The first word which @arshiet got partially correct is DHANUSHTANKAR ie ophisthotonus --> dhanu means bow and it refers to the person spasming into the shape of a bow.
The disease is tetanus as everybody has said!
Wear shoes and avoid pricks!
@arshiet This is the history of the Bata Corporation!
1) I have been on social media continuously since class 8 --> that was back in 2008.
I began with Orkut and I have tried everything from the usual suspects like Meta (FB), Twitter and Ig to Reddit, Snapchat, Twitch and recently Mastodon.
These are some observations I have made.
2) The man or woman who follows everyone and everything is not worth following.
Not everything/everybody is worth your time.
3) Don't expect/beg for followbacks
Its just very stupid.
Don't do it.
If you bring value to SM, you will get automatically get followers.
1) The simplest thing that you can do to improve your/your family's health?
Use Google Tasks or a similar service to schedule periodic health checkups like blood pressure/weight check or blood sugar testing (if you don't do SMBG).
2) All habits require a cue.
These regular reminders will be the cue --> without a proper timely cue --> you don't have a concrete plan --> you don't have a plan --> you don't check --> you don't check --> you don't assess your health.
3) You don't assess your health and you pay the price.
The beginning of any good habit/ practice is to schedule a cue.
The cue ensures a habit of continual assessment.
Remember --> if you don't measure something, you can't improve it.