Taking the bull by d horn is a key leadership trait. Handling & successfully overcoming a challenge is a key leadership test that a politician must pass through to build & showcase credibility …1/8
as a leader.
#Modi was sent to Gujarat to resolve crisis within BJP party & govt in 2001. Within months another crisis befell in the shape of Gujarat riots. He sorted out governance issues & ensured riots never ever happened again in a communally strife torn state of …2/8
Gujarat. That built the legend of Modi who has since never lost a political battle!
Who can ever forget teary eyed young MP from UP in parliament 2007, pleading d house to provide him protection. He came from a mafia ruled state, fiercely divided on caste & religious lines…3/8
He swore to rid his state of these scourges and today #YogiAdityanath is credited with putting criminals under check or eliminating them, something one could not visualize a few years ago. Today he has an unparalleled fan following across Bharat & like Modi, has never…4/8
lost an election.
Annamalai’s story seems to be panning out on similar lines as Modi & Yogi. He has taken head on the three headed monster of dynasty, corruption & hate politics in TN. It is a huge challenge, the like of which since ages, nobody dare take on. These 3 ills…5/8
inflict almost whole of polity, in a small or large way, but inflict it does. In the process, Annamalai may end up annoying even some of his own colleagues & partners.
So he has taken the bull by the horn and has also tasted some initial success that has made people…6/8
across the country sit up, notice him & applaud. However, his battle has just begun. It will need him to be resilient, tenacious & decisive. It will test his clarity & conviction. He has shown he has all these traits in him. It is now for him to exercise them & come out…7/8
as a winner, like Modi & Yogi did and Bharat just may have another man of destiny! There are others too but in Annamalai’s context Modi’s & Yogi’s example were most relevant for mentioning. Suddenly, such abundance of leaders…Bharat is truly blessed!
Jai Ho!!…8/8 End
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#democracy under attack, press judiciary undermined, girls getting gang-raped…1/7
People dissuading from hugging kids coz they were ‘dirty’ (alluding to untouchability), Kashmir is a violent place, Modi has a divisive agenda, he treats Sikhs, Muslims, minorities as second class citizens, he is trying to enforce his own idea of India on a union of states…2/7
which requires negotiation & not coercion!
2. Present his world view:
Two dominant ideas, one of #USA which believes in individual liberties & freedom and second of #China for which harmony in society is paramount (nothing new in it). US believes in being on top of nature…3/7
Born & brought up there & having lived through dark ages, I am concerned today, like every patriot.
Let’s start with d ‘perceived’ root:
We all know, the money, men, motivation & resources are coming from Canada. But why is….1/16
Canada doing it & why is nobody stopping it. You see, Canada is a toothless tiger. They hardly have any armed forces. They depend on US for protection so their geopolitics & foreign affairs are driven by the US. On their own they couldn’t dare take such a bold step of…2/16
becoming a hub for initiating an insurgency against a powerful state like Bharat. So who is doing it? Answer is:
US DEEP STATE!! That is the ‘real’ root.
The deep state of US nurtures Muslim Brotherhood (MB) & uses it to create disturbances in Middle East to then…3/16
10 things that #Modi has done which no PM has ever done before. A brief thread:
1.Demolished Nehruvian order of crony socialism and darbari culture, showing Lutyen’s media & Khan Market Gang its rightful place.
2.Did not just talk socialism but walked it by…1/6
ensuring welfare & development reached the bottom of the pyramid.
3.Integrated #Kashmir with Bharat.
4.Broke the back of terrorism by hitting their financial sourcing & effectively controlling it.
5.Cleared all obstacles in the way of Ram Temple judgement as well…2/6
as its construction.
6.Challenged #China and ensured it stopped gnawing at Bharat’s territory.
7.Transformed Bharat’s foreign policy from ‘non-alignment’ to ‘India-first alignment’ ensuring India always took sides in the best interest of the nation as well as the…2/6
Some folks are exulting as UK has had its first Hindu PM. Well the irony is that he has become the PM not because of his Hindu roots but because UK saw him as the most capable amongst the lot to sort out the mess. This also points out to the bane that Indian…1/7
polity suffers with, to offer positions on the basis of identity. Sadly & unfortunately, a whole host of our intellectuals and media personnel promote this peculiarity as they too suffer from the same mindset.
Some folks are lamenting why India is not so diverse….2/7
These are motivated people who view the world from only Hindu-Muslim prism and erroneously believe that the only way Bharat can become diverse is when she has a Muslim as PM. Also, their colonial mindset is wired to appreciate and give credit to the west for all…3/7
As he turns 72 today, I ponder on what differentiates PM #Modi the most from his political rivals? On serious reflection, if I were to answer it in a sentence, it is that while his rivals work towards family & self preservation at the cost of national interests,…1/15
Modi is an epitome of self sacrifice and symbolises the true spirit of nationalism and love for countrymen. However, this calls for a detailed explanation, so please allow me to provide a few pointers in this thread:
As soon as he assumed PM office…2/15
he demolished the coterie, monarchy’s self perpetuating tool, comprising of power brokers & rent seekers in the garb of intellectuals, journalists, think tank experts, bureaucrats, historians, authors etc. This resulted in two positive outcomes:…3/15
Do number of hours you put in define your commitment to your job? Is it how you should look at your job? (A perspective)
As the debate rages on #worklife balance vis a vis commitment to work, which in some sections is also now being equated with the no of hours put in by…1/7
employees, I feel, we are missing the real point that is ‘meaningful work’. On this aspect the following three questions are critical:
This has a direct linkage with your #purpose to work. The purpose could be linked to…2/7
personal/family/organisational/societal needs. Without getting into a moral debate on what type of purpose is more appropriate, it really does not matter as long as you have a purpose which motivates you to go to work.