Since July, IndiaSpend has been publishing stories looking at what the push towards #NaturalFarming means on the ground for the farmers who grow our food. Its been an enlightening series for me. Here's why:
.@haripaliath's explainer told me the difference btwn #organicfarming & natural farming in theory. We realised in subsequent reporting that often, the concepts were not clear on the ground, & that organic farming was more common…
.@ManuMoudgil's story & the great video with it, gives a very simple explanation of why India's food bowl & its star performer in the green revolution finds it so hard to move away from chemicals--government incentives & the chemical-hardened soil…
Then came Debal Deb's interview, an ecologist & an indigenous seed conservator. In some ways, he interprets the going #organic#natural movement differently, that its not just about food safety, but about preserving culture & moving away from consumerism…