Computer visualization of where landfall occurred for #Julia
Looks like the eye may have been a direct hit on Laguna de Perlas, per GOES satellite loop.
Community of Laguna de Perlas, likely hit hard by #Hurricane#Julia
Album of pre-hurricane #Julia Laguna de Perlas -- looks like mostly one story homes, informal construction, probably not hurricane rated.…
Ocean fronted part of town seems particularly vulnerable to any surge. #Nicaragau#Julia
neighbors (want) "answers about what’s being done to prevent another flood, after their homes went underwater for the second time in five years."
"There’s a $10 million plan that was drafted after Hurricane Irma in 2017 to address flooding...", however, the "county says this plan would still be limited and it wouldn’t prevent the kinds of flood Orlo Vista saw during Ian."
Repair cost for a broken extension cord: $3 to $8 depending on the amp rating/quality of the new plug. #DIY
It's literally a 2 minute operation to fix something like this, I just put two different ends on this to create two new extension cords.
Family member 1: "Throw that away! Just go buy a new one"
Family member 2: "Hmm, you should throw that in the trash and buy a new one"
Me: "WHAT?!?! It's so easy to fix these!"
(obviously, I am the handy/DIY person in this part of the family)