Recall, Petitioners are challenging the Aadhaar Project, Aadhaar Act & all related notifications, circulars and other legislations that refer to aadhaar.
SD clarifies the point on Registered Device Id and IP and the implications of recording both with every authentication transaction.
Hands over a note on both IP address and Registered Device Id. He gives screenshot of...
Sikri J says he is aware of these possibilities.
SD then reiterates the registered device point and how the very reason for that is traceability.
SD rounds off saying now it is established that enabling of surveillance. And that Court
DYC J asks how even when he makes IT returns electronicallly or takes an Uber ..the location is trackable.
1. Breaking down of silos and
2. Centralisation of authentication data and
3. Unique identifier.
He says he wants to suggest a thought experiment.
Says he is now confident he is addressing five learned judges steeped in ...
That application suffers from the same problem as SD says, asks DYC J.
SD smilingly says its a no-brainer that...