⬆️ Force
Beginners will jump higher simply by getting (structurally) stronger - muscles at the ankle, knee & hip will coordinate to produce more force.
General bilateral & unilateral strength exercises like squats, step ups & split squats will be beneficial initially 2/7
But all athletes will eventually reach a plateau with vertical jump gains from strength training.
Targeted methods can then be introduced to increase vertical jump:
-Ballistic exercises like hang cleans & jump squats to ⬆️ Rate of Force
-BW Jumps & plyometric training
A Specialised Exercise for increasing Jumping ability during the “High Catch” is the Jump Squat (hex bar>barbell)
The use of light & moderate loads (30-45% squat 1RM) at full ROM and indeed heavier loads at partial ROMs (CMJ) can see breakthroughs in vertical jump ability.
Jumping in #GAA is primarily a single leg activity- ⬆️ we must work on unilateral strength & power, as well as utilising the SSC. Use
-Step up (jumps)
-RFESS (jumps)
-Assisted single leg jumps
-High Hurdle Hops (DL)
🔝Depth jumps will arguably have the greatest transfer ‼️
Other methods to ⬆️ jumping ability:
-Use of paused jump squats (2-4s) w/ load
-Varied loads of Jump Squats (20-50%) / based on FV profiling
-Altitude Landings (the 🧠 won’t jump higher if it doesn’t think it can safely land)
-Complex Training (squat w/ squat jump)
All the above methods and exercises will improve physical capacities (athleticism) that will aid in vertical jumping.
But jumping is a technical skill and must be practiced in order to improve motor performance during the high catch.
Athletes competing in Gaelic Games need to effectively transfer energy through the kinetic chain.
Done right, horizontal pushing can develop a great deal of foundational upper body strength and can enable GAA athletes to produce more power.
Bench pressing can get a bad rap, due to being over-emphasised, poorly executed and not part of a balanced programme that should develop the shoulder in many ways & planes of movement.
But if programmed appropriately, it can be hugely beneficial for all #GaelicGames athletes.
Bench pressing is excellent for #Hurling & #Camogie athletes as it directly targets muscles that generate power during sliotar striking.
Bench press strength is also highly correlated with striking velocities,as the pectoralis major is highly activated during the down swing.