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Jun 8th 2023
Kerry have been described as a one-man team who are "mediocre/nothing" without David Clifford.

In this thread I will analyse the numbers to see just how reliant Kerry are on the reigning Footballer of the Year #GAA Image
Since making his debut in 2018, Clifford has scored 24 goals and 234 points in his 57 league and championship appearances.

He has scored 20-139 from play, plus 4 penalties, 85 frees, and 10 marks.

He is averaging 5.4 points per game. Image
So far in 2023 Clifford has scored 47 of Kerry's 195 points (24.1%). Image
Read 25 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Individualising Team Sport Conditioning:

Your typical #GAA athlete can be grouped into 3 physiological locomotor types:

♦️Endurance Profile (slow twitch fibres)
♦️Speed Profile (fast twitch)
♦️Hybrid Profile (mixed)

First profile athletes, then apply suitable HIIT methods. Image
How do we group the athletes ? By applying concepts of the Anaerobic Speed Reserve.

Divide Maximal Sprinting Speed
Maximal Aerobic Speed to get your player profile.

9 m/s ➗ 5 m/s = 1.8

<1.7 = Endurance Profile
>1.9= Speed Profile
1.8-1.9= Hybrid Profile Image
♦️Endurance Profile 🫀🫁

Top of time trials and fitness tests & can run all day on the GAA field. Their top end speed will not be as high as other players. Tend to play the middle 8 positions.

Optimal conditioning methods:
Long HIIT 2-4 min runs, threshold runs, steady state. Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
Our favourite genius, back in action #greataceattorney #daigyakutensaiban #gaa #dgs Herlock Sholmes: You may we...Sholmes: 'A genius descende...
When your talent finally gets recognized #greataceattorney #daigyakutensaiban #gaa #dgs Ryunosuke, to Susato: ...or...Sholmes: You look like the ...
Read 14 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
On pitch S&C tips to reduce groin injuries in #GAA:

▫️Implement Isometric Exercises such as the Copenhagen Plank that target the adductors.

-3 sets of 10s holds on each leg
-Twice per week
-Add 5s each week
-Long term target is 1x60s per leg

#IrishSC #Strength Image
▪️Another option is the Isometric Ball Squeeze (easily use an O’Neills ball)

▫️Protocol: 3 sets of 5s building to 3 sets of 30s of a max isometric contraction. Add 5s per week.

(Ball between knees at 45° gives you the best bang for buck)
~Credit @AdamVirgile

#IrishSC #GAA Image
After Hamstring Injuries in GAA, athletic groin pain is the most common cause of concern for all players & coaches.

1/4 GAA athletes will suffer from hip/groin pain in their careers.

Bear in mind that strengthening specific muscles is only one aspect that may reduce injuries❗️
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Increasing Jumping Ability in #GAA ?

🔼 Force: using vertically orientated strength training, high depth jumps, heavy loaded jumps

🔼 Rate of force: moderate loaded jumps, dynamic barbell work

🔼 Increase Velocity: unloaded jumps, assisted jumps

🔄 Optimise Body Fat

1/7 🧵
⬆️ Force
Beginners will jump higher simply by getting (structurally) stronger - muscles at the ankle, knee & hip will coordinate to produce more force.

General bilateral & unilateral strength exercises like squats, step ups & split squats will be beneficial initially
But all athletes will eventually reach a plateau with vertical jump gains from strength training.

Targeted methods can then be introduced to increase vertical jump:

-Ballistic exercises like hang cleans & jump squats to ⬆️ Rate of Force

-BW Jumps & plyometric training

Read 8 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Horizontal Pushing in #GAA

Athletes competing in Gaelic Games need to effectively transfer energy through the kinetic chain.

Done right, horizontal pushing can develop a great deal of foundational upper body strength and can enable GAA athletes to produce more power.

Bench pressing can get a bad rap, due to being over-emphasised, poorly executed and not part of a balanced programme that should develop the shoulder in many ways & planes of movement.

But if programmed appropriately, it can be hugely beneficial for all #GaelicGames athletes.
Bench pressing is excellent for #Hurling & #Camogie athletes as it directly targets muscles that generate power during sliotar striking.

Bench press strength is also highly correlated with striking velocities,as the pectoralis major is highly activated during the down swing.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
80% of S&C programmes can be the same.

Human anatomy is the same, all athletes have muscles

Athletes need to use muscles to produce dynamic movements in order to play their sport

The 20% difference will be specific to the needs analysis of

-The Sport
-The Athlete

#GAA Image
Analyse the needs of the sport:

What competition level- Amateur/professional?

