1🧵 In my old worn Funk & Wagnalls 1958 Dictionary, "Conspiracy" is defined as: An agreement of two or more persons, to do an evil act in concert; a plot. || The Proximal Origins 📜, was by definition a conspiracy, but it wasn't a one time deal.
2🧵 Less than 1 month prior to "Proximal Origin's" (March 17th 2020) publication in Nature. The scientists at EcoHealth Alliance set the conspiracy stage by publishing a similar paper in the Lancet on Feb 19th 2020
3.🧵For many of us this isn't exactly new, nor surprising. However, thanks to the group, US Rights to Know's FOIAs we see how much of a conspiracy it really was. Dating back to the 1st week of Feb 2020, #Daszak frantically drafted the paper & began begging for co-signers.
4🧵Like the Fauci emails, long lists of implicated names piled onto the messages; mostly to #EcoHealthAlliance, & other scientists. EHA member, Hume Field played the Role of Fauci this time, making edits to the Article before its submission.
5.🧵Stressing the need to quash "Conspiracy theories," &"misinformation," Rita Colwell says suggests to Daszak to "..add 1 or 2 statements in support of why nCoV is not a lab generated virus & is naturally occurring?"
6🧵 The group sent this letter out to dozens of scientists hoping they'd sign on to make the paper more credible. When you see who they reached out to, its almost laughable: Lipkin, Drosten & Farrar were among those they'd hope to endorse them. 😂
7🧵I imagine they were too busy plotting their own paper to be signers to EHA's article. It's comical to see 2 examples/actual definitions of "conspiracy" actively conspiring at 2 separate times, in 2 "renowned" journals while also admonishing "conspiracies" in their papers. 👌
1 🧵I have a saying I refer to when it comes to judging "conspiratorial" topics, "Once an incidence. Twice a coincidence. Three times is a pattern." So, was this a "plandemic?" The GoF research at UNC with Baric & the "Bat-Lady." That's "once."
2🧵The coordinated Lab-Leak coverup paper, "The Proximal Origins" where one of the authors was the same man who published the first genomic sequence of SARS-CoV2 (on Jan 11th), & he along w/the other authors originally thought it looked "engineered." That's "twice."
3🧵The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership w/the World Economic Forum & the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Event 201 coronavirus global pandemic exercise just 85 days before Covid-19's genome was made public. That's "three."
1🧵"The Road to Hell is paved w/ good intentions”= “The road to the NWO is paved w/ government policies.” Since Project BioShield (2004) there has been 25+ laws/acts, policies that, like cobblestones, have been created to lay out the road we now find ourselves on.
2🧵In the name of security, steps were taken, words created & laws were signed. The pandemic & what lies ahead relies on a handful of seemingly harmless acronyms: MOU, GoF, CRADA, OTA, DURCS, MPP, MCMs-etc. I aim to untangle C-19 & the messy double-speak for us all.
3🧵Prior to the 2014 moratorium on GoF (due to several high-profile incidents at US biolabs) there was in Jan 2012 a moratorium placed on on DURCs & it was lifted a yr later. Thankfully for the oversight in that case kept things in check.
2🧵 The dozens of participants concluded that to solve these threats that we need to implement a global governance & financing mechanism, give the #WHO, #NGO's and think tanks more power all under the allure of sustainable global cooperation.
3🧵The G20, called upon all the earmarks of a typical #onehealthinitive and #NWO approach. The people involved come from:the #BMGF, The Global Virome Project, Eco Health Alliance, CEPI, WHO, #Metabiota, #WEF, #Moderna, Facebook, #Gavi.. (cont..)
🧵1/5 It was nice to see the Epoch Times covering something that I've long been researching. The surmounting evidence the #EcoHealthAlliance's #PeterDaszak is implicated at the very least in obstruction and orchestrating a massive #coverup concerning C19🦠
🧵2/5 As was mentioned by whistleblower and prior EHA VP, @AGHuff there were relations between the CIA & Daszak in the years that preceded the Covid-19 Pandemic. No surprise that I find #Daszak writing in the #CIA's investment arm, In-Q-Tel's journal on Pandemics in 2016.🦠
🧵3/5 In the short, multi-page submission to the intelligence community journal in winter of 2016, Mr. Daszak mentions "coronaviruses" over a dozen times, and doesn't really focus on other diseases. Specifically noting the price of the SARS pandemic & likelihood of it reoccurring
🧵‼️Sasha Latypova artist turned researcher (like myself) has released an impressive presentation on the Military-Pharma-Biodefense-Industrial Complex that created the Covid-19 medical countermeasure cartels. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
1/4🧵Since I'd already been snooping around government contracts I thought I'd see just how much you & I pay the government to destroy America. Started as a joking thought, but then I found this... 571 Grants concerning "Misinformation"
2/4🧵 2 Grants for "Anti-Vaccine", 6 Grants concerning "Right-Wing", 3 Grants for "Anti-Vaxxer", & 499 Grants concerning "Disinformation." (Keep in mind- most of these grants are brand new)
3/4🧵Concerning "Far-Right" there were 6 Grants, 116 Grants for "Gender Affirming," and 3 Grants for "Gender Assignment" but wait it gets worse..