People understand a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Imagine - if you can - that 111M people didn't buy into the whole mask fiasco or vaccine mandates from day one.
How many more "regular citizens" (maids and carpet cleaners) do you need before you take the approp
DAY ONE @stkirsch - more than 900 days ago you had access to 111M willing Americans with which to start a digital revolution and yet today, you still can't get past your own psychosis to do what needs to be done. Apparently everyone wants
recognition, 15 minutes of fame and exploit this opportunity for their own personal financial gain than to just put an end to the #CrimesAgainstHumanity. If you were sincere about stopping these crimes you would have used technology LONG AGO when I explained the process to you in
elementary terms, but instead you simply chose to ignore facts and now for 3+ years, you've done nothing more than play right into the hands of the opposition. This easily proven reality as #ScientificallyObserved and measured over time has made you nothing more than
#ControlledOpposition. You may not like hearing this truth, because one, the truth DOES hurt and two it means that YOU as much as anyone else suffer from a deep and chronic psychosis, where no matter what recommendations someone like myself might make you cannot get past your ego
tistical pride, that convinces you that a tweet storm, lawsuits, books, podcasts, papers, testimonies, etc., will in any way change the course of history. If it is about 1,000 fragmented individuals all taking the exact same actions, completely out of synch without ever organizin
g a movement that unifies the masses in a manner that IS synchronized, in lockstep and takes on a life of its' own using automation technologies and requires no single leader or group of leaders in order to create overwhelming, unstoppable trends that increase in power daily, the
n all you have done is play the role of the NECESSARY opposition, #FaucisHumans, just like #PavlovsDogs that are brainlessly easy to control and that give the 111M++ Americans a sense of appeasement, as IF something is being done, with no way for them to actually be involved othe
r than to donate to ONE GUY or 1,000 guys who whether they realize it are not are doing these things to breakeven or profit from their efforts. Efforts that we have observed for decades dating back to the HIV pLandemic in the 80's. So your opposition strategy is OLD, OBSOLETE and
didn't work decades ago, but somehow you have ALL convinced yourselves that by doing more of the same somehow THIS TIME - MORE COW BELL, will have a different impact and result. As you well know that IS the definition of insanity. @RobertKennedyJr has been litigating vaccines his
entire life and what did WE as Americans get from his more than 500 lawsuits? We got a #BiologicalWeapon masquerading as a conventional vaccine forced upon us using a staged pandemic where the virus that was released has 3 patented strains of the HIV virus genetically encoded int
o it. So to your ludicrous point that at this point is shameful and embarrassing, it's not about asking, "what will it take for people to understand masks don't work," it is about asking what will it take for #ControlledAssets like you to understandyou can't keep repeating histor
y over and over again and expecting to get different results. Now Bobby is running for president, which he might as well use the slogan "I alone can fix this" rather than starting a "campaign," that demonstrates he can MOVE THE 111M++ American people to rise up against our
#CorruptOnePartySystemOfGovernment ONLINE in such a manner that we can replace 535 politicians and reset all of our 3-letter agencies to not only hold them ALL accountable but to set ourselves on a new path in political history that MANDATES, transparency, accountability and RESU
LTS, regardless if he were to win the primaries and get elected. We need, we being 111M++ Americans need to see TANGIBLE RESULTS demonstrated from THIS DAY FORWARD and then their is no media, no governement, no counter operation that could stand in the way of the American populat
ion, that demands real substantive change. THEY can CONTROL a million fragmented voices - as we experience every single day, because of people like you, but THEY could never CONTROL 111M++ angry citizens behaving in synchronicity in the exact same way at 10, 2 and 4 every day, al
l day, between now and the moment we arrest, (literally and figuratively) control of OUR government.
So my question to you is what will it take for one of you to listen to reason, to listen to an objective strategy that has never been done, but that on paper and at the
#LongGreenTable has no possibility of being defeated in a debate, because it is far and away more logical and reasoned than saying, "no, what we are doing is and will work, eventually." The depth of psychosis to maintain that position as I stated is beyond shameful and embarrassi
ng and demonstrates you are just as tone deaf to INCLUSION of the American people as everyone in our government, "doctor."
If you could prove me wrong you would assemble a team to debate my recommendations on their merit, but you can't get past whatever egotistical opinion you m
ight harbor towards me to actually do so and provemy plans unviable. So the only thing you have left is to just throw in the towel and keep doing the same insane acts over and over again, until they pivot and reach their goals and objectives outline in the #Agenda2030. And know t
his, you will have been a #Brownshirt who did nothing but go along with them, out of ignorance, which is no excuse for being an accomplice to their crimes.
