#Ukraine: Ukrainian fighters posted on Instagram a very notable photo of the use of the #Israeli🇮🇱 120mm M971 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) cargo mortar bomb, which contains 24 M85/M87 dual purpose AT/AP submunitions. #UkraineWar#Russia#USA#Ukrainian 👇👇
#Ukraine: Is this the Israeli made 120mm M971 DPCIM in the photo.The answer is most likely "NO".-The M971 DPICM was originally developed and manufactured in Israel, but other countries also have a license for production.Let me explain in the next post.👇👇#USA#Russia#America
#Ukraine: In June 2000, the US company Alliant Techsystems (ATK) entered into negotiations with IMI🇮🇱 for the licensed production of the M971 DPICM in the #US🇺🇸.2004 IMI concluded a license agreement with ATK for the production of DPICMs in the US. #America#Russia#Ukraina#Kiev