In our latest episode of The Art of the Climate Deal, our North America Executive Director sat down with Apple’s Sarah Chandler, to talk about their recent successes and future aims in decarbonizing their #supplychains:
Watch now:
Apple is transitioning its manufacturing #supplychain to 100% #renewables. It provides a space to discuss learnings and works with electricity providers to bring renewables to challenging markets.
Ahead of the US Climate Action Summit, Apple also announced strong progress on their #circulareconomy, including a major acceleration of its work to expand recycled materials across its product, including 2025 targets on:
⭕ Using 100 percent recycled cobalt in all Apple-designed batteries
⭕ Magnets in Apple devices will use entirely recycled rare earth elements
⭕ Apple-designed printed circuit boards will use 100 percent recycled tin soldering and recycled gold plating…
Be sure to join them tomorrow at the US Climate Action summit tomorrow, April 19 for a discussion on Innovation and Impact: @lisapjackson on taking bold action for a greener, more equitable future.
@DepSecBeaudreau@Interior "One of the things that I’m proud of in the Biden Administration is that we’re not ignoring problems, we’re thinking hard about what a post-fossil fuel energy landscape looks like for our communities."
"The IRA gives us the means to go into communities that have historically been reliant on fossil fuels and gives them tools to begin the transition." - @DepSecBeaudreau@Interior
@DrElizabethGray from Spotlight Partner @audubonsociety convened over 100 groups of businesses, school admins, hospitals, conservation groups and agriculture groups, to advocate on behalf of the Arkansas solar act.
@BasilSeggos at @NYSDEC asks: "How are you merging climate change into the priorities of @fema?" @FEMA_Deanne: "One of my goals is that we invest in the climate readiness of the nation. Building resilient infrastructure communities."
@FEMA_Deanne@fema: "For me, 20 or 30 years from now, success is taking the modelling and information that we have now so that our children and our grandchildren are able to mitigate and adapt."
"What makes progress possible is when people feel part of the solution. Making sure that people feel like they’ve got a stake in getting things right." @alizaidi46@WhiteHouse speaking on our panel.
"These historic climate investments will accelerate the transition to a US green economy, creating whole new sectors of clean energy jobs, green and resilient infrastructure, and technology innovation."
The ambition from @GovWesMoore: We want Maryland to be the offshore wind capital of the world. In partnership with other sectors, we have a chance to advance climate solutions in a meaningful and sustainable way. Incentivize capital and incentivize movement.
"The private sector has led on the study of climate risk impacts. Politics cannot get in the way of this - we can’t interfere with progress on climate action." - @GovWesMoore