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Menarik kalimat ~ Jangan Jadikan Tingkat Kesalehan untuk Memilih, Ahli Maksiat berhak ditaati ~ menurut Pendapat saya tulisan seperti ini merupakan Produk orang yang Frustasi. Kesalehan itu wajib ditiru sedangkan Munafik wajib diabaikan #hening
Lalu bagaimana harus mentaati seorang Ahli Maksiat, apapun yang dilakukan oleh seorang Ahli Maksiat sudah menyimpang ajaran Agama, kemudian Maksiat jenis yang membuat seseorang mempublikasikan bahwa Akhli Maksiatpun harus ditaati #hening
Sudah terlalu banyak orang Sakit Jiwa akibat Politik ~ rupanya Jargon Revolusi Mental sangat mempengaruhi Kesehatan Mental para Politikus ~ saya hanya ikut Prihatin atas kejadian seperti ini #hening ~ Semoga Cepat Sembuh dan diberi Kesehatan
Read 13 tweets
This thread is

Chapter 53, titled,

“Diminution & Expulsion at the Third Trimester:”

of *Dance of the Seven Veils II:

*Prenatal/Perinatal Psychology, Mythology, & Your Divine Self*

*Infant to Prenate, Veils Four-Six*

by Michael Adzema…

D7V2 53/1 ImageImageImageImage
[D7V2] Which is Vol 3 in The Path of Ecstasy Series*

Ch 53 is subtitled,

“The Why & Way of Mind,or Ego, Separating fr Universal Consciousness…

“Ejection fr “Eden” Happens to Everyone During Fetal Malnutrition: Suffering Builds a Character”

D7V2 53/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “In such manner...are the patterns of ego & ‘mind’ separated & severed from underlying & forgotten (but not unfelt) patterns of archetypal, karmic, psychic, & universal Self existing as body.” []

READ/DW CH… #psychology

D7V2 53/3
Read 170 tweets
Here are some key takeaways that can help you better understand your relationship with #money from "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel @morganhousel #RichQUACK $QUACK #Psychologyofmoney

THREAD 🧵👇 Image
1. Wealth is what you don’t see: Wealth is the assets you accumulate that nobody else can see. It’s the cars not purchased, the clothes not bought, and the vacations not taken. #ThePsychologyofMoney #Wealth #Savings $QUACK
2. Compounding is the most powerful force in finance: Time and patience are the most important ingredients of compound interest. Understanding the power of compound interest is essential for building long-term wealth. #CompoundInterest #WealthBuilding $QUACK
Read 15 tweets
#EGO will cloud your PERCEPTION!

Stop PERCEIVING yourself as a "follower" of ANYONE!
Start PERCEIVING them as someone you can LEARN something from!
LEARN WHY they BELIEVE whatever it is they BELIEVE!
HOW whatever it is they BELIEVE functions!

NO ONE is "Special"! Some DO MORE!
Read 34 tweets
@ajboekestijn @g900ap Robert van der Noordaa..zelfbenoemde #trollenvanger en #factchecker bij @volkskrant #activisten kliek die..zie ik nu..geen factgecheckte #feiten van een wel deskundige ter zake verdraagt met zijn blijkbaar (te) grote ego en gevoelige tenen..

Je moet het maar kunnen..🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Geen idee waar Robert de deskundigheid, kennis en inzicht vandaan haalt om dit zo stellig te beoordelen als dat de wel objectieve en verifieerbare feiten zijn oordeel alleen al ontkrachten. Hoezo #factchecker? Hij #trolt nu zijn #complottheorie zelf als een volleerd #wappie.>
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Wie wie heeft #vergiftigd en waarom is nog helemaal niet glashelder noch in enig rechtszaak vastgesteld. Weer volstrekt #wappie reactie en duiding van #RobertvanderNoordaa. Als ook feitelijk onjuiste conclusie wat Rusland van plan was of is. Dat is #propaganda, #complottheorie.>
Read 48 tweets
1/🧵 Fake Science is BIG Business💰💰

What’s a “paper mill?

📍>500 “fake science” papers are being retracted
📍“Paper Mills” create made-up papers, trick peer review
📍People pay for authorship to boost academic credentials

Let me explain
2/ In this example👇…

manipulated peer-review was proven & >500 papers are being pulled! 🤯

H/T Neuroscientist @Schrag_Matthew explained:

“It's a bad look for Wiley!”

Investigators found irregular reviewer activity & ‘bad actors’ across publications
3/ As a Physician-Scientist at the bedside, it’s maddening & saddening to see people succumb to #misinformation

And then make choices that allow them to fall into severe life-threatening COVID and land in my ICU.
Read 9 tweets
Buddhist formal psychology (found in the Abdhidharma 3rd BCE) considers the "mind" as an organizing process which makes coherent to a person the stream of their perceptual input. Disruption of brain function then disrupts "mind" function leading to "scrambled brain"./1 Image
Psychedelics, hallucinogens, excessive stress, grief, hypoglycemia, ischemia, stroke, encephalitis, exhaustion etc. can all disrupt capacity of mind to provide a coherent perceptual experience./2
The process making your #experience coherent is not 'you'.

