According to the report published in 2022 by Identity Theft Resource Center, 1,789 data breach incidents have been recorded. #WorldPasswordDay
According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers, the United States economy loses approximately USD 57 - USD 109 billion each year to harmful cyber activity.
In Dec 2021, a huge security breach at Bitmart, a crypto trading platform, resulted in hackers removing about USD 200 million in assets. A stolen private key was the major source of the security compromise, which affected two of its #Ethereum and #Binance smart chain hot wallets.
According to @IBM, Cyber security report, 2021 IBM, the average data breach recorded a significant hit in the past 17 years, reaching USD 3.86 million to USD 4.24 million.
As per the Center for Internet Security (CIS), other industries incur an average cost of USD 158 per record stolen. At the same time, a data breach related to the #healthcare industry can cost up to USD 355.
According to Gemalto, India accounts for 37% of the global breaches in terms of records compromised or stolen. According to the British Bankers' Association (BBA) report, as of March 2021, 30% of global cyber attacks originate from China.