The CPC is controlled by far right churches financed by oligarchs.
The #KlondikePapers shows Plymouth Brethren activity but you would think the Evangelicals would object and drive them out. There is a connection between the religions.
Henry Allan "Harry" Ironside (October 14, 1876 – January 15, 1951) was a Canadian-American Bible teacher, theologian, pastor born to Plymouth Brethren parents.
Ironside was one of the most prolific Christian writers of the 20th Century and published more than 100 books, booklets and pamphlets popularizing dispensationalism (literal Bible interpretation). His biography said he was "the Archbishop of Fundamentalism".
Métis National Council (MNC) suing the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), its former president Clément Chartier, former MNC official and President David Chartrand, former MNC official Wenda Watteyne, and several consultants and staff associated with the organization. #Metis
The $15M claim alleges acts and omissions involving over $10M from the Metis Veterans Recognition Payment Contribution Agreement between MNC and Canada…
I believe there is a conspiracy to steal money from Indigenous people as a form of genocide
The following supports that this "Freedom Convoy" is not a local, grassroots, organic civil protest supported by a few fundamentalist churches. It is international stochastic terrorism paid for by oligarchs.
George Jonas Freedom Awards June 16 2022
Toronto #KlondikePapers
George Jonas Freedom Awards June 16 2022
Toronto #KlondikePapers
George Jonas Freedom Awards June 16 2022
Toronto #KlondikePapers
Mark Slapinski: "A new conspiracy theory is floating around social media about a link between right-wing politicians and the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. The allegations have not been proven, and the supposed “leaks” are not publicly available.." #KlondikePapers
Mark Slapinski does not seem to respect @ItsDeanBlundell
Mr. Blundell has stated that he does not endorse the #KlondikePapers as truth and need to be investigated. Slapinski seems to only want to slander both the messenger and the message.