Walking is not 'you' - it is a process, coupled to motivation, intent, decisions, and functional capacity. The "mind" is not 'you'. It supports body-directed goal oriented behavior. Hunger - not philosophy./3
Read 19 tweets
“The Ninth Descent—Farming:

“The Agrarian “Revolution” Was the Direst Development”

is Chapter 9

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #devolution #psychology

PH 9/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Yes, we turned life into work, when it could have been play.”\

“…we lost the magic of living. We focused, because of fear, on the quantity of said existence instead of the quality of it….” []

THREAD… #devo #psychology

PH 9/2
[Chapter 9 text begins:] “Returning now to human’s devolution in the course of our prehistory,..”

READ/DWL BOOK…… #devolution #psychology #farming #anthro #agrarian #evolution #birth #agriculture #perinatal #primal #psyche #consciousness #culture

PH 9/3
Read 105 tweets
“The Eighth Descent—Murder:

““Kill or Be Killed”—Our Delusion of Scarcity Made for Murder”

is Chapter 8

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK... READ BOOK…… #devolution #anthro

PH 8/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…in early gatherer-hunter times, yes, we had plenty for everyone. But with fear rose anxiety over one’s ability to survive, thus competition over resources—” []

READ BOOK… #devolution #psychology #murder #anthro #violence

PH 8/2
[] “…a competition which was not needed—& then the very creation of what one was trying to avoid: The possibility that one might need to kill or one would be killed.” []

READ/DWL BOOK…… #devolution #psychology #murder #anthro #violence #evolution

PH 8/3
Read 74 tweets
“The Seventh Descent—Hunting:

“Killing of Planetmates & Eating Flesh Began Our Descent to Savagery & the Apocalypse Today”

is Chapter 7

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...…

PH 7/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…increasingly separated from Nature, from feeling, & from clear apprehension of reality, humans became insensitive.” []

READ BOOK… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro #birth #evolution #perinatal #primal #psyche

PH 7/2
[] “In becoming more numbed to their empathy & fellow feeling, they became inured enough to the spilling of blood, so that making life & death decisions over fellow planetmates became easier.” []

READ BOOK>… #devolution #psychology #hunting #anthro

PH 7/3
Read 179 tweets
Table of Contents for

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self
“*Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three*

From The Path of Ecstasy Series, Vol. 2


READ &/or dwnld BOOK free AT SITE...…

D7V1 FM/1
*Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self* is now available to all on my blog & it can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.

READ BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthro

D7V1 FM/2
Dedication, *Dance of the Seven Veils I*:

“For Hermann Hesse, the one who saw.

“For Arthur Janov, the one who told us.

“And for Colleen, who was there.”

READ/DWL BOOK>… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene

D7V1 FM/3
Read 57 tweets







Read 18 tweets
Chapter 6

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“The Sixth Descent—Mistrust:

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

READ BOOK…… #birth #psychology #BasicMistrust #perinatal #BasicTrust #devolution #parenting

PH 6/1
Chapter 6 is subtitled,

“Mistrust of Nature, Mistrust of Divine Providence...

“Our Experience of Birth Determines Ever Afterward Our View of the World”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

THREAD… #birth #psychology #BasicMistrust #psyche

PH 6/2
“[*Quotes/Highlights:*] “The cold, hard fact is that our experience of our birth—that is, the amount of pain & discomfort we experience in the process of delivery added to those first crucial moments & hours...” []

READ BOOK…… #birth #psychology

PH 6/3
Read 59 tweets
Chapter 14

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal Suffocation Become Greed & Class War, PME 2:”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

THREAD… #womb

PA 14/1
Chapter 14 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 2...

“Gasping, Suffocation, Drowning, Being “Cut Off” Become Greed, Oppression, Conformity...

““They’re Sucking the Very ‘Life Blood’ Out of Us!””

READ BOOK> #psychology #prenatal #anthro

PA 14/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “The timelessness of prenatal experience at this point—when not getting enough air—feels horrific, an unending nightmare. This part contributes to human ideas of places of forever, endless suffering, for example, hell.” []…

PA 14/3
Read 134 tweets
Happy Monday, all!

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, at 10:30am, cst, we will be introducing Psychological Trait Theory.

To jump start the discussion, how would you describe MY personality? Your thoughts not listed here? Add in the comments!

#CRJ105 #PsychologicalTraitTheory
The results are in! The internet has spoken, apparently I am perceived as ...

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
What? Friendly?



Yeah, who says!?!

