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May 21st 2023
1/6 #SouthAfrica Can you spot the mistake. Take note of the dates....

🔴👉Oaths and Solemn Affirmations of President and Acting President of the Republic of South Africa.… #CyrilRamaphosa #Constitution #Eskom #Loadshedding Image
2/6 - 🔴1993
#WEF Young Global Leaders
👉Cyril Ramaphosa 1993
👉Trevor Manuel....Rothschild Group
👉Tito Mboweni - 1995 Young global leader

3/6 🔴 Klaus Schwab bragging about how they have infiltrated the cabinets of many countries.
Read 6 tweets
May 9th 2023

#VascoDaGama affecting 15th to 20th Ave (Between Vasco & Roosevelt) awaiting Eskom operators to restore on their side.

Kassie Distributor affecting 1st to 8th Ave (Hofmeyer & Selbourne Rd) investigation is halted by loadshedding, will resume afterwards^DR

20th Avenue dist (Between Selbourne and Roosevelt) will resume the investigations after the current loadshedding slot (22h30)

Adam block and Jabulani Cresent distributors, restoration work will commence after #Loadshedding ^DR
Power is fully restored to customers who were affected by #AdamBlock and #KassieDistributor

All affected customers restored, thank you so very much Jo'burg for your patience and understanding during the outage ^DR
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Apr 14th 2023
Region E #AlexandraOutages

We're aware that Kings Flat Distributor tripped following #Loadshedding

Affecting 11th and 12th Avenue.

We'll send out a team to investigate, the outcome will guide on both repair and restoration plans. ^DR
#AlexandraSDC Outage Update 👇^DR Image
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Apr 5th 2023
#SouthAfrica: Today the finance minister went back on the decision to exempt #Eskom from reporting expense regularities and the electricity minister lifted the state of disaster declared two months to deal with #loadshedding. These developments are good, but--
--it's alarming that they were made in the first place, because the first was an attempt to cover up the #corruption that we know to have occurred and the second would've simply opened the door to further corruption.
Then, to see government flip flopping on decisions is never a good sign, primarily because it signals a lack of decisive leadership with a vision. What was the plan? Was there a plan? And what was the end goal? Surely only something nefarious.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
[ON AIR] Economic Freedom Fighters Leader, @Julius_S_Malema says the protesters will not temper with the @NEHAWU strike during the March 20 #NationalShutdown

#UpdateAtNoon #SABCNews Image
@Julius_S_Malema @NEHAWU @SakinaKamwendo @LukotoV @Khondlo_Qwabe [ON AIR] Economic Freedom Fighters Leader, @Julius_S_Malema says there will not be a starting point or meeting point for the #NationalShutdown , fighters will protest wherever they are and make their voices heard.

#UpdateAtNoon #SABCNews
[ON AIR] Economic Freedom Fighters Leader, @Julius_S_Malema says there have been small boys who have said that the #NationalShutdown will be stopped.

#UpdateAtNoon #SABCNews
Read 13 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
1/20 Sovereign Africa Ratings @saratings is a most important development to pay attention to in Africa NOW. Africa is fast becoming the most important continent. And South African President Ramaphosa is mum on this vital African investment development.
Crude oil and copper prices have gone separate ways in recent months. Copper has risen 36% since last July while oil has fallen 22%. The divergence between the two markets is very rare in history. Image
But what happened in November to create this divergence? What would the impact of the middle East throwing themselves into the #ClimateEmergency Is it Relevant?… #ClimateScam
Read 20 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
[1/8] Electricity prices will rise by 18% this year even as Eskom plunges us into #Stage6loadshedding.

What’s going on? AmaBhungane’s @sajournalist explains why the crisis is likely to continue:

#Stage6loadshedding #Loadshedding
[2/8] In December, Eskom ran out of money to buy diesel for the open cycle gas turbines which provide electricity when demand surges in the evenings.

Although it felt like a bad month – with only 46 hours where we DIDN’T have #loadshedding – it could have been a lot worse.
[3/8] Here’s why: Eskom still had some diesel left in December. Added to this, PetroSA gave Eskom 50 million litres.

