How @UniversitiesUK botched, bungled and biased its September 2017 survey of #USS employers. 👇 (THREAD)
The 42% claim was repeated in a formal document: "UUK's response to the USS Technical Provisions consultation"

2.4 "A significant minority (42%) of survey respondents want less risk to be taken - including some of the very largest employers"
Conclusions: 10.2.c "42% would like to take less risk".

1. Who responded?
2. Was the survey manipulated?
3. Why did UUK count unauthorized responses?
4. Who on earth are the 42%?
@MikeOtsuka found that "one third" of 42% is made up of Oxbridge colleges. That's 16 colleges.
King's College (Cambridge) has stated that its survey response, made by the Bursar, was NOT the authorized view of the college.
A diligent Bursar will have answered No to this question.
In fact, Cambridge Univ and, it seems, Oxford Univ also replied NO to this question!
* Said Business School
* Oxford Uni Endowment Management Ltd (with £3 billion of assets)
* The Russell Group
* UniversitiesUK
* Office of Intercollegiate Services Ltd (feat. King's College Bursar)
* The Cambridge Venue Company Ltd (feat. several other Bursars)
* University of Cambridge Dental Practice Ltd
This I find baffling. Recall that Cambridge & Oxford (probably), our two most prestigious universities, replied NO to question 2. Cardiff did too & others. Q2 was set *specifically* to check that an institutional view had been reached.
So far, we know of just ONE authorised institutional response that rejected risk: Bristol Uni ... mostly because Unis have resisted legitimate FoI requests, see here: whatdotheyknow.com/user/neil_davi…
Calling all institutions in favour of rejecting the September level of #USS risk! Please - come forward now and argue your case in public. The time for lurking in the shadows is over! (Ends).