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
Read 74 tweets
Important facts on #Saivism

1. The symbols of Saivism are Vibhuti, Rudraksha and the Namasivaya Mantra

2. Annabhishekam is done during
Aipasi Poornima to Lord Shiva

3. The form in which Shiva is a yogi and bestows wisdom Is #Dakshinamurthy

4. Where is Shiva who represents

the soul?
Thiruperundurai (Avudayarkoil)

5. The place where Easan graces as the Kalasamhara Murthi is

6. The place where Lord Shiva asked Nandi to move to see Gnanasambandar is #Pattiswaram

7. The one who sang a song on Lord Siva once every year is #Thirumoolar
8. The shrine known as Muktivasal is Thiruvengadu (Navagraha Budhan Sthalam, Nagapattinam District)

9. Snanam of Shiva Parvati in Cauvery in the month of Aippasi is known as #Tulasanam

10. Bathing in Cauvery along with all the Gods on the last day of the month of Ippasi in
Read 20 tweets
Thread continue !
26) I have got all the proofs against her and her family and all those who are reading this post will be shocked to know how low my wife and her family can go for the sake of money.
I am worried about my children`s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
27) The only thing I want is that the kids should not be used for extorting money and a loving father sons’ relationship should not be ruined because of some people`s greedy and egoistic nature.
#ego #greed #threats
28) The demand put by my wife is –
Rs. 2 lacs/ month for maintenance
Under domestic violence case (where the fact is she is the abuser)
Amount Claimed – Rs. 2 lacs
Total Amount claimed – Rs. 16 lacs
Food, clothing, medical and other Basic Needs – 1 lac / month
Read 11 tweets
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
If our #ego is our operating system, learning and understanding it could make us a master in operating it. I remember when I first used a mac and not a PC I was confused because it was so different. The “mastery” of using the OS on it opened so many possibilities and journeys 🧵
It enabled me to learn and use so many softwares, I no longer worried about viruses (feeling secure) and empowered my creative side above my analytical one that needed to use PC. Matrix to me represents Neo’s journey through his self discovery.
When he learned not just how to avoid bullets but how to stop them… is when he finally understood himself and how he worked, his why…and when that happens no amount of “bullets” can take a person down… and of course it happened after his “death” representing a major trauma.
Read 6 tweets
While #science thought us that we can even cut and paste #genes with #CRISPR technology…even with that we only influence 3% to 5% of #chronicillness. The rest depends on #how you #live your #life!!! So how do we #SelfRegulate our #body?
1. Good #sleep is more important than most think! What happens during sleep? The fluctuation of consciousness…that we call the waking state. But in many wisdom traditions of the world, the waking state is merely a lucid dream that consciousness is having…
Read 41 tweets

Pourquoi la crypto est la plus grande ESCROQUERIE de la décennie. 🤔

Et comment nous somme tous tombez dans le pièges ? En quoi la crypto fais partie du grand reset ?
Nous somme ce qu'« ils » appellent les « idiots utiles ».

La crypto-monnaie est le plus grand PSYOP de l'histoire humaine. Ils (World Leader ) savaient que les gens finiraient par craindre l'inflation et abandonner la monnaie fiduciaire.
Ils ont donc créé une "alternative"
qui aiderait à absorber la fuite des capitaux, mais en rien nuirais au système. Ce quelque chose est là crypto.
Read 14 tweets
Good morning, today at 10:30am, cst, we will be introducing Psychological Trait Theory.

To jump start the discussion, how would you describe MY personality? Your thoughts not listed here? Add in the comments!

#CRJ105 #PsychologicalTraitTheory
The results are in! The internet has spoken, apparently I am perceived as ...

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105 ImageImageImageImage
What? Friendly?



Yeah, who says!?!

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
Read 72 tweets
Good evening! Tomorrow afternoon, time TBA, we will be introducing Psychological Trait Theory.

To jump start the discussion, how would you describe MY personality? Your thoughts not listed here? Add in the comments!

#CRJ105 #PsychologicalTraitTheory
We will be starting in about 5 minutes, so gather around friends!

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
The results are in! The internet has spoken, apparently I am perceived as ...

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
Read 74 tweets
NEXT SATURDAY: The Jung Society of Washington presents their annual celebration of the birthday 🎂 of C.G. Jung with a FREE ZOOM LECTURE by Jungian analyst @MurrayWSteinII – Dante's Divine Comedy: An Individuation Journey Through Realms of #Shadow to the Mystery of Transformation
This year, 2021, marks the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri's death. Only several months before his death he completed The Divine Comedy, an account of psychological and spiritual development in the second half of life using a method that today we call active imagination.
"C.G. Jung, in his late masterpiece, Mysterium Coniunctionis, helps us to understand this process as a journey to individuation. He speaks of 3 advanced stages in the individuation process and offers the lens through which I will view Dante's Divine Comedy." ~Murray Stein, Ph.D.
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