This volume taught me TONS about writing, incl. specific formulas for each section.
Why you shouldn’t feel bad using structured formulas to write (esp. when learning!) and why they can save you tons of time/stress.
Get into the right mindset to write your grant proposal.
Follow this link from my latest THREAD about how to think about your grant proposal and how to set your mindset to eliminate a lot of issues!
Your grant proposal should read like a magazine.
1. Catch & hold your reviewers attention 2. Easy to understand 3. Absolutely certain the reviewer can’t miss key information 4. Easy to sell your proposal to the committee
🧵 Scientific Grant Writing: biggest mistakes & how to avoid them-YouTube thread
Scientific grant writing can be quite a challenge.
I review 10s of grants a year and want to teach you the biggest mistakes and how to avoid them for FREE
1/ First, start with this video explaining the mindset to have when grant writing, plus learn who reviews your proposal and what the review process looks like. 👇🏼
👇🏼 2/ Scientific grant writing mistakes in relating to the reviewer: A grant review isn't the same as for a paper- How to stand out and get them on board.