Increased workforce diversity shown to ⬆️ outcomes
Ensure a pattern of engagement & listening to patients
Build #Trust
Provide care that addresses social context #socialprescribing
Community of opportunity #SDOH
Early years/housing
We CANNOT afford to ignore the health burden or economic cost of #racialinequity
Suicide rates have doubled for Black children
Ending with a call to action for us to be a tiny ripple of hope to sweep down the walls of oppression #RHOConf22@D_R_Williams1@NHS_RHO
Discussion - What works in reducing
race inequality in healthcare?
Engender trust & create trust
Make data publicly available
Redistribute power to communities
Centre communities & let them lead
Be accountable to pledges to foster
Incentivise AND disincentivise #RHOConf22
How do we elevate conversation from
analysis to action & policy to practice?
Moral & ethical imperative
Not all feel moral duty, find key lever
Disaggregation of data gives actionable
insight to drive change
Power of appreciative enquiry not deficit @BolaOwolabi8#RHOConf22
Translating resources doesn't mean they are
culturally competent
The messenger is just as important as the
Leadership asking questions @BolaOwolabi8#RHOConf22
Discussion - What works in reducing
race inequality in healthcare?
Engender trust & create trust
Make data publicly available
Redistribute power to communities Centre communities & let them lead
Be accountable to pledges to foster equity
Incentivise AND disincentivise
How do we elevate conversation from analysis to action & policy to practice?
Moral & ethical imperative
Not all feel moral duty, find key lever
Disaggregation of data gives actionable insight to drive change
Power of appreciative enquiry not deficit
What works in Reducing Race Inequality in Health and Healthcare? #RHOConf22
📌Recognise the problem - racism is the fundamental cause of inequity
📌Understand how racism shapes our lives
📌Overcoming racism is a call to action not an impossible target
📌Lack of policy
Types of #racism
📌Structural racism
📌Interpersonal racism - everyday verbal/physical abuse which are ALL forms of violence
📌Institutional racism - from orgs which shape our access to resources & amplify inequality
📌 Definitions & conceptual frameworks vary across disciplines
📌 Culture is socially constructed, linked to identities & evolves over place
& time
📌 Culture is DYNAMIC & entrenched in social and historical contexts