1/ big news of the day (be let see how it unfolds in the coming days before shouting victory)
Source is Arestovich (but Gen staff don't talk about it yet) #Severodonesk#Asterovich#Ukraine#Russia
3/ so now you know why this guy is banned from #UAarmy#Ukraine from reporting with the troops. that's why i'm always telling you to wait and double check all the infos.
this guy is ridiculed now. your word as a value; the fame of the day as none. #Severodonetsk
4/ seems to me you need to study a bit more... ;-)
5/ c'est dans ces moments ou l'on apprend a reconnaitre les bons "nanalystes" (il aime les forces "russo-republicaines".. et prend des cartes de...
ok vous avez le topo) #Ukraine
le type est pile poil au point😂😂😂😂🤪🤪😬
6/ YES you read it well...! the incredible clever counter attack (they checked all the 5 boxes) by #UAarmy in #Severodonestk might push back the Orcs #Russians out of the center of the city!
(of course we need to wait to see how it goes but that's giant good news!) #Ukraine
7/ "Kadyrov said the city of #Severodonetsk is fully under control by his elite Chechens troops! and brave Russians soldiers!"........narrator voice : No we are f*ck!
9/ Tonight is really amazing... like putting a lantern in the night on top of a boat and watching all the fish coming.
These guys are clueless and it's "Magical" !
PS. have a look at this "artistic" pseudo Tacmap that means NOTHING! pure BS! (units/boom boom/big circles)
10/ jpp de ces debiles... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
11/ even better ...
11/ Le résumé de la matinée 03 Mai 22 est rapide: rien n'a changé depuis plusieurs jours. ça y est. on est entré dans cette zone que j'attendais depuis 2 mois (Cf compte à rebours) ça commence à trop piquer trop pour les Russes sur cette zone. Tenir encore 2/3 semaines.. #Ukraine
on this Assange release event...
(political choice before big next election)
let me put this link back here to show you that Ru were also already there for "long shots" way back then...
Network/ppl level/influencers/media/politics/"hacktivists" etc etc
3/ also a must read for people who will say next "ho! i didn't know about that..
and keep in mind Mueller investigation cannot give you half of the extent of the reality as they never had access to all the CIA sources... washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/…
2/ #TaurusLeak reveals the complete breach of all secured protocol / incompetence of German officers in the #Luftwaffe - German gov is really mad about it right now. Also all intel services are all hands on deck right now.
3/ so allegedly "being wiretapped, conspiratorial telephone conference by the Bundeswehr leadership, they plan to trick the federal government regarding the 🇩🇪 cruise missile in order to bring about delivery. Goal? Among other things, the attack on the Crimean Bridge" (sic)
voilà voilà... j'en ai encore parlé hier soir
(j'ai juste supprimer le post hier soir parce que j'avais trop de messages, mais il semble maintenant que tout le monde va être au courant)
Par contre bcp de choses sont encore à régler. ce n'est pas facile surtout en ce moment.. 1/
2/ Paris et Kiev finalisent les préparatifs de la visite du président @EmmanuelMacron en #Ukraine, en se concentrant sur un accord pour que la France fournisse des avions de combat multirôles #Mirage 2000D. Le ministre ukrainien de la Défense, Rustem #Umerov, est attendu
@EmmanuelMacron 3/ cette semaine à Paris pour finaliser les accords avec le ministre français de la Défense @SebLecornu . Le plan initial prévoyait le transfert de six avions, mais ce nombre est désormais porté à 12. La France recherche également des missiles et des solutions de formation, avec
1/ #Gaza map update #IDF despite really hard battle involving dismounting troops/Spec forces at night r allegedly breaking through to Gaza City center, but as we can't confirm it, we can still produce this map that is made on only verified locations (blue limits for IDF)
2/ from yesterday evening. i also had direct infos that the area between the north south axis, west to the defensive walls (stripe areas) are indeed totally under complete surveillance. What i was just not able to figure out is if there is a junction with troops coming from Beit
3/ hanoun or not. Also infos from journalist i've translate seems to confirms all the geoloc that were assessed to make this map.
Actually what an israeli journalist said on the ground is that all the main axis are AT least under direct control up to 500m to be able to interdict
1/ So actually here is how we have to "read it" :
"i don't give a damn fck abt palestinians, but as long as they all play in my hands (incl south Liban & Syria & Iran & Yemen) & that American are forced to stall their help toward Ukraine... i'm just super happy you idiots"
2/ there is no "friends" (out of best friends) for him, there is right now a HUGE amount of cards he can plays to create greater problems for people who are helping Ukraine.
between dozen millions of hebrew/jews around the world and BILLIONS of people he might use for his plan
3/ the "thinking process" was quite easy .
also never forget that there are lots of muslims in Russia and he certainly does not want right now, any problems with people he might need to send to the front line in Ukraine in order to serve as canon fodder
#Gaza map update. #IDF has almost reached the main points of entry south of Gaza City, severing main LOCS to the southern Gaza Strip. Up north the situation is not that clear, but despite tremendous hard battles, it seems that they are able to still move forward
#Israel #Hamas
2/ in the meantime in lalaland
3/ also i do believe talking to a good friend of mine...
that this famous map with tunnels' sketches is really for kids
not saying they don't exist of course, but that the actual lines are really not looking like that !