It's time to take #COVID seriously amid CDC warnings of 100 million COVID infections and a predicted resurgence of flu, which threaten to strain the health system this…
Instead @MASchoolsK12 have stopped testing and decided to let kids with #COVID return to class after 5 days only, while they are likely still contagious according to @CDCgov's own data.
This is a recipe for outbreaks! 🤒🤒🤒…
One in five adults may develop #LongCOVID and kids are at increased risk of serious illnesses, like blood clots, and heart and kidney problems after COVID infections.…
This plan is a recipe for everyone to catch COVID 2-3x a year, which makes the world very unsafe for high risk folks. And it's worrisome because multiple COVID infections increase your risk of…
The best way to prevent COVID transmission is for everyone to wear a #mask when #COVID rates are moderate or high. One person wearing an #N95mask alone is only protected for 1.25 hours if others around them are unmasked.…
Because #COVID is airborne, individuals can't protect themselves alone. We need:
✅Back-to-school vaccine festivals
✅Mandate masks in schools & public buildings at start of surges
✅COVID school surveillance testing
✅Distribution of free, high-quality #N95 masks & tests
High risk people have the right to get their basic needs met without catching COVID.
1⃣Public places like stores & libraries should offer masking hours & improved ventilation
2⃣ Schools, universities, workplaces to should provide masked classrooms & offices &/or remote options