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Dec 15th 2022
โšก Most Bullish Sentiment #ERC20 Tokens

๐Ÿฅ‡$SHIB @Shibtoken
๐Ÿฅˆ$BABYDOGE @BabyDogeCoin
๐Ÿฅ‰$APE @apecoin
๐Ÿ…$AXS @AxieInfinity
๐Ÿ…$CULT @wearecultdao
๐Ÿ…$KIBA @KibaInuWorld
๐Ÿ…$RISE @EverRise
๐Ÿ…$MARVIN @Marvin_Inu Image
@Shibtoken @BabyDogeCoin @apecoin @AxieInfinity @wearecultdao @KibaInuWorld @EverRise @Marvin_Inu โšกTrending Searches on LunarCrush

๐Ÿ…$BTC @Bitcoin
๐Ÿ…#BSCDaily @bsc_daily
๐Ÿ…$BNB @binance
๐Ÿ…$ETH @ethereum
๐Ÿ…$LUNR @LunarCrush
๐Ÿ…#BSCNews @BSCNews
๐Ÿ…#BitcoinNews @BTCTN
๐Ÿ…$SOL @solana
๐Ÿ…$QUACK @RichQuack
๐Ÿ…$DOGE @dogecoin
Read 4 tweets
Jun 20th 2022
On blockchains, you can't create randomness since nodes must agree to form a consensus.

@chainlink developed a random number generator to address this issue using a Verifiable Random Function (VRF).

Letโ€™s dig a little deeper โฌ‡๏ธ๐Ÿงต (1/7)
@chainlink The Chainlink VRF is a secure Random Number Generator (RNG) used by developers for specific purposes associated with Decentralized Finance.

The secure randomness solution is used by many protocols across #Ethereum, #Polygon, and #BNBChain. (2/7)
The Chainlink VRF guarantees smart contracts access to randomness without compromising security.

Every time Chainlink VRF requests randomness, a random number is generated with cryptographic proof of how it was generated. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
Our cofounders @GoonTrades & @kcryptoinvest will wrap up this week's market rally!

Set a reminder for our jam-packed conversation that will start in 20m at 4:30 PM UTC.


#BSCNews #BSC #DeFi
We're live with our Cofounders @GoonTrades & @kcryptoinvest! Come join for the weekly recap!
"The Bitcoin ETF coming is a futures ETF. I've read some of the comments why the SEC won't do a physical ETF. There has to be a custody to buy and share the Bitcoin. So what if someone hacks the ETF?" @kcryptoinvest
Read 12 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
The BSC News Battle of the Dapps lineup is Here!

๐Ÿ”ธ 9 Projects
๐Ÿ”ธ 3 Rounds
๐Ÿ”ธ 1 winner qualifies to the final each week

Who will be left standing? You be the judge!

Check out each group's contestants and playing dates below!
#Battleofthedapps #BSCNews #BSC
Group A


When: Friday, October 22nd, 6PM UTC Where: BSC News Twitter Spaces
@MOBOX_Official @DeRaceNFT @StepHeroNFTs Group B


When: October 29th, 6PM UTC
Where: BSC News Twitter Spaces
Read 5 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
ยฟCรณmo encontrar crypto gemas en la #BSC?
Aquรญ algunos recursos para el x100 del Q2

Recordar que este research estรก enfocado รบnicamente en proyectos de Binance Smart Chain.
Recomiendo darse una vuelta por #CoinMarketCap chequear el apartado Defi, BSC Eco y Yield Farming. Prestar atenciรณn a los Top Gainers & Losers.
Hacer lo mismo con #CoinGecko ya que hay proyectos que primero son listados ahรญ. CG suele levantar mejor los tokenomics y el price statistics que CMC.
Read 10 tweets

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