3/ Chairs symbolized elite status & the golden throne enhanced Tutankhamun's authority & prestige. Its back has an image of the king & Queen Ankhesenamun #Египет#Єгипет#埃及#埃及
4/ The scene shows Tutankhamun relaxing on a chair while Queen Ankhesenamun anoints him with ointment. The throne dates to the beginning of his reign & depicts the Aten solar disk. The king's name is given as Tut-ankh-Aten instead of Tut-ankh-Amun
6/ Detail of the left armrest showing the king's prenomen Nebkhepurue. golden glyphs beween the cobra's wings have the title "King of Upper & Lower Egypt."
7/ On the right side, we see the early form of the king's nomen Tutankhaten
8/ Even the back of the throne, which was largely invisible to viewers, was elaborately decorated. 4 cobras with solar disks face out. They gave magical protection to the king as he sat enthroned. columns of hieroglyphs give his titles & those of Queen Ankhesenamun
9/ Queen Akhesenamun's original name was Ankhesenpaaten as written here.
10/ in front of the arm rests were two lion's heads
11/ close-up of one of the lion's heads with its inlaid eyes
12/ The throne is covered in heavy gold foil & inlaid with colored glass & semi-precios stones.
13/ details of the king (left) & queen (right) on the chair back
14/ Just one day left in my Tutankhamun 100-day countdown to the centenary of his tomb's discovery, tomorrow November 4th, 2022. Tomorrow on the countdown, the most priceless & spectacular object from the tomb.
15/ Join me tomorrow evening for a special public lecture on Tutankhamun's golden afterlife in person at the University of Memphis or online on zoom.
Reception starts at 6:30 PM central Standard Time, the lecture starts at 7 pm. Time: Nov 4, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
1/ today some weird and wonderful early writings of Ramesses II's cartouche names as he experimented with different styles in the first year of his reign. For reference here is the standard form of his cartouches used throughout most of his long 2reign
2/ a pair of early cartouches on a statue in the Luxor museum 3
3/ several unusual writings of Ramesses II's nomenclature and prenomen cartouches turn up in the Great Hypostyle Hall of Karnak. These are nomens
2/ When Carter removed the 2nd gilded wooden coffin from the first he was puzzled by the weight. Opening the 2nd coffin he was astounded to find the 3rd coffin was of solid gold!
2/ Only 8 complete chariots, & 1 chariot cab, have survived from the Late Bronze age among several civilizations that had them. All these come from 18th Dynasty Egypt, 6 of them from Tutankhamun's tomb