Incredibly, the 2022 stress tests for the UK banks also did not include testing for substantial hikes in interest rates. The list of failures, policy mistakes, & uncovered crimes, of UK governments & their bankers, grows by the day. #TimeForAChange
Instead of this reckoning, we should be focused on #NetZero now, the #CostOfLivingCrisis and the coronation. We must move on from the rotten Tory system to survive. #GeneralElectionNow
The gutter press supporting the Tory right are on a mission to distract the people so that they overlook the destruction of the country’s infrastructure, society, and economy by the last 5 destructive if not actually corrupt Tory governments.
Exactly this. Past and current Cabinet Ministers appear seriously ignorant about the United Kingdom’s constitutional governance, & the role of civil servants in relation to the executive. The politicisation of the service is relatively recent, and has already gone too far.
The outrageous disrespecting & attempted or actual replacing of Permanent Secretaries by sycophants during the #Brexit years was unconstitutional & corrosive of good government. Our government has become populist & authoritarian. Standards of public service have been set aside.
Almost anything ministers have wanted to do has been allowed by the #Brexit so-called “elite” to the point where civil servants have been abused by bullying, relocation, lies, & intimidation. This whole episode of government is deeply shameful.
English water ways are an international disgrace. So-called plans for improvement are announced by Tory governments, but they tend to remain plans, not actions. The pollution continues unabated.
Then at the next election, after yet another failure, the Tories promise to do better. And the whole disgraceful, #PostTruthSociety vicious circle of #PublicRelations , half truths & lies is repeated again, while the #Finacialization of the water industry goes on, unabated.
There’s money to be made by the water companies pouring their sewage into our rivers and onto our beaches. So, being greedy, they do it to add to their Directors’s bonuses & shareholders’ dividends.
Lol! I think that Raab is the real scary one, but he/she? is no longer lined up to face the cameras as a Minister. And the Prime Minister is also awol, stunned by his own indecisiveness. Raab holds intemperate views about the #CivilServants of the UK conspiring against him.
#DominicRaab is very cross. Tossed out on his ear by a cabal of conspiring servants, who dared to speak up against his ungentlemanly behaviour. Or correctly, tossed out by himself in response to outrageous allegations, now confirmed as bullying, about his Ministerial misconduct.
Our UK unwritten constitution has a lot to say about the role of civil servants in relation to the executive and the legislative roles of government. In brief they are independent impartial, knowledgeable, competent, tested, & trusted to do a good job.
Thanks for useful summary of how “heterodox” economics is defined. The name is problematic, since it appears to be “non-orthodox”, yet “orthodox” economics is left undefined. Is it “mainstream”? I prefer “new” versus “old” economics, which are not defined by their age but …
.. in relation to the Keynesian revolution of the 1930s. Keynesian economics was characterised after WW2 as “new” in relation to the “old”, neoclassical, Marshallian, economics that preceded it. The counter-revolution of the Samuelson neoclassical school eventually prevailed.
However, #NeoclassicalEconomics has, essentially met its demise in the ongoing collapse of free-market capitalism (or neoliberalism), inaugurated by the #GFC, which exposed that “the banks were too big to fail”. Bankruptcy is an essential feature of capitalism.
#ClimateActionNow implies that we should all act now to do what we can, bring reasonable about it. We can check what fossil fuel we could stop burning, or at least reduce burning. And reduce its use.
The best way of reducing GHG emissions is by changing personal behavior by changing our routines. Switch from a car to a e-bike, walk to the shops, review all the uses of electricity at home and switch off unnecessary uses.
The problem with western central banks is their obsession with the outdated Taylor Rule. They don’t know what else to do, but by slavishly following the rule that can make serious misjudgements in the timing, speed and extent of interest rises.
Another problem for western, inflation-obsessed central banks, is that they tend to focus on one instrument of policy, when a mix is much better, including fiscal and regulatory policies, especially for #NetZero
The crucial aim for policy today is to protect the vulnerable from the #CostOfLivingCrisis , by strong fiscal stimulus focused on deprived areas, promoting the #GreenNewDeal supported by monetary policies of low interest rates for green investments.