🧵6236hrs since #Ukrainian Liberation War was started by #russia full-scale attack & 3173 days since #russiaInvadedUkraine
confirmations of good news from the south yesterday, videos of liberated ppl greeting #AFU, but more events right now so gotta wait for more reliable info->
Lots of different rumours now, probably most is infonoise at this point, but the trend is that as result of very difficult counter-offensive in the South #Ukarinian troops are pushing russians back. Hopefully, many russian soldiers will die as they're routed across Dnipro->
Can write about #Ukraine's approach to liberation, slowly but surely russian defenses are made obsolete & russians are forced to abandon cities, but it's too early, nothing's really clear yet, gotta wait for reliable info. Tho, again, it seems like something's happening->
The liberation of many settlements in recent days is confirmed, so at least that is certain. But at the same time russians are attacking in the east, destroying #Donbas, so there's a lot of disturbing things and situation remains difficult->
And even that feeling that's something's happening is rather anxiety as every #AFU advance to liberate our ppl has a price paid in lives and health. So... just wait for the official info and support Ukrainian troops and people->
Generally these news are very distracting while as usual, it's not really important what ppl not involved in defense & liberation know at the moment as things happen, but it's important to support #AFU regardless whether it's defense or offensive prytulafoundation.org/en/home/suppor… ->
Only the actual needs of ppl who defend us and liberate our land should matter. The "SeNsAtIoNaL BrEaKiNg NeWs of Ukraine's advance" or (even more stupidly) analysis of what putin thinks about being punished is irrelevant. savelife.in.ua/en/donate-en/#…
Even as russians suffer defeats & retreat on the ground - missile terror continues. As written many times already - it's totally separate problem, it's driven by the impunity russians have from ability to hit ANY point in Ukraine while Ukraine cannot retaliate deep into russia->
The target of terror is also clear - EU. Even though the missiles sent by russians kill us, Ukrainians, even though the russian food exports blockade was to starve ppl in Africa & Middle East, the real target to intimidate is EU whom russians blackmail weaponizing refugees->
Current strategy West has - give Ukraine air defenses and wait out until russian missiles end or russia collapses will probably not work - air defense cannot stop the terror even if it intercepted 100% of missiles - air raid siren still is scary and terrorizes ppl->
"Ніщо не зупинить ідею, час якої настав." О. Зеленська
"Це наш останній бій. А коли це останній бій, ми всі дивилися фільми, потрібно щоб був тільки один переможець. В нас є єдине бажання - щоб цим переможцем були ми. Інакше в нас немає майбутнього. Немає майбутнього для цієї Nації.
Страху немає" О. Зеленська
"В останній бій нас поведе капітан команди КВН і його сценаристка"
Я хотів би підняти тост за здоров’я нашого Українського народу. І передусім айтівців. (Бурхливі тривалі оплески, вигуки «ура».) Я п’ю передусім за здоров’я айтівців тому, що вони - найвидатніший прошарок суспільста Великої України...
Я підіймаю тост за здоров'я айтівців не тільки тому, що вони - жирний прошарок, але й тому що вони мають ясний розум, стійкий характер і терпіння...
Наш уряд мав багато помилок, були в нас моменти відчайдушного становища в 19-22 роках. Хтось інший міг би сказати "ідить нахуй, ви не виправдали наших сподівань, ми поставимо інший уряд, який підпише черговий Мінськ з росією, віддасть ще територій і відкриє нам кордони"...