When you watch this video among others covering the #COVID19 and #monkeypox story as well as the #AIDS story you can only come to one conclusion: make medicine and bioresearch non-profit. No one should be allowed to make money from health research or anything related to it.
If we do that, all pandemics will come to a halt because, with no profit to make on new vaccines, gain of function research will stop. They make you think they are doing it for preparedness, but no, they are doing it to make vaccines and forcing it on governments, which then
Go deeper and deeper in debt with private companies. This is the situation we are in right now. Our governments are owned because of the ever growing debt they are in. That paves the path for the #GreatReset. So medicines, vaccines and health care in general should be
#nonprofit. Circular fundings should not be allowed. If we look at #BillGates (William H.) bloodline we can see he’s related to someone important at GAVI. Watch the video and notice where GAVI pops up. You see, #BillGates is not funding, he’s moving his money around within
His circle of family, friends and companies/institutions he already owns. To governments which are already in the pockets of his uncles or great uncles like (but not exclusively) the Barclays. He is moving money around with just one goal: power. Power through creating debt
Mag ik jullie er nog eens aan herinneren wat vitamine D met mij heeft gedaan. Weg gewrichtspijnen door ontstekingen (dat weet ik omdat ik etoricoxib slikte). @MinVWS en @ministerVWS. Vitamine D is goed voor je. Het is kanker remmend en zorgt er blijkbaar ook voor dat…
ontstekingen in gewrichten verdwijnen. We krijgen al weinig natuurlijke vitamine D binnen op het noordelijk halfrond. Want vit. D krijg je van zonlicht op je blote, niet ingesmeerde huid. En wat doet @MinVWS daartegen? Niets sterker nog ze zorgen ervoor dat we zo min…
Andere middelen die ze hanteren (mijn visie, hoeft net persé waar te zijn):
1 maak de mensen wijs dat zonlicht kankerverwekkend is. Laat ze zich insmeren met factor 50 zodat ze…