Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #natural

Most recents (24)

Mar 23rd 2023
1. As promised I m here to share #hamdmade #natural #simple #pocketfriendly n effective receipe for #dishwashingPowder. My search for such a product started when I introduced #earthenware in my kitchen. As we know earthen vessels are... ImageImageImage
2.porous in nature n soap 🧼 used for their cleaning gets into these pores only to be released back while we cook in them at high temperatures. Who would want to have a curry🍛containing soap?😖
When we make a shift to #traditionalcooking utensils...
3. It's very important to switch to #traditionalCleaning methods also.
1. Woodash or cowdung ash (2parts)
2. Washing soda (1 part)
3. Soapnut powder (1 part)
In case, the vessel is too greasy, use hot water along with the above powder. ..... ImageWashing soda Woodash
Read 7 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
New Thread🧵⛓
#numerology and #Numbers
Focusing on #Gann #Natural, Secret Numbers
#Cycles that help in #trading #price and #time
Sacred numbers, #Astrology and #Astronomy
First Number 360 (#Circle)
All can post views ,if good
will combine and post here
#stocks #stockmarket (1)
Circle is 360
Planets Circling, elliptical, waves,
Electrons , Nature many are in spirals or circles
Circle with in Circles
360 has 24 divisors
(From 1 to 10)
/7=51.428(not divisible)
All the numbers are important cycles! (2)
36 its all the same
6x6 = 36 , 6 square
6x6x6 =216 (666 beast cycle bible)
216 -72 = 108
holy trinity 3x3x3 =27
27x4 =108x2=216
9,18,36,72,144,288,(360),576 etc.
360/24 (hours a day)=15
we live in cycle of 144,360 etc (3)
Read 7 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
2/4 "... with a potential to improve U.S. #perinatal #outcomes with organizational models that more closely resemble those of #England and the #Netherlands."
3/4 "In the U.S., however, a decidedly different pattern emerged. #Vaginal #births without #induction or #augmentation in U.S. hospitals were far more likely to occur during #standard #working #hours."

#infant #neonates #prenatal #perinatal #health #outcomes #maternal
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
GM! Here are the top trending repos in web3, curated by top devs in the last 24 hours ✨.

Check the 6 projects in the thread below 🧵👇🏻
Repo openai-cookbook by openai (4565 ⭐️)
+11 new ⭐️ in the last 24h from top devs

Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API…
Repo starknet_in_rust by lambdaclass (32 ⭐️)
+6 new ⭐️ in the last 24h from top devs

A Rust implementation of Starknet…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Since July, IndiaSpend has been publishing stories looking at what the push towards #NaturalFarming means on the ground for the farmers who grow our food. Its been an enlightening series for me. Here's why:
.@haripaliath's explainer told me the difference btwn #organicfarming & natural farming in theory. We realised in subsequent reporting that often, the concepts were not clear on the ground, & that organic farming was more common…
.@ManuMoudgil's story & the great video with it, gives a very simple explanation of why India's food bowl & its star performer in the green revolution finds it so hard to move away from chemicals--government incentives & the chemical-hardened soil…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
1)How does a #rebellion start?Where do they get funds?One missile shot can cost as much as 1 million$!#Rebels & #superpowers sit down & bargain!Rebels wants to get in power & superpowers wants to #loot your country's #natural #resources almost for free!Then #contracts are signed!
2)Right now were are talking about #M23!Obviously they already signed contracts with superpowers to loot Congo's natural resources freely. Congo to defend itself is also obliged to sign contracts to sell its resources to get funds for war. So M23 is pushing Congo into slavery!
3)Many times #rebels can sign #contracts to invade neighboring countries in the future!When you see a war in your neighboring country, be careful,you don't know where it will end to!As you watch #African #wars on #TVs,better know rebels may have actually sold all of you!Trust me!
Read 25 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/4 : #COP27 live from the #GreenZone | How the Textile & Apparel Industry Needs to Coordinate and Align With Brands and Retailers in Order to Lower Its Impact on the Environment Along the Supply Chain

#TogetherForImplementation #JustAndAmbitious #COP27CivilSociety Image
2/4: “An inclusive #COP is one that #retailers & #designers are a part of. It is one that can discuss how our shopping habits also interact with the #environment.”

H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment Image
3/4: “It’s not cotton that’s harmful it’s the #manufacturing process. Cotton is the perfect low carbon fiber but we’re just not stressing the importance of #regenerative #farming & #agriculture.”

