There are many layers and aspects to the #WillSmith @ the #Oscars incident, but I am surprised at how little of the commentary has been directed at Smith's betrayal of trust with the Williams family to be a trustee of their story. /1…
I loved the movie #KingRichard because it reminded me not only of the staggering odds that the Williams family overcame in producing not one, but two, all time, world class tennis players, /2…
and documented how the parents trained and steeled their children against the abuse that they would most certainly face as they broke into the elite ranks of the white privileged world of competitive tennis. /3
Because of their race, the sisters not only had to muster the mental strength to play their sport at a world class level, but also had to control their emotions and not lash out in public, under any circumstance, even while their opponents could do so without consequence. /4
They have labored under circumstances not dissimilar to those faced by Barack Obama as he tried to attract enough white votes to be elected president in 2008. /5
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying these constraints on their comportment were either required or just, but they were most certainly reality. /6
Yet, in a flash, #WillSmith betrayed the trust the family had bestowed him with its legacy by engaging in a public act of violence in response to a detractor, something the Williams' have not done in their long and storied careers, /7
And to make matters worse, during his acceptance speech, Smith tried to appropriate #RichardWilliams ethos of protecting his family to justify the violence, when #RichardWilliams did the exact opposite. /8
This all in response to a tasteless Chris Rock joke. Surely the Williams sisters have endured far, far more abuse. /9…
No wonder the Williams family looked shell shocked when the Oscar cameras briefly focused on them during #WillSmith's shambolic speech. /10
The police response to the #Atlanta shootings reminds me of what happened in Chapel Hill 5 years ago -- with a mad rush to exonerate the shooter of a racial or ethnic bias before we know the facts. /1
And what is the sole basis for this conclusion? The statement of the killer. Why enable the shooter to craft the narrative he chooses to explain his attention-seeking violent tirade? /2…
I can certainly understand the desire to calm the nerves of Asian-Americans, but these premature statements don't do that when they are in such contrast to the pattern of the killings. /3…
THREAD: It doesn't matter what stats you look at. The U.S. #COVID19 response is horrible, the worst in the entire world. @realDonaldTrump is a total failure.
The U.S. has the most #COVID19 cases and the most #COVID19 deaths in the world. It is not even close. #AmericaFirst!
We have over 2 million more cases and 60,000 more deaths than the second worse country, Brazil.
THREAD: How the @NCGOP has been consistently 100% wrong on COVID since March (a tragedy in 12 parts). @ProjectLincoln
In March, @NC_Governor Roy Cooper issued a stay-at-home order. Lt. Governor @DanForestNC, the highest ranking Republican in the state, and Cooper's challenger in November, immediately criticized the order to close restaurants and bars.…
@NC_Governor began opening the state very gradually on May 5. Most retail stores and restaurants were allowed to partially open on May 22. The GOP-led state legislature thought NC wasn't opening quickly enough and passed a bill to re-open bars on May 28.…