American-#European information and reports leaked to WikiLeaks reveal massive plots against the Yemeni people.
Read the details ⬇️⬇️ #WikiLeaks: #American-European reports and other headlines for independent news and newspapers, as well as information from #WikiLeaks 1/2
leaks,reveal massive and heinous plots being practiced against the Yemeni people with the intention of weakening #Yemen and bringing it into a dirty war and a scenario of destruction amid economic calamities in full view and knowledge of the international community.
The #UAE 1/3
does its best to exhaust the people socially, economically and voluntarily after it has been divided into warring states.
The following report reveals to you the most important points I extracted from UN reports and foreign newspapers and
research coverage;About 1/4
Yemen's oil and gold, with shocking economic figures:
-#Yemen's oil reserves; More than the common precautions of all Gulf countries.
-#YEMEN; It owns a quarter of the world's oil, with an oil rate estimated at 34%.
-3.4 million barrels of oil; It passes through the 1/5
Bab al-Mandab Strait daily.
- Saudi war against #Yemen; It is not related to sectarian conflict, but rather to its oil reserves.
-#YEMEN; Owns 100 oil and gas sectors.
- In 2008.. the ambassador of the United States; He informed his boss that: "#Shabwa, #Marib 1/6
and Al-#Jawf have high potentials and large reserves of natural gas."
American politician:
"The #Saudi position on #Yemen is taking advantage of the tensions as religious friction, but the country's oil reserves are behind all that suffering."
After 65 years, 1/7
the largest oil field in the world - the Saudi Ghawar field - is rapidly disappearing.
- The enhanced oil recovery process - with carbon - will help extract the remaining oil inside it - the Ghawar field - until it is dried.
Saudi Arabia established an alliance with 1/9
France to seize oil fields in Yemen, with limited oil production.
- in 2017 AD; The Saudi field produced 5.7 million barrels/day.
- In 2019 AD; The Saudi field produced 3.8 million barrels/day
Saudi Arabia steals 63% of the meager oil extracted.fields of #Yemen.
- In April 2013, the Yemeni oil companies; it tried to obtain a government license from the Basindwa government to explore oil and gas reserves in the fields of New #Yemen, but Basindwa was refused. Saudi pressure "at the time".
Fouad Al-Muzaini - Former Representative of #Yemen to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation:
"It is enough for 5 years of war against Yemen, in order to control its strategic location and rich wealth."
after that; He was expelled, by Saudi Arabia.
- Saudi Arabia has weakened the legitimate army in the oil-rich province - Al-Jawf.
- America; Saudi Arabia was forced to reduce its influence in the oil regions.
- For vague reasons.. Hunt Company continued to operate in #Yemen; to March 2015 AD.
- In 2005 A.D.. the Yemeni government handed over the oil production rights to a national company - after the Exxon and Hunt contract expired - but the two companies submitted complaints to the International Chamber of Commerce, but they failed to do so, incurring a loss
of more than $1,000,000,000+ billion.
- During the Gulf initiative... Saudi Arabia; She was afraid of the new political developments in Yemen, which would lead #Yemen to safety. boosting its economy
100,000,000 million tons; The size of gold in #Yemen.
Another study:
-30,000,000 million tons;
The size of gold in #Yemen.
_ International companies - Thani #Dubai Mining - transport and smuggle large quantities of gold and precious stones from Wadi Hajar and the exploration mines in Hadramout; To #Abu_Dhabi,
through the new port of #Al_Dhaba "near the port of #Mukalla".
24 gold mines; He is located in #Yemen.
16 silver mines; He is located in #Yemen.
_ Famous Hadhrami families - we keep their names - cooperate with companies in smuggling gold.
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A sudden American decision to withdraw the aircraft carrier #Eisenhower from the #RedSea
American media revealed the Pentagon’s intention to withdraw the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower from the Red Sea, 6 months after its arrival against the backdrop of the ban imposed 1/2
by Sana’a on the passage of ships linked to Israel.
These media outlets quoted the Commander of the US Navy Fleet, Admiral Darrell Caudle, as saying that the USS Harry Truman will sail towards the #RedSea after participating in the US Fleet Week, which will be held in 1/3
Miami during the period May 5-12 .
The decision to replace the Eisenhower aircraft carrier Truman came despite the US Navy's announcement last week to extend the latter's deployment for an additional period.
