Ever tried to Global #Britain but ended up accidentally pulling a little #England?
- Turns out you’re not alone.
A🧵on British identity, foreign policy & why we need to properly understand #Brexit to move beyond it.
- based on a new article I have out in @ISQ_Jrnl
The article, which I'm really happy to have in top IR journal @ISQ_Jrnl, challenges a received wisdom about #Brexit – that it both reflected & reinforced a general, almost tribal polarisation of British society. 2/ academic.oup.com/isq/article-ab…
This might seem counter-intuitive (& against the evidence) but stay with me - its not that simple & that’s important. Not only for understanding Brexit but for getting the UK’s international affairs right in future [spoiler: it matters for other countries too] 3/
The narrative of “a nation divided” quickly took hold after the 52-48 referendum result & has been variously claimed to be rupture of
- Nativists ❌ Cosmopolitans
- Conservatives ❌ Liberals
- Eurosceptics ❌ Europhiles
- Leavers ❌ Remainers
Some have even argued that this schism, which exacerbated fault lines over British identity & the country’s place in the world has left the UK mired in the deep divisions of ‘tribal politics’ and turned it into a binary ‘Brexitland’ (Sobolewska & Ford). 5/
Researchers (named in the article) have claimed that all this has left the country deeply socially divided because ‘remainers & leavers’ continue to divide the world into ‘us and them’ know what kind of people fall into each ‘tribe’ & what views they hold on various issues 6/
A host of experts have written on this and some see that the ‘fundamental differences’ between ‘identity liberals’ and ‘identity conservatives’ extend to their worldviews – including their attitudes to #migration, and toward the #EU. 7/
In terms of its international affairs (& relations with the EU in particular) a lot of this hinges on how British people (& politicians) are claimed to see themselves - & others.
A key aspect of this is how different Brits think they are - how they evaluate this.
'Identity conservatives’ are often linked to a British ‘exceptionalism’ that is regularly claimed to have driven Brexit: Britain is not only different to other countries, but better.
- This is a common view of the ‘island nation’ with its common law & victorious self-image
The thing is that it's not just 'Leavers', 'eurosceptics' or 'identity conservatives' who avow such views.
Not only David Cameron, but Tony Blair & Gordon Brown made exceptionalist public statements on behalf of Remain (& at other times)
But hold on you say, reasonably, isn’t there a difference between nasty nationalism & a perfectly understandable (if hubristic) patriotism – which still fits the 2 tribes identified above (& even with the little England/ Global Britain views of how to proceed after Brexit)?
There is - but for this distinction to hold in this case, then the identity liberal/Europhile position should be based on a cosmopolitan/ multicultural/ civic view of British identity
- and should reject the “other side’s” nativism, essentialism & chauvinism
&, If the 'tribal'/fundamental division thesis were to hold, then they should find themselves on opposite sides of the “chasm [that] opened up between the blocs & “regard the other with mutual incomprehension, leavened with no little distain” (Henderson & Wyn Jones, 2021) 13/
So I was really surprised to find both sets of views appearing, consistently, alongside each other across the ten year run of a popular collection of BBC series ...
A lot of work’s been done on understanding the relationship between culture & Brexit. Culture is generally seen as influencing in a ‘resonant’ rather than ‘direct’ way but is important b/c of the emotional nature of the contest between Leave & Remain & its context
The role of history in cultural productions has been extensively examined and is seen to ‘activate reasoning by analogy’ & provide commonsense understandings of Britain & Europe – but it has also tended to focus on a particular kind of cultural productions 16/
The kind of TV shows & films that are nostalgic for & glorify Britain’s wartime & imperial past or at least which showcase anglocentric perspectives, underplay the role of (e.g. colonial) others or reproduce the idea that the ‘island nation’ stood 'alone' in its finest hour 17/
In the polarising post-referendum climate, following the tribal lines, some might have been tempted to dismiss such films and TV shows as ‘as examples of Eurosceptic, conservative, nativist “Little Englander,” “Leaver” culture (whatever the merits of this).
But you really couldn’t claim this about the BBC’s ‘Art of’ Collection of mini-series - where I saw this co-existence of ‘identity liberal’ & ‘identity conservative’ views -which according to the ‘Tribal’ divide approach should be highly unlikely) 19/ bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08…
These hugely popular series, which ran to 40 hours of programming over 10 years actively & enthusiastically engage with European cultures & seemingly epitomise ‘Europhile’, cosmopolitan, multicultural & thus pro-EU ‘remainer’ culture [for which the BBC was also criticised]
As I show in the article, the series do have genuine cosmopolitan, europhile, ‘identity liberal’, remainer credentials
- but they ALSO reproduce the kind of chauvinistic exceptionalism associated with nativist, identity conservative, eurosceptic, anti-EU ‘leavers’.
So why does this matter?
B/C if chauvinistic exceptionalism lurks in this unlikely setting of an ostensibly liberal, multicultural, cosmopolitan & Europhile popular & repeatedly commissioned programmes, it points to a potentially much wider issue
This type of exceptionalism may not be ‘a disorder for half the population’ but, rather the kind of ‘common cultural inheritance’ through which all sides of the European debate think & argue (as @redhistorian described 🇬🇧attitude to empire). Even some who are unaware of it 23/
As shown in the article (& this one linked below), the way that states & nations differentiate themselves from others conditions their possibilities to interact & combine with those others, which opens up or closes down possibilities for cooperation journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11…
So, if the UK is to develop more productive international relations & a more effective foreign policy after Brexit, this type of self-destructive exceptionalism is something worth reflecting on to avoid attempting to be Global Britain & accidentally becoming little England. 25/
BONUS - the challenges of exceptionalism are not limited to the UK, as anyone following German, Polish, French or US politics would likely acknowledge - & some convincingly argue that the EU is also developing a superiority complex at a regional rather than national level.
