Increased workforce diversity shown to ⬆️ outcomes
Ensure a pattern of engagement & listening to patients
Build #Trust
Provide care that addresses social context #socialprescribing
Community of opportunity #SDOH
Early years/housing
We CANNOT afford to ignore the health burden or economic cost of #racialinequity
Suicide rates have doubled for Black children
Ending with a call to action for us to be a tiny ripple of hope to sweep down the walls of oppression #RHOConf22@D_R_Williams1@NHS_RHO
Discussion - What works in reducing
race inequality in healthcare?
Engender trust & create trust
Make data publicly available
Redistribute power to communities
Centre communities & let them lead
Be accountable to pledges to foster
Incentivise AND disincentivise #RHOConf22
How do we elevate conversation from
analysis to action & policy to practice?
Moral & ethical imperative
Not all feel moral duty, find key lever
Disaggregation of data gives actionable
insight to drive change
Power of appreciative enquiry not deficit @BolaOwolabi8#RHOConf22
Translating resources doesn't mean they are
culturally competent
The messenger is just as important as the
Leadership asking questions @BolaOwolabi8#RHOConf22
What works in Reducing Race Inequality in Health and Healthcare? #RHOConf22
📌Recognise the problem - racism is the fundamental cause of inequity
📌Understand how racism shapes our lives
📌Overcoming racism is a call to action not an impossible target
📌Lack of policy
Types of #racism
📌Structural racism
📌Interpersonal racism - everyday verbal/physical abuse which are ALL forms of violence
📌Institutional racism - from orgs which shape our access to resources & amplify inequality
📌 Definitions & conceptual frameworks vary across disciplines
📌 Culture is socially constructed, linked to identities & evolves over place
& time
📌 Culture is DYNAMIC & entrenched in social and historical contexts
As we approach the end of #SouthAsianHeritageMonth 2021, let’s revisit stories of “Migrants who made the #NHS”, shared in @rcgp’s 2018 exhibition on the historical & ongoing contribution of South Asian Heritage GPs #OurStoriesMatter