Heinz Zeller, Principal Sustainability, @HUGOBOSS Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
@TwinTurboCe1ica 1/ This is a very nuanced topic. First, to the pricing point - pricing of what? Say natural flake. Okay so, what type of natural flake, what quality, where is it produced, is it vertically integrated, which supply chain is it feeding, what end product is it creating?
@TwinTurboCe1ica 2/ all of this affects flake graphite concentrate price. Then you need to look at synthetic vs flake as less of a "substition" and more of a balance, see image attached.
@TwinTurboCe1ica 3/ Understanding sythentic graphite is important. Artificial graphite for battery anodes (need to be specific here) is better than natural graphite in efficiency, cycle life, the way it can be curated, morphology, sometimes conductivity and the way it reacts to coatings.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
1/Thinking of #trees #peat #carbon and #nature and #fires. When are Victorians (without hysterics @theage ) to be made fully aware of the State #auslaws over fines in State Parks for picking up a rock, walking off track and so on. @DanielAndrewsMP/2
2/As it is now there are hundreds of shooting licensed people walking off track. Hundreds of thousands of feral deer, xrabbits,x pigs (latter two a food, anti #poverty source that cannot be culled by shooters) already damaging #native wildlife.Protecting #Indigenous locations/3
3/ @DanielAndrewsMP is key but to lock up (by fines) large areas is #segregation and discrimination. To lock up but then ok if you pay — is a cynical misuse of power. It would be good to hear from #Indigenous Victoria as we already know the value of the birthing trees was/4
Read 14 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
🔶📙📙📙La Junta mantiene el protocolo Covid para el curso escolar 2022-2023…
🔶Se aconseja que, en cada centro educativo, el equipo de #coordinación con #salud revise el plan de actuación frente al Covid-19 aplicado durante el curso pasado y lo adapte a las recomendaciones actuales, formando parte como anexo del👉 plan de autoprotección del centro. 🧐🧵2
🔶👉La implantaciòn del PLAN DE AUTOPROTECCIÓN DEL CENTRO, según la @AndaluciaJunta será responsabilidad del titular de la actividad, Igualmente el personal directivo, técnico, mandos intermedios y trabajadores están obligados a participar en los planes de autoprotección.👇🧵3
Read 33 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Recently I learned, #Right Issue by a listed company can be a great opportunity for an investor to make quick & decent money. While I will try to explain the process and risks of applying in a Right Issue, let us first look at the result of the few right issues applied by me. 1/n
#Aurum PropTech Ltd 3/n
Read 20 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
Mangroves are natures own disaster manager. Just 13 seconds to understand how it protects us from Tsunami, Cyclones & storms. Today is #MangrovesDay.
Above video is by courtesy of Dutch research institute Deltares. But how Mangroves protect us from these disasters. Here is a thread.

Mangrove forest after a cyclone. The line of defense after a cyclone.
#Mangrove; not only home for various species but also buffer against #Disaster. Tropical country like India, with densely populated 7500 km long coastline, will be effected by cyclones more due to #ClimateChange. Salt tolerant species acts as a shield. Reposting my old tweets.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
Divonne-les-Bains : Karin Schneider, l'insolente qui fait du vin ...
Elle réfléchit déjà au vin qu'elle veut faire l'année prochaine, certainement avec du raisin en culture biologique ou en biodynamique.… #biodynamie
Le Hofgut Rengoldshausen célèbre 800 ans de ferme et 90 ans d'agriculture biodynamique. Depuis la fondation au XIIIe siècle, une ferme progressiste s'est développée et les femmes sont toujours influentes. #Biodynamique…
Château d’Estoublon: le jardin provençal du couple Bruni-Sarkozy Depuis longtemps conduite en agriculture biologique, les vignes se voient appliquer les principes de la biodynamie depuis quelques années.… Image
Read 1517 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
1/ Dear all, before everyone freaks out complete re the #supply #disruption of #natural #gas to #poland and #bulgaria which was initiated by #gazprom yesterday, i thought i'd make a little explanatory thread.
2/ first, consider poland. it exports about 10 bn m3 annually from russia. Image
3/ however, natural gas is not so important for its primary energy supply. poland still heavily depends on #coal, in particular for its electrical energy production. Image
Read 12 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
The Wall Has ALWAYS meant so much more …
A Counter Move?
Shot Heard Round The World?


3 Days 3 Nights?
#NATURALLY, What’s been happening to Humans DNA #AsTheWorldTurns? ..
What #NATURAL Metamorphosis/Evolution is Human
DNA going through that [They] don’t want anyone knowing about?
#WHY are HEALTHY foods so very important for the Body, Mind & #SPIRIT ? …
How Important is FARMLAND & The Farmers?
Who owns most the farmland in the UNITED STATES?
Why is this relevant?

What happens to someones BILLIONS of dollars who is being Investigated or being charged for ‘Crimes Against Humanity”, “Crimes Against Children”, “War Crimes” & “Crimes Against Animals”? ..

