We expected in 2020 less anthropogenic emissions from #COVID but in fact the #CH4 growth rate was record high at 15.1 ppt y-1 (@NOAA data )
The #CH4 growth rate results from an imbalance between emissions ( natural and anthropogenic ) and the OH sink in the atmosphere @gcarbonproject
So what happened in 2020 ?
More natural emissions and / or less OH removal ?
Anthropogenic emissions show a small decrease in 2020 compared to 2019 from inventories of agriculture, waste and fossil fuels extraction and use ( @IEA data )
Wetland emissions from wetland models increased ( 2 models LPJ @carBenPoulter and ORCHIDEE @ShushiPeng driven by different climate datasets )
Wetland areas experienced wetter and warmer conditions
But large uncertainties from models / climate datasets +2.5 to +9.4 Mt CH4 y-1
Fire emissions in 2020 were « normal » 6 MtCH4 less than in 2019, that was an extreme years from #amazon and #australia
But all in all, the sum of bottom-up estimates did not explain the abnormal #CH4 growth rate in 2020
Still an a gap of 13 MtCH4 y-1 growth to explain !
Here we come to the hard part : how did OH change ?
We used a 3D chemistry model with realistic drop of NOx & CO anthropogenic emissions @Carbon_Monitor and found a 1.6% drop of OH
Less NOX pollution -> less OH -> more CH4
See below drop of NOx emissions & OH change map
The OH decrease explains half of the growth rate anomaly in 2020 compared to 2019.
OH decrease is consistent with an independent estimate based on F-gases concentrations @rona_thomp = 2% drop
To reconcile atmospheric signals with bottom up emissions, we used a 3D atmospheric inversion model using surface stations data or #GOSAT satellite data
The solution of the inversion gives more sources in the northern hemisphere and confirms the smaller OH sink
See red areas in the North where emissions increased ( northern wetlands, Africa, South and South East Asia )
The methane high growth rate enigma is explained 50% by decreased OH from less pollution (NOx) and 50% bu enhanced natural (#wetlands) sources
Colors : where the emission change ( + or - ) is dominated by a specific source type
Two implications from the « large scale natural experiment « of the year 2020 ( note high growth rates continued in 2021 )
1) in a wetter and warmer year, #wetland emissions increase strongly, suggesting that in the future, #wetlands could emit more CH4 and amplify warming …
2) reducing NOx pollution increased CH4 in 2020
All future @IPCC scenarios predict NOX reductions, especially when reducing CO2 emissions, and will cause an extra growth of #CH4Th
This NOX CH4 feedback is included in simple climate models like MAGICC used by IPCC @JoeriRogelj but based on simple equations. Where and when NOx reductions happen will matter a lot for OH and #CH4 and simple models may underestimate the CH4 increase from less pollution
As the CO2 growth rate reached a record high at Mauna Loa, we set up a low-latency analysis of the carbon budget and found that plants and soils absorbed almost no CO2 last year @gcarbonproject @gpbalsamo
🌲🌳 🍂 Forte baisse de l’absorption du CO2 par les forêts
🚨 les forêts 🇫🇷 absorbent 2 fois moins de carbone qu’il y a dix ans !
Un petit thread …
Les données sont ‘officielles’ - celles du CITEPA basées sur l’inventaire forestier national de @IGNFRA ( plusieurs milliers de placettes forestières dont 20% est re-mesuré tous les ans et évalue les changements à cinq ans lors de chaque campagne annuelle) inventaire-forestier.ign.fr
On a donc les gains de carbone pour la forêt 🍃💪 ⤴️
vert foncé - croissance brute (avant mortalité et récolte)
vert clair - absorption par les nouvelles forêts
Et des pertes ⤵️
jaune - récolte de bois
marron - mortalité des arbres sur place
rouge - mortalité exceptionelle