But December was a busy month, and between Eskom and the IPPs, we burned through roughly 100 million litres of diesel.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
1/5 Guys, this is insane and a game changer on so many levels. It's sending shockwaves through the South African #renewables industry. @DMRE_ZA just announced only 6 Preferred Bidders, all PV totalling 860MW, all outside Western and Eastern Cape regions. Not a SINGLE wind bid
@DMRE_ZA 2/5 This is against a #REIPPPP BW6 procurement target of 1000MW PV, 3200MW wind and a nationwide stage 6 #Loadshedding backdrop as we speak. You may wonder what the heck happened here??? Let me explain using #Eskom transmission's most recent grid capacity assessment (GCCA)...
3/5 The Apr 22 GCCA states that there are 1820MW left for grabs in the Western Cape+1600MW in the Eastern Cape. The vast majority of SA's wind projects (advanced development) are in these provinces. WC received about 4791MW of wind&solar bids, EC 872MW wind according to our intel
Read 6 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
#Loadshedding #OutageUpdate
Stage 4 is putting too much strain on our resources, with some substations unable to return during restorations, leaving customers without power for a longer period...<thread
The recent ramped up bout of loadshedding comes at the time when City Power was already overstretched by increase in capacity demand due to inclement winter weather, while battling rampant cable theft and illegal connections.
Over the weekend it was worse with outage calls hovering way above 3000. By 17h00 this afternoon we were dealing with just over 4770 outage calls, with over 2000 of them over 24hrs.
Read 15 tweets
May 4th 2022
Eskom says the implementation of stage 2 #Loadshedding was necessary to ensure that the national grid remains stable. IMS
#Loadshedding The power utility implemented stage 2 load shedding on Tuesday evening, citing delays in returning generators to service, as well as the breakdown of nine generators. IMS
#Loadshedding Eskom's Chief Operating Officer Jan Oberholzer says despite the implementation of load shedding, they are still using extensive reserves due to the higher winter demand. IMS
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Apr 20th 2022
@BrianMbm1 is a South African with experience in running large corporations successfully and with a track record at the power utility.
He understands the culture at Eskom and has the credentials to rescue not just the power utility but the country’s economy. #Eskom #Loadshedding
Under De Ruyter Eskom’s losses increased several tens of billions. Corruption continues unabated; power stations that are in & out of commission, n in some cases – as reported @ Tutuka power station – fuel is stolen to tune of R100m per month. That equates to R1.2bn per annum.
Continued deterioration hampering economic recovery, already under strain due to Covid19 lockdowns.
Eskom must replace management with experienced people who understand current requirements of a power utility n importance of future planning & track record of keeping the lights on
Read 4 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
A look @koko_matshela tenure at Eskom {THREAD}

Joined Eskom in 1996 from UCT where he studied Bsc in Chemical Engineering. As Engineer-in-Training, he stationed @ Duvha power station in Mpumalanga.

Became boiler plant engineer manager n pressure parts engineer by 2000 at Duvha
2004 promoted to senior manager for Eskom's engineering enterprises division; 2009 became senior manager for the Generation Division.

He was also a chairman of the Asset Creation Programmes Committee, n his contribution to the field of engineering earned him global recognition.
Chairman of VGB Power Plant Concepts and member of the European Committee of Standardisation.

2010 Koko served as divisional executive for group technology. In 2014 technology group merged with commercial division; n he was appointed group executive for Technology & Commercial
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Apr 19th 2022
ONE QUESTION:- "who recommended this guy to be Eskom CEO with NO Engineering qualification; NO Energy sector experience?

We know it was Cyril who asked Zuma to appoint @BrianMbm1 Molefe, and we saw an end to #Loadshedding

But WHO put this guy there? {THREAD}
#Stage4 #Eskom
De Ruyter is not a seasoned business person.

He has no glowing record at SASOL; and at Nampak were he committed a cardinal sin as CEO of destroying shareholder value. He took Nampak from a market cap of R29billion and dropped it to R5billion.

How do you hire such INCOMPETENCE?
The market reacted negatively to he’s appointment in January 2020, which further illustrated how this current government led by Cyril has turned its back towards transformation.

You have a gross over representation of WHITE people, particularly males, in the top positions in SA.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
[Happening Now] Eskom Chief Operating Officer (COO) Jan Oberholzer is briefing the media on the power utility's state of the system and operational performance.

