The source is here, IOC price build-up for ex-Delhi
Base Price - Rs. 56.32/lit
Freight & Dealer Commission - Rs. 0.20+3.86/lit
Central Excise Duty - Rs. 27.90/lit
State VAT - Rs. 17.13/lit
How the Central Government increased the Excise duty on Petrol, this chart will explain it.
While NDA took over in 2014, the tax was Rs.9.48 (wef 14/09/22), it was continuously increased to Rs.32.98 (on 6.06.2020.
On 4.11.2021, the central excise is reduced to Rs.27.90
Also, understand that only Basic Excise Duty is to be shared with States under the divisible pool.
Rest are either Cess/Surcharge at the discretion of Union.
BED shared is now mere 5% of the total excise duty from 67% of what it was in 2012.
Real co-operative federalism ;)
As Central Government gets 58% of BED, how the excise duty of Rs.27.90 collected is shared between Union & States.
Yes, when Union increased the excise duty, it systematically reduced the States' share too and grabbed 98% of it to their kitty.
A silent coup!
Now see the tax structure, while Union Excise is a specific tax, that is fixed amount per liter of petrol.
States charge their tax as either Sales Tax/VAT, where it is a percentage tax.
After GST regime, only Petrol & Alcohol are only available at State's disposal to tweak
Since it is a VAT/Sales Tax, States' taxation is a percentage of base price, central excise, freight and dealer commission.
So when Union reduce excise, State's automatically take a cut, while base price increases States benefit immensely.
The following table gives you a glimpse of percentage tax charged by all States/UT in India.
States/UT like Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand & West Bengal charge higher of either specific tax or VAT.
The above tax regime of ceiling VAT with a specific tax adopted by some States is a welcome step in the right direction to ameliorate the pain due to the exorbitant VAT component when the fuel prices hit the roof.
Please recollect that Union Excise Duty changed from ad valorem (percentage tax) regime to specific tax regime in 2008 as per the recommendation of Rangarajan Committee.
IMHO, States should shift to a specific tax regime, which insulate from volatility of markets.
If someone is accusing High prices of Fuel is due to MMS Government's opening Petroleum sector to open market, they are shutting their eyes & propagating inconvenient truths.
Not sure what we are now witnessing is the 3rd wave or 2nd wave, maybe it is like 2 monsoon overlap each other here.
If Kerala can fully vaccinate its population, then we can negotiate next wave.
Kerala has the wherewithal to fast vaccinate, if it is made available!
Thanks to our robust health infrastructure and health workers, which are spread in a uniform manner at the breadth and width of our State, we never seen a crisis like North Indian States witnessed.
Yes, around 10 days, our system stretched to the limit during 2nd wave peak.