🧵THREAD: The future of our planet is at stake. Misleading information is all over the media. I am raising my voice based on my understanding from Michael Crichton's "State of Fear." In his book, he sheds light on the hazards of politicizing science. It's more topical than ever.
2/ Picture a brand new scientific idea that alerts us to an impending crisis and offers a solution. This theory quickly gains the support of media outlets, top scientists, politicians, and prominent figures across the globe.
3/ Research is supported by well-known philanthropists and conducted at esteemed universities and research centres. The crisis is frequently covered by the media and is included in the curricula of colleges and high schools.
4/ I am not talking about #COVID here. I’m talking about another theory, which rose to prominence a century ago. Its supporters included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Winston Churchill. It was also approved by US Supreme Court justices, who ruled in its favour.
5/ And it wasn't just politicians who were on board, it had some of the biggest names in history supporting it too! Think of Alexander Bell or Leland Stanford, the founder of @Stanford. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, there were countless others who believed in this idea.
1/ Ever wondered how “THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED” became code for silencing dissent, destroying careers, and pushing fear down our throats?
A THREAD 🧵 on how COVID pulled back the curtain on academia’s corruption, and why there’s still hope for real truth-seekers. ⬇️
2/ From the early days, anyone questioning lockdowns or mandates was canceled. Prestigious journals gave figures like @PeterHotez a platform to vilify critics. Meanwhile, dissenting papers—no matter how valid—were systematically buried.
3/ Entire careers ended. Researchers like me, who warned of collateral damage lost grants, jobs, and reputations. The price for speaking up was literally academic exile. All to maintain a neat little narrative that ended up costing tens of millions more lives than it saved.
1/ 🇧🇷🚨 Lula’s socialist government tried to STEAL a productive farm from a family in Brazil. But they weren’t expecting one thing: public outrage.
What happened next is a lesson in how communists operate—and how they can be stopped. Let me explain.
2/ The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) isn’t about helping the poor. It’s a radical leftist militia that invades private property, squats on land, and forces redistribution. It’s a carbon copy of how communists seized land in Venezuela and Cuba. And it’s Lula and his Workers’ Party (PT) who supports them.
3/ In 2010, Lula signed a decree to expropriate the Bettim family’s farm. Why? Because MST wants land, and Lula delivers. It didn’t matter that the family had worked this land for over 60 years. It didn’t matter that it was full of crops and cattle. The state decided it no longer belonged to them.
1/ Ever wonder why doctors know almost NOTHING about nutrition, herbs, the importance of sunshine, or holistic healing? Because one man, John D. Rockefeller, decided that only patented, oil-based drugs should exist. And he made it happen.
Here’s how: 🧵👇
2/ In the early 1900s, half of U.S. doctors practiced holistic medicine—using knowledge from Native Americans, herbalists, and European traditions. But Rockefeller, America’s first billionaire, saw a huge problem: you can’t patent natural cures.
3/ Around the same time, scientists discovered petrochemicals—chemicals derived from oil that could be used to make synthetic drugs. Rockefeller saw an opportunity: monopolize medicine just like he monopolized oil. Profit was the only goal.
🚨 JUST IN—Another conspiracy theory is coming true: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory; it’s happening in real time!
#1 The Israeli Defense Minister is now dictating to Spain and Ireland that they must take in displaced Gazans. Who is Israel to tell sovereign nations who they must accept?
#2 While Israel defends its ethnostate, it pushes mass migration onto Europe.
Remember how we were mocked for saying how mass migration was used to dilute and replace European populations? Well, here it is… straight from the mouths of Israeli officials.