Help me, help you and tell me what it will take for you to get past your egotistical pride and #ActDifferently so that we c
an begin to get past this global genocide for which you feign sincere concern, while looking like a guy that just like to piss away good money to hear himself pontificate.
DON'T and you will continue to deliver MORE OF THE SAME until they meet their objectives and YOU, me and the rest of the planet are 100% sick, dying or dead.
I ask for nothing but a seat at the table and look how resistant you are to th
is simple request. How does this make you any better than the hypocrites you grovel with for the very same thing?
Together we can turn the tide, divided we'll get what we got and what we got is on you just as much as it is on the enemy at the gates.
THAT you can take to the ban
Devising a new strategy over 3 years isn't the challenge, getting people who suffer from psychosis and are in denial as they avoid inclusion of Americans that claim they can WIN this #WarAgainstHumanity IS the challenge.
me to an agreement on implementing new plans, that apparently no one has thought of, because if they had, they would have implemented and executed LONG LONG AGO!
inated to do it. If people followed Ahmed's handwritten advice, which I do and more and haven't seen a doctor in 45 years for any "health" reasons, doctors would be out of business in large part.
You would all be holistic alternative healing professionals and not part of the ver
y system of corruption that you now have been FORCED to speak out against because finally they - THEY - drew a line in the sand you can't cross. Instead of killing people slowly over a lifetime they finally came after us at-scale and that was just too much for SOME of you, the re
Imagine millions of tweets trending every single day and then imagine taking it to the internet in force, everywhere free speech is still aloud. Imagine ABC and other collapsing from that sucking sound of viewers leaving them as the masses are given REAL, TANGIBLE, DAILY actions
The laughable fallacy of this argument is that we are at war with our own govt and no one man, no "president," can end that war because the moment he steps into office he becomes a captured asset. @RobertKennedyJr might as well be saying "I alone can fix this," and anyone who
believes that suffers from #MassFormationPsychosis. Bobby says he will bridge the gap between the two parties when there ISN'T two parties. We are ruled by a #CorruptOnePartySystemOfGovernment to claim otherwise simply demonstrates a complete disconnect from the challenges we fa
ce and will waste yet another four years of our lives as the enemy continues to win battles. It is a futile attempt at MORE OF THE SAME.
We have got to break the cycle and get past this juvenile, high school election system that says #PickMePickMe as if this is a popularity cont
When your source is the CDC and yet you can't reconcile your own pshycosis and realize, it doesn't matter as long as there are two sides, that never get debated. ALl that matters is division and the appearance that there are two sides in "a" fight, then those who started the figh
t win as they go about their business of stealing trillions and kicking the #FightCan down the road to ultimate victory.
A band-aid will never stop the internal bleeding, we need to remove the cancer from government, which in our case is the ENTIRE institution. There are no "sid
es" for Bobby, @RobertKennedyJr to bridge and if he expects Americans to believe that before they believe another dynasty family member is trying to continue their political legacy of power in government versus replacig it wholesale then you're more psychotic than even I imagine
It it were up to me, then I'd have access to #HCQ a 70-year old drug and/or #IVM a 30-year old drug BOTH safer than Tylenol that is currently in a class action lawsuit.
"#YouLie" has never been more appropriate. We had access to them during 8 years of Obama, during Ebola, Zika
and the Swine flu for which all were a "pandemic" threat, but because we were allowed to do what we've always done and use our 4-Phase protocol where Phase 1&2 were Prevention and Early Treatment & all 3 were wiped out.
No money in that, so they had to install someone even more
corrupt that could be used as a willing accomplice, too stupid and corrupt to give a shit. ALL he cared about was becoming King even saying some of you will have to die and you will. Then on his watch let 500,000 get murdered by his incompetent corrupt administration. Ignorance
I have a hard time forgiving you because we're three years into your genocide spree - BUT I do forgive you because this will go on indefinitely if we can't get more of you to speak out. I think I replied to you recently saying there is no such term as #AntiVaxxer we just want saf
e products and accountability. If you have to have release of any liability then you don't have a product. What's worse is we have drugs available that could have been used for Phase 1 and 2 in year one under Trump but he is such a sellout he allowed President Fauci to dictate te
rms and 500,000 innocent civilians died. That blood will forever be on your hands and people just like you. There's no washing that off. You literally killed people with your stupidity. You had the same evidence as me and the rest of us but refused to look at it. You gotta live w