The @nytimes op-ed above states that in 1 month‼️ there were over half-million conspiracy theory tweets w 580,000 retweets & a surge of toxic material spawned by a film calling COVID vaccines “the greatest orchestrated die-off” in 🌍 history.
5/ Paper mills create huge numbers of papers using mixed datasets & fake data.
They change phrases to avoid plagiarism detection like using a tortured phrase like “counterfeit consciousness” instead of “artificial intelligence”
2/ These data explain how the COVID virus places our bodies at risk for macro (large) blood clots in acute dz (which we see often), brain disease due to down-stream micro-clotting, and possibly later cardiovascular dz.
What did these London investigators find?
3/ Taking blood from 2 UK SARS CoV2 studies…
📍They compared COVID🩸(N=62 mild/mod dz) to normal controls
📍Then conducted genetic, metabolic & functional assays
👀 Look how different gene expression was (color difference) in COVID vs. HC (healthy control) pts
✔️COVID is vascular disease
✔️Diabetes is a vascular disease
✔️COVID causes a chronic immune disorder
✔️Diabetes is a chronic immune disorder.
✔️A diabetes drug with immune mechanisms may help both in unrelated ways
3/ This meta-analysis of 9 studies of ~40m people found 50% increased risk of DM type 1 (insulin dependent) & 70% higher risk of DM type 2 across age groups & sex - plus way more risk than general upper respiratory infections.
🔹S protein viral sequences that are immutable, immunogenic & accessible to neutralizing Abs
🔹SARS viral membrane, envelope or nucleocapsid proteins & structurally hidden epitopes
🔹Vaccines based on T-cell receptor constructs
✔️75% Protection >1 Year
✔️Not just help w death & hospitalizations
✔️Protect vs symptomatic disease
✔️Less viral transmission
✔️Fewer adverse events like myocarditis
📍as a #LongCovid patient you admitted on embarking to Turkey for pheresis that
📍this Tx was an UN-established long shot
📍but your life w this syndrome had devolved
📍as a scientist you now found yourself willing
📍while others conduct trials
2/ I see your choices in seeking therapy for #LongCOVID as brave & honest w cautious expectations cognitively & physically.
Most importantly, you’re demonstrating hope & a desire never to give up.
Knowing you, @pamelarbishop, and calling you friend is a gift beyond measure.
3/ For anyone who chides a highly intelligent person for pursuing alternative approaches to solving health problems #medicine scoffs at, seek empathy & read these truth-telling books 📚