What are the key movement patterns of the sport- sprinting, lateral shuffling, jumping?

What are the speeds of movement? Total distances? % Time spent in activity?

What are common injuries? Image
Athletes needs:

What’s their position?
What’s their strengths and weaknesses-speed, power, strength, mobility ?
What’s their injury history, body mass, body fat ?

#GAA #StrengthAndConditioning
#Performance Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
S&C Tip for Hurling & Camogie ⚾️

Throwing shares the same neuromuscular pathway as Striking, so one way to improve rotational power when striking a sliotar is using Med Ball Rotational Throws.

Progress from static to dynamic positions: seated-standing-stepping


🧵1/4 ImageImage
Other exercise to target the Transverse plane (rotational) :

-Half Kneeling Cable/Banded Chops & Lifts
-Rotational Lunges (sandbag)
-Rotational Press (Landmine)
-Rotational Deadlift-to-Press (Landmine)
-Light DB Viper Press

#SportSpecific 🚨 Image
By using rotational exercises we develop kinetic sequencing; initiating force through the lower body body, and transferring it to the upper body in the direction of the ball.

But remember to follow a balanced programme, and include the usual general movement patterns ⤵️ #GAA Image
Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
HIIT Intervals for GAA athletes, without doing time trials?

Enter 10-20-30 HIIT, designed by Jens Bangsbo, a Danish soccer sport scientist.

Run easy for 30s
Run hard for 20s
Run fast for 10s

That’s 1 minute. Repeat for 4 mins. Walk 2-3 mins. Repeat for 3 sets.


👇🏻 ImageImage
Scientific Research has shown this Fartlek protocol to be effective.

Anaerobic ✔️
Aerobic ✔️
Neuromuscular ✔️

Jog for 30s @30% intensity
Run hard for 20s @60% intensity
Run fast for 10s @90% intensity

#GAA #Fitness #Conditioning

👇🏻 Image
Sample progression

3 sets of 4 mins
3 sets of 5 mins
4 sets of 4 mins
3 sets of 6 mins
4 sets of 5 mins
3 sets of 7 mins

You can also adjust rest periods from 3 mins to 2 mins.

Don’t let the simplicity of the session fool you, these are tough “red-zone” sessions. Image
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
Wir hätten da noch einiges zum Thread von @ardenthistorian hinzuzufügen! Deshalb hier ein kurzer Thread zu @demeter_de und die scheinheilige Rolle in der #Bio #Landwirtschaft.

Das Problem mit @demeter_de? Es ist ein privatwirtschaftlicher Unternehmensverband. Das gilt auch für viele andere Anbauverbände ( z.B. #Naturland #Biokreis #Ecovin #Gäa..) Daraus erwachsen einige Probleme, die wir im folgenden kurz erläutern wollen.
1⃣) @demeter_de ist zuerst als eine unternehmerische Interessenvertretung zu verstehen.
Demeter-Siegel garantieren den Landwirt*innen einen Vorteil auf dem Markt. Der Einflussbereich expandiert mittlerweile bis nach Spanien, wo Betriebe wie #HaciendasBio zertifiziert werden.
Read 26 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
1/35 Long thread on John Horan’s sit-down with journalists in Scotstown yesterday.

Access to JH for media has been far less than any #GAA president in my experience. I think yesterday was just the third time that I personally had opportunity to question him since he took office.
2/35 But there were 10 journalists in on the interview so you’re never going to put all the questions that you would like to. The interview lasted over 26 minutes and ran to more than 3,700 words on a range of topics.
3/35 The tiered football proposals were prominent. I asked him if there could be a mechanism whereby the tier two winners would re-enter the All-Ireland race similar to Joe McDonagh winners in hurling. I was told it was “not practical” and “there’s been no push for that”.
Read 35 tweets
May 10th 2019
Twitter, you might have seen this man before, either here or on telly somewhere. His name is Mick McDonagh, and he's Offaly #GAA's biggest fan.

The thing about Mick is that he's not just an Offaly fan. He's a fan of all GAA, of all codes - and it doesn't have to be an Offaly match. If there's a game on, he'll go.
And that's not just a club game elsewhere in the county - he'll go to a game anywhere in the country. If there's a game worth seeing, he'll just go, no matter who's playing. He'll go to four games in a weekend if he can.

But he loves Offaly. Like, he LOVES Offaly.
Read 18 tweets

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