A case for banning stock ownership by our elected leaders.

Since the XL project crossed national borders, TransCanada needed a permit from the State Dept to proceed.
As The US Ambassador to the United Nations in 2010
Susan E. Rice ranked 4th in the Executive Branch with an estimated net worth of $36,409,595.00 Million Dollars
Just Ask a Clinton I Suppose...
You Create a 501C3 Non-Profit (non-taxable) Foundation Thingy:
"Rice Cameron Family Foundation"
in Washington, District of Columbia (DC)
Acc to financial disclosure reprts 1st highlighted by the environmentalist magazine OnEarth, Rice had a good portion of her $50m net wrth invested in co's that stand to directly benefit if the project wnt 4ward.
Rmbr NOT seeing on the news (esp ABC Nightly Fake News) When Fmr Natn'l Security Adviser Susan Rice – “UNMASKED” @realDonaldTrump officials?
Maybe bc Rice is married to a frmr ABC News Executive Producr?
~ABC News Executive Producer Ian Cameron
-Husband of Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
So...Ya think there might be a little bias in the news?
Is a truly independent decision even possible in such a case?
(Maybe I Should Ask Martha Stewart)
There's an ELITE group of EXPERT investors that managed to produce spectacular returns for decades, outperforming not only the market, other expert traders, but also corporate insiders.
~Who are these ELITE EXPERTS....?
~They Are Our Representatives-Mbrs of Congress.
So much for representation "by the people."
Technically it's "public knowledge," but I can tell you
~ it's Congress' dirty little secret.
Congress is rich.
Unbelievably rich.
The fact that insider trading remains legal for some of our nation's wealthiest politicians...
...or that Congress refuses to do anything about it.
The legislation has languished since 2006.
“it would be legal, because insider-trading laws do NOT apply to Congress.”
And not only are Senators and Congressmen immune, their aides are, too
While everyone else is subject to basic insider trading rules, it turned out that mbrs of Congress were exempt from the rules.
...And they made use of it.
"The lopsided votes showed lawmakers desperate to regain public trust in an election year, when the public approval rating of Congress has sunk below 15 percent."
And apparently some of the "details" of the ban on insider trading were beginning to chafe Congressional staffers, who found it hard to pad their income with some friendly trades on insider knowledge.
Specifically the part that reqrd staffers 2post disclosures abt their financial transactions, so the public could make sure there was no insider trading going on.
(A national risk to their bank accounts.)
with NO debate.
signed it into law in a quiet, fast &furious manner
Bc best way 2rebld trust in Congress, is roll back INSIDER TRADING LAWS for Politicians & Their staff, (Laws US little ppl wld go 2prison 4if broken).
That’s right. Unanimous consent, no one wanted to put their name down as openly supporting corruption while supporting corruption.
Pelosi bought 5,000 shares of Visa at the IPO price of $44.
Just a couple of days later, when the stock was trading to the investing public, it traded at $64/share.
The removal of the public option proved 2b a boon for private health insurers, making a significant sum for the Congressman's investments.
who were lobbying on bills that passed through their committees
In 5,531 transactions
So out of a total of 45,000 transactions analyzed, that's nearly 1 in 8 trades.
~Ask Yourself:
Does My Congress Mbr REALLY "Represent" Me and My Family?
Do They Feel Our Monthly Financial Pains?
Do They Ever Wonder If They Can Afford College for Their Child?
"The American Dream"
Complacency faces America today. Most citizens are uninformed and unmotivated to question the actions of our politicians.
Our freedoms are, as they were in 1776, threatened by our unwillingness to act.
~Our nation was formed bc our founding fathers wanted to escape the clutches of British royalty and build a nation that was free to govern itself and thrive on its own, without royal dictatorship.
~Politicians who write laws that can make or break America's biggest companies secretly trade stocks using INSIDER INFO
~The msm, (Watchdog of those in power 4US) are literally married to those in power.
~Did I mention their little 'NO TERM LIMITS' Thingy?
Faces Congressional Stockholders
oops, I mean a "CongrCommitteeMbrs" In a Hearing Nxt Wk.
~Congress &Senate Pass a Law Eliminating Insider Trading
~Quietly Bludgeon Same Law When Nobody Was Watching.
Got IT?