#Loadshedding Image
#Loadshedding The company's Group Chief Executive, André de Ruyter who was expected to lead the briefing has sent his apology.

spokesperson Sikonathi Mantshantsha says he is attending the COP26 climate change conference.
#Loadshedding Oberholzer starts by apologising for load-shedding, saying the power utility only implement it when it's necessary.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
1. It’s day four. #Covid.
I’ve lost count of which day it is. Saturday. Yes. My fingers count visually with me. Yes .. Saturday.
Yesterday the #loadshedding started at 20h00. I was asleep when the generator went off and the power came back. Today I know it went off again at 12.
2. Because I did look at my phone. It’s not scary in the day. And this time the generator seemed to come on seamlessly. The noise it makes is actually now a relief. It’s working.
And the nurses are in their stride.
3. It’s the weekend shift for them. There are new faces. Abigail. Cebo with a cow drawn in pen on her gown. And Nozi.
Same energy. Same friendly smiles. Same spirit.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
#Loadshedding: #Covid
1. The nurses are making the beds. And we are sitting in chairs.The mood is jovial.We have been keeping each other’s spirits up.Someone is taking orders for coffee.The lights are on.
And then it’s just dark.Pitch black.Everything goes off.And we sit there
#Loadshedding #Covid
2. A nurse rushes in. Cellphone in hand - torched. She is heading for the 3rd bed. His oxygen system is not lined to the new power supply that will kick in. Other nurses rush in. They grab their phones. And it’s dark. We’re still just sitting there..
#Loadshedding #Covid
3. They don’t panic. And I’m wondering why. But I can see that this drill has been done 100 times. They know what they are doing. Some nurses in the passages ensure everybody is accounted for. Escorted to their rooms. From my seat I’m counting the seconds..
Read 6 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
#Eskom André de Ruyter is today releasing the company's interim financial results for the period ending September 2020.
#Eskom Ruyter says despite having to implementing #loadshedding on Saturday, the power utility has reduced it significantly.
#Eskom Ruyter says despite having to implementing #loadshedding on Saturday, the power utility has reduced it significantly.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
1/n A little thread on the impact of #9baje9minute on the Indian #Electricity #grid @PosocoIndia @MinOfPower

From @PosocoIndia o data #India's #power #demand at 19:00 hours in the last three #Sundays:

29 March: 110632 Gigawatts (GW)
22 March: 125000 GW
15 March: 144258 GW
2/n #Power #demand at 19:00 hours on similar Sundays last year:
31 March 2019: 149361
07 April 2019: 150735

#lockdown has reduced demand by 35-40 GW primarily as a result of the partial closure of industries and commercial establishments
3/n In 2019, #residential #demand was about 25% of total demand but it likely to be 33% of the total demand today. So, a sudden change in #residential #demand is likely to have a bigger impact.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 9th 2019
South Africa in Darkness with "Loadshedding" Stage 6!! At least they still have a sense of humor...

Next tweet in this thread: message I received this morning from a friend in South Africa...
John we are scheduled for load shedding 18 times over a four-day period for 4 hours at a time, or 18 times over an eight-day period for two hours at a time."

We don't have #Loadshedding, we ONLY have electricity between 6pm and 8pm daily.

Imagine how businesses will fail now!
Loadshedding Stage 9 - when Eskom drives away with the Sun 🌞 Image
Read 3 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
When r these upstanding citizens going to th #StateCaptureInquiry to testify?
Cyril Ramaphosa
Julius Malema
Mmusi Maimane
Helen Zille
Sipho Pityana
Bishop Malusi Mpumlwane
Thabo Mbeki
Stephan Kosef
Derek Hanekom
Justice Malala
I want them to tell us who hs been LOOTING SOEs fr th last 20yrs.

*Hw come 99% of SOEs tenders hv been "awarded" to same companies fr last 20yrs?

*Hw come ppl who r vocal abt corruption hv been th major beneficiaries of BANKRUPT SOEs?
Meet EFF,DA,UDM, ACDP, NGOs & #CR17 Funders
SA Chamber of Commerce (SaveSA CEOs/WMC).

"White Economic Freedom Front"


Read 9 tweets
Nov 18th 2019
Julius Malema:

"Pravin Gordhan enjoys respect frm everyone regardless of political party"

Banyise Pravin "Prime Minister" "WMC gatekeeper" Gordhan😂😂



EFF MPs giving Prime Minister Pravin Gordhan #StandingOvation👀

Banyise Pravin Gordhan😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Johann Rupert:

"My enemy is your enemy Pravin"

Read 30 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
We are back at the #StateCaptureInquiry today's witness is #Eskom board chairperson Jabu Mabuza. He is represented by Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi
#StateCaptureInquiry Evidence Leader, Advocate Vincent Maleka and DCJ Raymond Zondo are now dealing with housekeeping matters and documents.
#StateCaptureInquiry Maleka tells Zondo the legal team has prepared a bundle of notices for individuals who will be implicated in Mabuza's testimony #Eskom
Read 75 tweets

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