#VaccineHesitancy- “post-truth” era- #theWHO. Making up 61% of vaccine hesitancy is:
🔴Vaccine Safety
🔴Mistrust in Health Institutions
🔴Lack of efficacy
🔴Negative exp.
🔵7% conspiracy theories
It's a ⚠️MISTRUST BASED ON EXPERIENCE & RISK issue ⚠️ NOTt conspiracy issue!
They are not hearing us or listening to the FACTS. They are stonewalling us. Vaccine hesitancy is NOT a result conspiracy theories But a result of fraudulent, conflicted & corrupted, regulator, safety & manufacturing processes that have caused Negative experiences (NO LIABILITY)
They plan to overcome it, by saying "#Vaccination saves lives and prevent suffering (Outside of the "4%" who disagree) But that it's #SafeAndEffective . Yet 50% of people disagree with this statement as a result of mistrust, corruption and conflicted unregulated regulation.
#TheWHO dumped :
🔴Negative experience (4 in every 100 ) #Vaccinedeath#VaccineInjury Under heading
***influential and group influences
It should rather feature under:
***Vaccine and vaccination specific influences #Vaccinedeath#VaccineInjury LISTEN
EXAMPLE " infant has died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) within 24 hours after having been immunized at a local health centre. "
OBJECTIVE: to maintain (or restore) the public’s trust in the administered vaccine and in the national immunization program.
That's all.
This manual was developed to support countries in effectively responding to events which may erode the public’s trust in vaccines and the authorities#theWHO VACCINE CRISIS COMMUNICATION MANUAL apps.who.int/iris/bitstream…
We don't have a vaccine hesitancy issue. We have a regulator and safety issue.
The suppression of information, the censorship of the dead & injured vaccine victims as a result of poor #BIGPHARMA manufacturing practices and corruption in Regulators is the issue @RobertKennedyJr
This manual was developed to support countries in effectively responding to events which may erode the public’s trust in vaccines and the authorities
"#TheWHO is a MORE DANGEROUS to every individual on planet Earth. More dangerous organisation for humanity than #theWEF. "
❗️YOU ARE BEING DISTRACTED!!!! ⚠️ #UkraineRussiaWar#Zelensky#Putin#Trans#TheWEF If you don't want to survive , DON"T LISTEN
Safety ? CDC HAS NO DATA TO SUPPORT Recommendation. Not EVEN for kids.
@BernieSpofforth What did he say? Hey, you are now Satan on earth. Go forward and inject little children in India and Africa like guinea pigs? Then inject the world with an experiment.
2 evils collaborated. Epstein, Gates. Connection to Ukraine?...Eugenics. Biolabs.
I cannot REITERATE this point ENOUGH. Freedom is not free! Ask @Jay_Naidoo “If only we had stood together against the common threat, we could easily have defeated it. So, why didn’t we?” He answered, “We didn’t love freedom enough."-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn kemmerergazette.com/article/we-did…
Watch: FOR SA - Hate Speech Bill - Civil v Criminal liability (4/6)
FOR SA's Legal Advisor discusses how the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill will make it easier for you to be found guilty of the crime of hate speech and go to jail, ...
A warning to the world that populism and nationalism don’t march fully-formed into government; they creep. Courageous action from as many people as possible is needed to prevent the rise of totalitarian rule. The sooner people act in defiance, the greater the chance of success.
"You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow… But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. . ."
In between comes all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next… And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you, and you see that everything – has changed
An annual gathering attended by the world elite has AI (Artificial Intelligence) high on the agenda
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will meet with leaders from Microsoft, DeepMind and Google on Thursday to kick off the secretive Bilderberg meeting.
The official list of participants is available at bilderbergmeetings.org . First photos from independent journalists show other participants who are not on the list, such as Yuval Noah Harari .
Consider this.. The possibility she's fighting them (WEF) from inside? Too many coincidental happenings draw me to consider this conclusion...In which case this post would make sense. Knows/hears/sees what is happening. What if we look at these tweets from a different perspective