Pennsylvania Republicans think they can condescend to young people, but those meddling #youthvote kids won’t let them get away with it. Here’s who we’re ready to put in office. (1/9) #PApol
#PAGov: Tom Wolf, who opposes right-to-work laws and supports a rapid transition to clean energy deserves re-election for governor. NXTGN.US/fka
#PASen: Bob Casey serves Pennsylvanians admirably in the Senate. He supports universal background checks for firearms and will continue standing up to Trump. NXTGN.US/fkb
Virginia is where the post-Trump bounceback began last year, and we’re determined to elect more progressive leaders this year—including an all-women slate of congressional candidates. #VApol (1/7)
#VA02: Elaine Luria will prioritize Virginians’ safety by working to protect access to affordable healthcare and working to combat climate change. NXTGN.US/fj6
#VA05: Leslie Cockburn believes in #MedicareForAll. She will fight for living wages and free community college—and against pipelines. NXTGN.US/fj7
#AZGov: David Garcia has the chance to become Arizona’s first Latinx governor in decades. He fights for immigrants, students, teachers, and all Arizonans. NXTGN.US/fjb
#AZSen: Kyrsten Sinema rose from an impoverished upbringing to Congress. She is a strong advocate for reproductive rights and could become the first openly bisexual senator in U.S. history.
From the governor's mansion to the halls of Congress, Democrats across Michigan have the opportunity to reclaim the state from Republicans. #MIpol (1/7) NXTGN.US/fjf
#MIGov: Gretchen Whitmer is the leader Michigan deserves. She supports affordable healthcare, the #metoo movement, and will stand up to Trump. NXTGN.US/fjg
#MISen: Debbie Stabenow was the first woman to defeat a sitting senator. From banning oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes to supporting sensible gun control, Stabenow will fight to protect Michigan residents. NXTGN.US/fjh
#CA21: TJ Cox has helped bring $40 million worth of investments and over 700 jobs to the district and wants to develop improved clean water infrastructure in the Central Valley. NXTGN.US/fid