ethniccanuck The dehumanization witnessed for this war is disturbing. But it’s also a rational adaptation to the current situation.
Fight or flight kicks in when we are under existential threat. A paradigm shift occurs to permit individuals to defend themselves & their loved ones.
@ethniccanuck No longer does our mental frame include all human beings as deserving of respect and compassion. It changes to reject those that are causing the threat. That shift must occur to use deadly force. To allow reasonable compassionate people to kill ‘othered’ human beings.
Weird all these cross connections that lead to Russia.
Just so weird.
Did I forget to mention that Putin, Flynn and Carpay/JCCF are all using evangelical religious Dominionist tactics to recruit and indoctrinate.
What’s interesting, is that they represent 3 different religious sects. Putin is Orthodox Catholic, Flynn is Protestant Evangelical, and Carpay is Roman Catholic. Demonstrating the willingness of sects to put their differences aside in pursuit of a common cause.
So when you’ve finished stating your opinion on Kenney’s dictator side show, please remember a Justice Minister who interferes with administration of law enforcement has attempted to obstruct Justice.
Which in Canada, and Alberta, remains a crime.
Kenney is permitting corruption to define and represent his regime.
There are radical left progressives working especially hard to criticize the moderates (read centrists, liberals and moderate socialists) and their “apparent” indifference to or support of Nazi and fascist ideology.
Even more progressive lefties fail to realize this is propaganda and disinformation generated by the far right who have infiltrated the left, or by delusional people who see the world in black and white rigidity.