The staff take turns to lead it in pairs so we've got to know most of the people who work there. 2/
But because of Rhyme Time the library staff aren't new - she knows every one of them and so feels at ease being at the library 3/
It was a real lifeline while I was on maternity leave and trying to do something every day to keep us both entertained/sane. 4/

Sometimes as soon as she wakes up, my daughter sits bolt upright and asks me if we can go to the library and see Bookstart Bear today.
There's even a rhyme about the bear that I'm persuaded to sing every time she talks about it. 6/
She cheers and jumps on the bed because today we're going to the LIBRARY. 7/
But once we're there they, of course, have books. Lots and lots of children's books in particular. 8/
She loves to look through random books when we're there even if we don't take them home.
It's a wonderful way for her to see a massive range of books beyond those we own at home. 9/
Lots of kids' activities cost £5 to £10 per week and require payment up front for a term, excluding many. 10/
And the thing is, Rhyme Time is BY FAR the most popular kids' activity we do. The numbers are staggering. 11/
The staff have to move furniture to create a buggy parking area, with an extra overflow zone.
They never turn anyone away. 12/
This might not seem important to some, but as nearly all the parents bringing their kids are women, I've spoken to dads who find it hard to be the only audible male singing voice in a room full of people. 13/
I also like that my daughter sees men leading a children's session. EVERY other activity we've ever done has been led by women. 14/
The other weekend I had to return a library book and took my daughter with me.
She's not old enough to understand my explanation that it wasn't time for Rhyme Time, so was confused when we got there. 16/
The women said "oh I think Bookstart Bear's just asleep, I'll go and see" then rushed off to the staff room and... 17/
My daughter was **ecstatic**
Especially because she could cuddle the bear all to herself for a minute, without having to share with 60 other kids.
Then the bear went back to bed, & we found a couple of children's books to borrow. 18/
So to everyone at @WGC_Central_Lib - THANK YOU for making my child love libraries and books at such a young age. She and I will remember it 👏