#Iran, #Iraq, #Syria - Kurds in these countries are currently under attack. The Islamic Republic is brutally attacking #Iran’s Kurdish areas, and last week the regime also attacked the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in Iraq.
In #Syria and #Iraq, the autonomous Kurdish regions were attacked by #NATO member #Turkey over the weekend. The government stated that this was a retaliation to the attack in #Istanbul, for which the Turkish government blames Kurdish militias.
A possible military offensive into these areas had been in the works for months. According to experts, the bomb attack now provided the pretext for a military assault on these regions and the seizure of Kurdish areas.
However, the bombs are killing those who had put their lives on the line to fight Daesh, those whom #Germany also fought alongside together in the “anti-IS coalition.” At least 12 people, including civilians, were reportedly killed, and others were injured.
This attack violates international law and must be strongly condemned by #Germany and other #NATO partners!
Die Islamische Republik hat kurdische Proteste am Wochenende blutig niedergeschlagen.
Die Islamischen Revolutionsgarden haben mehrere Städte in den kurdischen Gebieten angegriffen und viele Menschen auf der Straße erschossen, unter ihnen minderjährige Jugendliche.
Wir verurteilen das Vorgehen des Regimes zutiefst. Unsere Gedanken sind bei den Angehörigen der Opfer.
Die Revolutionsgarden rückten mit Panzern und schweren Geschützen in Mahabad, in der Provinz West-Aserbaidschan, ein und schossen willkürlich auf Demonstrant:innen. Auch andere kurdische Städte sind unter Beschuss. Mehrere Tote wurden aus Piranschahr, Javanrud und Bukan gemeldet.