The Optimist NFT is in Beta and currently only voters in #RetroPGF 2 can mint.
Based on Optimism Collective membership and AttestationStation data, several hundred active addresses will be invited to mint each month starting in early 2023.
Layer 2 solutions that make minting and trading faster, cheaper, more accessible, and scalable will help NFTs reach their full potential as mainstream interest gets bigger.
Let's take a look at NFT Collections on Ethereum Layer 2 ZK Rollups
Scroll is a zkEVM L2 solution that aims to give users unlimited scalability, lightning-fast confirmation latency, full decentralization, and trustless privacy.
Scroll’s goal is to scale the existing EVM with cheaper and faster transactions.
@Scroll_ZKP How is Scroll different from the other Layer 2s?
Scroll is different from other Layer 2s because it works directly on Layer 1 and can be used with Ethereum dApps and other Layer 2s.
Scroll also uses GPU power in a different way to make zk-proofs off-chain.