EXTRA - I'll do another thread on how the series reproduce both liberal-cosmopolitan-europhile AND chauvinistic exceptionalism - the 'fun' really lies in that detail (but this thread was long enough already) ... some teasers for now
The series variously: laud the tolerant culture & society of Al Andalus, regret shortcomings of🇫🇷 multiculturalism, criticise British colonialism; question the point of🇧🇪, criticise 'upstart nations' 🇩🇰&🇳🇱 & show how the UK was caused trouble by European extremisms in (eg)🇩🇪.
all the while they paint a historically questionable picture of the UK, that really contrasts to this and says a lot about cultural inputs to the construction of identity in relations between 🇬🇧🇪🇺.
PS – there is obviously much more in the article than can be put on Twitter even in a (long) thread! But I’ve tried to bring some key aspects of the article to life here & hope it will spur you to read the full thing - & future threads on this topic! academic.oup.com/isq/article-ab…
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Assessing Hegseth’s comments beyond panic & hysteria. 1. On NATO- Fair & clear that this was coming. Not the end of NATO but end of European free riding.
2. On Ukraine - much worse news but Europeans CAN & MUST act for UA & for ourselves 🧵
On NATO & European Security
- Hegseth’s comments about not tolerating imbalance & dependence are the logical outcome of Europeans having let NATO become a US protectorate rather than a true alliance through their free or cheap riding.
- US also benefits a lot from NATO but not at any price.
On NATO & European Security
- its not like Europeans were not warned about this happening
- & yet, despite Russia's war and the threat we so clearly face, as well as how vulnerable lack of capabilities & defence spending made us
To Avoid Another Munich, Europe Must Act to Secure Ukraine
To counter the fatalism in Western Europe, which is in danger of becoming disastrously self-fulfilling, 100+ politicians, experts, military & intelligence professionals argue that
a coalition of willing Europeans must step up for Ukraine’s victory & our common security, regardless of the outcome of the US Election, because:
1️⃣ Russia is not destined to prevail. Russia cannot sustain its war effort at current levels beyond 2025 when it will exhaust key stocks. It is losing heavy cannon barrels and armoured vehicles at a rate far higher than it can replace.
2️⃣ There is no credible plan for European security after any ‘ceasefire’. The Putin regime cannot be trusted to keep a deal. A ceasefire would let Russia reconstitute its forces, putting us at a disadvantage.
3️⃣ Failing to win endangers all European allies. A ‘Minsk III’ (or Munich II) agreement would signal weakness and invite coercion upon us.
4️⃣ A route to Ukrainian victory still exists. Using new military technology we can quickly leverage Europe’s industrial capacity to build the capabilities to disable Russia’s war machine.
5️⃣ Those who want to act, can. A coalition of willing powers could supply Ukraine with what it needs to win and provide Kyiv with real security guarantees. Where they change facts and policy on the ground, others will follow.
➡️In this appeal we urge willing European capitals to urgently arm themselves with a real contingency plan for any outcome of the US election by collectively enhancing financial and military support to Ukraine, focused on a clear theory of victory.
@james_rogers @LarryPfeifferDC @ThreshedThought @StephenGethins @DerkBoswijk @AdamKinzinger @robinwagener @StanKutcher @ratnaomi @DonnaDasko @SlawomirDebski And was signed by German MPs including
It’s here!
🔥Long awaited new piece on #NeoIdealism is OUT NOW!🔥
➡️ Develops Neo-Idealism as Grand Strategy for the Free World 🌍
I Lay out 8 pillars that we need if we are to build a Neo-Idealist approach in international (& domestic) politics!
👇🧵 macdonaldlaurier.ca/wp-content/upl…
Why do we need a grand strategy?
Because we, the world’s free societies, face multiple tests of our value & prowess - & severe & urgent threats to our security, prosperity & freedom. Threats to our democratic way of life
- but we’ve not yet got our collective act together. 🧵
The challenges we face span geopolitics, geoeconomics, climate change, technological transformation & cut across foreign & domestic policy.
We must defend our democracies against external threats
- but also renew them to defeat internal anti-democratic & illiberal forces.🧵
#Germany is both #Ukraine’s biggest European supporter in absolute financial terms
- AND rightly seen as problem by allies (As well as by many Germans)
Here’s why.🧵
(& no, it’s not just Scholz, the SPD & #Taurus)
There's a lot of confusion & conflicting figures flying around, so what support has 🇩🇪 provided to 🇺🇦 in financial terms?
We use🇩🇪Govt figures (because they're unlikely to be underestimates) but pls correct if needed.
We also separate military from other aid
(to 24/02/24).🧵
German military aid to Ukraine
- €12.082bn in military aid DELIVERED
(6.6bn buying equipment for Ukraine
5bn in 2023, 1.6bn in 2022
5.2bn value kit donated from stocks, 282m training UA soldiers)
(16bn more promised for future but we don't include that as its not there yet) 🧵
The fight back has begun.
Everyone has rightly talked about grim mood at #MSC2024
BUT there were major signs that true leaders across Europe have had enough of the gap between words & action
& of key Allie’s failing to stand up for our common interests & for our security. 1/
Danish PM Mette Fredriksen pledged ALL of her country’s artillery to Ukraine - and called out allies who claim they have nothing left to give - saying that they manifestly do. And when it comes to giving Ukraine what it needs to win they should Just Do It. news.yahoo.com/pm-says-denmar…
German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius emphasised that Ukraine must win & be supported to do so (Olaf Scholz hasn’t said Ukraine should win & acts accordingly) -
& BP argues that as a defender of the free world Germany would have to spend beyond 2%