1/ Ignoring your heart health isn’t just reckless — it may even kill you.
In the US, there's a 1 in 4 chance that your death will be caused by heart disease.
Regardless of your age, gender, or wellness, taking stock of your #CardiovascularHealth today may save your life tomorrow.
2/ Most of us are familiar with the late-stage signs of #HeartDisease: pain, shortness of breath, or an irregular heartbeat.
But the earliest signs of an unhealthy heart can be very subtle.
They’re often ignored or chalked up to other causes, especially in young people.
3/ Subtle signs of an unhealthy heart include:
🧠 Mental health concerns
🛏️ Disrupted sleep
⚕️ Metabolic syndrome
Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to mitigate your risks and improve your #HeartHealth — starting with small, intentional changes.
4/ 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day can measurably reduce your risks for cardiovascular disease.
Try implementing #CardiovascularTraining exercises throughout the day.
If you can't commit to a workout every day, aim for a brisk walk at least 3 to 5 days per week.
5/ Diets that focus on real, #WholeFoods decrease your risks of heart disease.
Stock your pantry with:
🥩 Animal protein
🥦 Cruciferous vegetables
🥬 Leafy greens
🥜 Healthy fats
🍓 Low-glycemic fruits
Cull your kitchen of anything that does not adhere to these guidelines.
6/ The mind needs attention to achieve maximum metabolic health.
This means getting rest, practicing #StressManagement, and performing self-care.
If you believe you may be suffering from mental illness of any kind, seek professional help urgently.
7/ You can check your heart health now by taking my free metabolic #HealthQuiz.
I'll ask a few questions about your current health, then give you a personalized score.
As always, you can book a free call at any time to chat 1-on-1 about your results 👇 ifixhearts.co
That's a wrap!
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1/ Americans are facing a mental health crisis. Nearly one in five people suffer from a diagnosis every year.
Researchers are turning to possible correlations between the mind and body—including #metabolichealth.
2/ Metabolic health has a significant effect on both #addiction and mental health.
Not only does being metabolically healthy reduce the risk of developing addictions, but evidence suggests it can improve mental health markers as well.
3/ Many mental health disorders are correlated to the altered metabolism of glucose. Switching to a #ketogenic diet may be helpful.
Improved metabolic health also has clinical evidence for prevention, as schizophrenia and bipolar disorders may increase metabolic health factors.
1/ So you’re interested in #metabolic health and can see the benefits of making a change, but you're not sure where to begin your journey.
I suggest a two-step approach: researching for general awareness, then seeking certified coaching.
2/ The most basic definition of #metabolichealth is the creation and management of energy. But only 12% of Americans fall into that category. 88% are metabolically unhealthy.
Planning and direction are critical to future success, which is where
3/ Metabolic coaches work in an industry related to #healthcare, and have spent years refining their approach to wellness.
Since coaching can be accomplished virtually, it's efficient and convenient for those who are unable to travel or don't have time to visit in-person.
Many of us have sacrificed our health in the name of work. But continued sacrifices negatively affect our health and wellness.
When you consider the $225 billion price tag for illness in the workplace, it's obvious that employee health must be a priority – for everyone's sake
To encourage the metabolic health of your employees, start with the basics:
1/ America’s relationship with work is unhealthy and unsustainable.
We work long hours and report some of the highest levels of job stress in the world.
We spend more on #healthcare than any other nation, but our employees are sicker than those in other high-income nations.