To give up mitigations in healthcare when we know spike protein is accumulating in peoples brains? It’s unethical.
See more from @TheWHN on the ethics&dangers of this
And @AnilvanderZee video for ME awareness day. It is a brutally honest and courageous depiction of life with ME
( I now have a kitten thanks to Grigor!)
Beautiful video from a beautiful dancer. Art comes in many forms.
Pleas protect your brain 🧠
Follow @TheWHN for apolitical advice
Things do not look good on an individual or population level now.
Reinfection era that will go down in history as a disaster.
It will all end in tears.
1 in 45 Britons now have atrial fibrillation (that can lead to a stroke.) 50% rise
Professor Sir Nilesh Samani, medical director BHF, said: "These figures show a quite astonishing rise in the number of people diagnosed with atrial fibrillation’
A reminder we are in a pandemic that has a virus with a predilection for the heart ❤️
If you have any symptoms in the article please see a dr
No one in the article says the C word. Correlation is not causation but something has caused a 50% rise.
Covid causes heart issues- we already know this.
If you ever wanted to read a mixed message this is it.
End of global health emergency but someone dying every 3 minutes& 10% of infections lead to long Covid.
We shouldn’t forget those lost-yet we will keep on losing people- deaths which could be preventable.
How can you pay homage to those lost, yet end a global health emergency before we have a sterilising vaccine?
Until we can prevent transmission the death toll and illness toll will continue to grow.
Mostly, I’m concerned about the children- in the Uk they are not vaccinated and they have no mitigations at school. Definitely haven’t been acting like an emergency here for quite some time. The children will eventually hold us to account.
Another reminder that Covid is not over, it is year round not seasonal, 10% of infections lead to long Covid according to WHO, 30% of infections in hospital are ACQUIRED there, and it seems
The nhs has given up.
We should still be testing, still be isolating, still be segregating Covid from non Covid in hospitals. We are making the perfect environment for new variants that we may regret. I cannot stress how wrong I think these current policies are.
Children with compromised immune systems should never ever be put next to a known Covid patient. If not tested how on earth is this fair to the immunocompromised child, or their immunocompromised carer? @RCPCHtweets
If you do one thing today, listen to cardiologist Dr Rae Duncan on #COVID19#LongCovid &what Covid could be doing to our children.
It is heartfelt and genuine from someone who has seen the devastating effects of long Covid.
Excerpts below.
via @YouTube
She details that prior to the pandemic the average age of referrals to her cardiology clinic was aged 55-80yrs.
Now it is 16-40yrs
Now at least 50% are long Covid with cardiovascular symptoms.
What she says about these patients is utterly heartbreaking.
It mirrors what I see.
Some cannot stand up due to severe #POTS
Some are in wheelchairs
Some are in bed 23 hours a day with only 15 minutes where they can speak #LongCovid
Getting Covid is not a personal failing
Getting long Covid is not a personal failing
Being high risk for Covid is not a personal failing
People have about as much control over this as their eye colour.
So stop treating all of the above like it’s their fault
We are now in the next stage of this circus, which is to treat those who get Covid, long Covid, are high risk for Covid or who want to avoid Covid like it is a CHARACTER FLAW.
It may be inconvenient for those who want to forget, but many can’t. Their lives depend on it.
It is not a personal achievement to ‘only get a cold’. The number of people I hear telling the ones who were unfortunate how they would hardly even know they had had it is well,,bizarre. I heard a pharmacist tell an entire pharmacy the other day how they hadn’t got it.
How mild can the mildest of mild omicron Covid be?
So mild it killed 600 people in the Uk last week ( and just about every week in the past year) and disables 1/10 who get it with long Covid.
But it’s ‘mild’
It causes inflammation in blood vessels&the brain but it’s ‘mild’.
The meaning of mild.
‘Not violent, severe, or extreme’
600 people dying a week is not extreme?
The term mild was first used by a GP in South Africa based on a small number of younger patients. In nov 21 @WHO issued this.