American officials previously said that Eisenhower's crew 1/3
SECOM denies the #Houthis' connection to the damage to a submarine Internet cable
The international telecommunications company Sicom denied any connection between the Houthis and the damage to an Internet cable passing through the #RedSea, stressing that what happened 1/2
was a common accident.
The international communications company Sicom said that the Houthis had nothing to do with the damage to Internet cables in the #RedSea .
Explaining that such accidents are very common in areas where sea level is low, and that the cable could
have been damaged by the ship’s anchor or any other part, as usually happens due to low sea level.
On Tuesday, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in the Sana'a government denied responsibility for what happened to a number of international submarine
In a heinous massacre added to the long series of massacres committed by the criminal Zionist entity against our Palestinian people, indifferent to the consequences of its terrorist actions due to the cover and complicity of the administration of US President Biden in its 1/2
aggression, the Zionist occupation army targeted a gathering of hundreds of citizens while they were waiting to receive food aid on #Al_Rashid Street in the city of Gaza, which led to the martyrdom of 104 martyrs and the wounding of 760 with various injuries. 1/3 #Palestine
In the face of this heinous massacre, unprecedented in the history of crimes, the silence of the international community continues.
Yemeni telecommunications ministry issues statement on submarine cables:
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology in the Sana’a government on Tuesday denied the truthiness of what was being promoted by media outlets affiliated with the Zionist 1/2
enemy regarding the causes of what happened to a number of international submarine cables in the Red Sea last Saturday.
The ministry and the Yemeni government in the capital, Sana’a, confirmed in a press statement their commitment to the general position of the Republic of 1/3
#Yemen regarding submarine cables, which was stated in the Leader of the Revolution’s recent speech, in addition to what was stated in its previous statements.
The ministry renewed its keenness to spare all communications cables and services from any risks and affirmed its
كشف المكلف بمكتب الاتصال الإسرائيلي لدى المغرب شاي كوهين، إن شركة "إلبيت سيستيمز Elbit Systems" الإسرائيلية المتخصصة في أنظمة الدفاع، تعتزم فتح فرعين لها في المملكة المغربية.
وأوضح شاي كوهين أن الفرعين يهدفان لإنتاج الأنظمة الدفاعية"، 1/2
لافتا إلى أن"أحد الفروع سيتم افتتاحه في مدينة الدار البيضاء"، دون إضافة أي تفاصيل أخرى تتعلق بموعد إطلاق الفرعين والتخصصات الخاصة بهما.
ويأتي الاعلان عن هذا النبأ، في وقت تشهد فيه العلاقات المغربية الإسرائيلية تطورات متسارعة في مختلف المجالات، خاصة في مجال الدفاع والأمن.
ويوم الأربعاء الماضي، وصل مستشار الأمن القومي الإسرائيلي تساحي هنغبي، إلى العاصمة الرباط، حيث عقد لقاء مع وزير الخارجية ناصر بوريطة.
وأمس الخميس، استقبل رئيس البرلمان المغربي رئيد الطالبي العلمي، رئيس الكنيست الإسرائيلي أمير أوحانا.
وفي العام الماضي، وقع المغرب وإسرائيل
وحذّرت وزارة الثروة السمكية بصنعاء من مغبّة التوقيع على أيّ اتفاقٍ لاحتواء إشعاعات نووية ناتجة عن نفاياتٍ سامة بين الهيئة النووية السعودية والحكومة الموالية للتحالف التي يراسها معين عبدالملك ، مضيفةً أنّ الأمر "يُنذر بكارثةٍ بيئية كبيرة جرّاء 1/2…
تأثير النفايات السعودية التي تمّ وسيتمّ دفنها في مناطق صحراوية وأخرى بحرية في اليمن".
وأكّدت صنعاء "استمرار رمي سفن أجنبية معادية لمخلّفاتها السامة والكيميائية على السواحل اليمنية"، مشيرةً إلى أنّ "الإشعاعات التي رُصدت مؤخراً في البحر الأحمر وبحر العرب تسببت في نفوق آلاف
الأطنان من الأسماك وتدمير الشعب المرجانية والبيئة البحرية في سواحل محافظات عدن، أبين، المهرة، وحضرموت".
ولفت بيان الوزارة إلى أنّ "النظام السعودي حوّل اليمن منذ بداية عدوانه إلى ساحة اختبار لكافة الأسلحة المحرمة دولياً من بينها القنابل العنقودية والذخائر الحارقة والأسلحة