Before all assets Seized, Buying land to be given BACK to the
Read 17 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
While #science thought us that we can even cut and paste #genes with #CRISPR technology…even with that we only influence 3% to 5% of #chronicillness. The rest depends on #how you #live your #life!!! So how do we #SelfRegulate our #body?
1. Good #sleep is more important than most think! What happens during sleep? The fluctuation of consciousness…that we call the waking state. But in many wisdom traditions of the world, the waking state is merely a lucid dream that consciousness is having…
Read 41 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
Russia claims #US wanted to spread infectious #diseases via #biolabs in #Ukraine | Mar 18
-Russia’s Der Min accused the US of developing infectious diseases in biolabs in Ukraine with the aim of spreading them to Russia disguised as '#natural outbreaks.'
'#Pentagon funded' #Biolabs near #Russian borders.
#OMG Boris @BorisJohnson
#Pentagon funded #Novichok is made in #USA and developed further in #Salisbury.
Patent No: US 9,132,135 B2.
"Methods of a treatment of #organo-#phosphorus #poison agents" issued in Sep. 2015, Pat. filed in 2008.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
"(...) Europe is now its largest export market for solar products, according to a China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA) report on the outlook for the PV industry over the next few years"…
Due to the energy policy failures in the West especially in the last 10 years, whether in the #EU or in the #USA, the urgently needed #energytransition is currently not possible without Chinese products.
In other words: besides the strategic dependencies on #natural gas, #oil and #uranium, which we feel so much right now, we have created with our eyes wide open the next #dependency also on #solar energy.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 19th 2022
#UkraineKonflikt ?

For those who ask:
“Why does Ukraine matter? “

How the nation of #Ukraine ranks:

1st in #Europe in proven recoverable reserves of #uranium ores;

2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of #titanium ore reserves;

1/1 Image
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of #manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);

2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);

2nd place in Europe in terms of #mercury ore reserves;

3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale #gas reserves
(22 trillion cubic meters)

4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in #coal reserves
(33.9 billion tons)

Read 11 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
#India's economic growth in current year is estimated to be 9.2%, highest among all large economies- FM @nsitharaman #Budget2022
National Highway network will be expanded by 25,000 kilometre: @nsitharaman #Budget2022
The data exchange among all mode of operators will be brought on unified logistics interfere program : #NirmalaSitharaman

Read 30 tweets
Feb 1st 2022

Finance Minister @nsitharaman is presenting the Union Budget 2022-23 in Parliament

#AatmanirbharBharatKaBudget #Budget2022

Watch here📺…
Union Finance Minister @nsitharaman rises to present #Budget2022 in Parliament

Watch 📡LIVE📡:

Stay tuned for updates

FM @nsitharaman begins presentation of #Budget2022 by expressing empathy with those who had to bear adverse health and economic affects of #COVID19 #Pandemic

Overall sharp rebound and recovery of the economy is reflective of 🇮🇳India's strong resilience

Read 82 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
प्रकृति: रक्षति रक्षिता ! Mangrove forest after a cyclone. The line of defense after a cyclone.
#Mangrove; not only home for various species but also a tool against #Disaster. Tropical country like India, with densely populated 7500 km long coastline, will be effected by cyclones more due to #ClimateChange. This salt tolerant species acts as a shield against cyclones. 2/n
So how it works. Reposting my old tweets. Mangroves create a maze & dense habitat. With species which are salt tolerant & special adaptations. They act like buffer & consume the winds & energy. So after passing the storms get dampen. 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
1/ Αυτό το #διαγγελμα δεν πήγε καθόλου καλά...

Οσοι βλέπετε #BigBrotherGR & #fosstotounel, την προσοχή σας παρακαλώ...

Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
2/ disclaimer 1:Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.
3/ disclaimer 2:Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να παραθέσει ορισμένες παρατηρήσεις και να τις αξιολογήσει σε μία κλίμακα παραπλανητικής συμπεριφοράς.Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου, μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες
Read 43 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
Do you eat meat or other animal products?
Should you?

Last month, I defended my PhD thesis about perceptions of vegetarians and vegans (short: veg*ns) in promoting #plantbased diets.

Why did I pursue this topic and what did I discover?
Find out in this #ThesisThread.

Why this topic? The widespread consumption of animal products🥓🥛🍳causes a lot of harm:
🐖billions of animals suffer & die each year
🌍it damages planetary health
💙threatens public health

👨‍🔬To reduce these harms, we can adopt #plantbased diets


📢Calls for change by those who do not eat meat #vegetarians or other animal products #vegans are often challenged by the majority of people who continue to eat meat #omnivores.

❓How can veg*ns attract more omnivores and promote #plantbased diets?

Read 20 tweets

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