NEXT:Interfacing ICU data Nicolas Bennet
- Nicolas was very pleased to hear Chris Sauer(earlier speaker) advocating use of 2 -data set at least @ESICM#criticalcare#ai#ml#icudatasets
@ESICM Uses non standard evaluation for row-subsetting, defaulte values for ID and index columns and interval.
To concisely extract data, uses own "DATA CONCEPTS".
> load_concepts(c("hr","glu"),c("mimic_demo",verbose = FALSE)
So more complex concepts e.g., heart rate - stored as JSON object
unit -
min -
max values
- description
-category etc
(imho - this is a neater version than label function which is more appealing to STATA/SPSS )
this two line of code gives an example of what dictionary values are used!
Apologises for R centric view :P
its involved. but line 3 selects insulin values for hour 0 and 24.
and line 18, returns a value of insulin value you set.
Next diabetes data, lets create a new concept
uses icd 9 codes as hook
We are not done
- has worked well for us
- available via Github. / CRAN
- would have done many things differently in retrospect
- spot a bug and open an issue on github.
Uppsala- Sweden
"Do we Need a biological definition of ARDS"
- Berlin definition has NO Diffuse alveolar damage .
- the Berlin defn does not capture well
Frohlich - different definitions specificity of 0.63, 0.42, 0.31 even! #ventilation#ards#LIVES2022
ARDS - new definition or phenotypes by @GicoBellani refreshing with Kigali definition of ARDS - useful not just low resource but during pandemic in supposedly high income settings and only draw back is no PEEp requirement #ards#ventilation#LIVES2022@ESICM
@GicoBellani@ESICM Resolved versus confirmed ARDS
- prospectively applying Berlin definition did work but if ya wait 24 hrs and re-measure P/F ratio, you end up stratifying much better.
- Better separation of groups
NEXT Speaker : VA ecmo for which patients?
Severe cardiogenic shock has different phenotypes 1. medical cardiogenic shock(AMI, end stage dilated CM, myocarditis, septic shock) 2. Post cardiotomy refractory CS (post CABG) #LIVES2022 @ESICM#ecmo#resuscitation#ALS
@ESICM 2022 what do the guidelines say
- ESC recommends short term MCS should be considred in cardiogenic shock.
IABP may be considered but not routinely recommended in post MI #LIVES2022