1. #CovidGuidance The current #COVID guidance doesn't make any sense and is a mass of contradictions. This morning I was chatting to a friend and she has asked me to write about her recent experience on her behalf. This is her account...
2. 'I'm single & have two daughters. The eldest (daughter A) has tested positive for COVID at the weekend. She is isolating in her room with hepa on full, open window, ffp3 mask when leaving the room...
3. She had some spare tests in the house but also bought more: two boxes of five flowfex from Boots @£9.95 each and is also using these.
4. Daughter A has not been to school. According to the the school daughter A should 'try to isolate for 5 days'. Myself and daughter B are taking precautions and so far keeping negative.
5. Daughter B is having problems with school attendance due to increasing anxiety; complex reasons too long to discuss on here. Daughter B should be in school. Daughter B has not been to school due to anxiety.
6. The school would normally have sent a school liason worker to visit us by now, but they can't because we have COVID in our home. I'm glad the worker is not exposed. But if my home is considered too risky-why isn't my potentially positive daughter B considered too risky...
7. to attend school? There are no tests available freely, it's only my priviledge that's meant I know our up to date covid status. I feel obliged to send daughter B in as low attendance means that fines and a 'managed move' to another school are not being discussed.
8. But morally, scientifically, it seems totally wrong to potentially expose her school friends and teachers to covid. A virtual meeting has been scheduled with myself, my daughter & school staff as it is too risky for me to attend in person. Why isn't it too risky...
9. for daughter B to attend all day?...
10. Contradiction 2. ++ This morning I call the GP for an appointment. Whilst on hold, I'm informed anyone attending the surgery MUST wear a mask and MUST NOT attend if they are covid+ or believe they might have covid; a phone appt will be arranged instead.
11. Why doesn't the same apply to schools? I'm offered a face to face appt. I say one of my daughters has covid at the moment. 'Oh no!' is the reply, best not for either of you to come in if there is covid in the house, a doctor will phone you later.
12. Why then, is it ok for COVID positive people to go to work? Why is it ok to expect members of the same household of a positive case to attend work/school? None of this makes sense.
Year round constant #Covid infections is NOT NORMAL. What are they doing to the children? #Covid is clearing the pharmacy shelves of drugs. We KNOW that #Covid causes organ damage, yet our governments continue to give the wrong health advice and fail to mitigate schools.
#Appalling that schools still have no Hepa air purifiers after two years. #Covid We are all at risk of #Longcovid reinfections. The risk increases with each reinfection. Here are some studies/articles on why we all should protect ourselves. #WearAMask