Uche was one of those students in school who occasionally wore bogus long sleeved shirts...
A geek eyeglass, an afro, a black duffle bag and a brown shoe that shares the same oddity with Uche's choice of clothing, was also part of his signature appearance.
Sometimes he felt there was a mental sticker on his head that screamed
'Bully me. Bully me. Bully me'.
Uche was the real definition of "Fashion makes you stand out." His mentality...
Uche was from a poor home and he lived most of his life in Ibadan, Oyo state with his parents. When his father died, Uche and his mother relocated back to Nnewi, Anambra state...
She became popular in the area and was able to use her profits to send Uche to school.
When young Uche was in Ibadan, his parents lived close to an old man who was a professor...
He was a drunk who loves the company of women to the extent that he usually sold the dignity...
In the professor's one room apartment, there were stacks upon stacks of book.
It felt more like a disorganized library than a living quarter. It was obvious that the man ran mad from...
The first time Uche entered the room, he could perceive the damp smell of old and soggy books which was not unconnected to the fact that the room lacked proper ventilation. Dr...
Uche could recall stumbling upon a book on psychoanalysis on the floor. After reading the introductory parts of the book, Uche knew that he would like to study psychology one day but...
He began to study basic texts on psychology in order to gather prior knowledge before...
And then all of a sudden, Dr jack died by choking on his own vomit; and then Uche's father died 2 months later which forced his relocation to Anambra state.
Uche's did not know when he unconsciously adopted Dr jack's...
'You are here for you, not for others so it pays to be in charge of your reality.' He would tell Uche.
He was so enthralled in reading books that had to do with human behaviour and it's connection with the workings of the mysterious mind. Uche was one of those...
Uche failed to admit that he was turning out to be like Dr Jack in terms of character and choice of dressing.
The only thing that kept Uche from being a perfect replica of the...
Uche's life changed forever when he met Sandra. Sandra was slender, tall, light-skinned, busty and curvy. She was a perfect example of an all-in-one package. She was a...
Sandra was one of those chicks that garnered up to a 167k likes on twitter and 209k on Instagram. Sandra was a model and a student and a lot of male lecturers were both pronounced and secret
Uche's path and that of Sandra crossed on Uche's birthday when he decided to see what it felt like to be high on alcohol.
He was lost in melancholy and then went to a bar to take one bottle of beer which threw...
He had always wondered how Dr Jack felt when interacting with alcohol despite the warnings of his mother concerning being around the old...
Sandra happened to park her G-wagon by a lonely road to drink and cry away her pain after she caught her rich boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend.
Uche slowly approached her. She was wearing a red short skin tight gown with black stilettos. Uche was drunk and he...
"Hello. You're too beautiful to be crying here all alone. I'm sorry for your pain. You'll be fine just as you became fine after your last..
Sandra was sky high and when she saw the weird looking geek in front of her.
She almost wanted to laugh but she was in pain. There was something about Uche that made Sandra lower her guard- maybe it was because of the...
Something came alive in Sandra when her eyes went to Uche's egg plant. She immediately felt an electrifying bolt of lust shoot across her whole body. Uche was hung...
Why deny him the belief that the unexpected still happens? Sandra was angry, horny and drunk and she wasn't thinking...
She was about to have a senseless and vengeful intercourse with a stranger but she was too horny, angry and drunk to care.
Uche was a virgin and he didn't have much experience but...
It felt like it lasted forever and it came with multiple extraordinary climaxes.
Uche managed to run inside the bush in order to cover up. He felt different...
Uche realized that he left a textbook on psychology - the one he was holding the whole time- in Sandra's car and he knew he was in serious trouble because it was a limited...
Was it worth it?
Oddly, yes!
Ever since Uche was born, he never knew such excitement existed and who would have thought that he would make love to a girl way out of...
When Uche went to school after the incident, his mates noticed that there was something slightly different about him.
Uche found himself looking at almost any lady; it felt as if that...
A week passed. Uche was walking out of his class one day in his usual haphazard attire and his back pack.
Sandra was sitting inside her car which was parked right in front of his department.
She remembered that she thought it was a black mushroom enveloping his head when she was having drunken copulation with him.
Sandra was embarrassed by the way he looked and...
She hated herself for pushing him out of her car. She found Uche's text book and decided to look for Uche and did that for a...
One can tell this woman was out for a piece of Uche. Her satisfaction was more important than the embarrassment she would cause herself by...
She brought out her head and called Uche who came after doubting that he was the one she was calling.
"Get in" Sandra said.
Uche awkwardly entered the car and sat down...
"I do hope you remember me?"
Sandra asked and Uche responded by nodding.
"Oh come on. Loosen up. I don't bite... Oh, and...
Sandra said and gave Uche the book. Uche accepted the book and thanked her without daring to look straight in her eyes.
Uche was not drunk so he didn't have the kind of courage he had the night he met Sandra. Sandra was...
She convinced herself that his meat was the right amount for her 'pussycat' to consume.
She wanted to have a consistent taste of Uche whenever she wanted and the only way to do that without damaging her...
"We are going shopping. I need to pull you out of the 19th century."
Sandra informed Uche and then took him to a boutique where she updated his wardrobe. After that, she took him to a barbershop and...
She then drove Uche to a hotel where he took his bath and freshened up.
When he came out with a towel, Sandra was already on the bed with black lingerie. Every other thing that...
Uche was a sex god and Sandra completely bowed to his natural expertise in bed.
Uche didn't go to school for 3 days and when he finally returned to school, people who knew...
It felt as if aliens abducted him and gave him a total makeover. Who knew Uche could be this handsome?
It seemed like the sex improved Uche's confidence and the way he walked...
She formed a habit of coming to pick him up from school most times when was horny.
She was proud of her boy toy. If care was not taken, she would have even married this young man...
Uche changed from a frog to a prince in just 3 months. Sandra became extremely jealous whenever she saw Uche with any lady because she felt that if not for...
Girls began flocking around Uche and Sandra hated it. As time went by, Uche started chasing girls. Uche became a beast of pleasure and he totally downplayed the...
When Sandra confronted him and threw a fit, Uche who has morphed into an eloquent and highly confident man, told her a truth that pissed her off.
Uche told her that she never..
Sandra does not care to have any form of deep conversation with Uche whenever they were together. To be honest, the sight of Uche turned Sandra on and the next thing that...
Sandra took a knife from the kitchen and Uche ran for his life. Sandra was a psycho and Uche was about to find out the bitter way.
She set Uche's house and car ablaze. It was her money...
It came to a point when Sandra stalked him in school. Uche, who wanted to meet up with his lapses during the times when he got lost in...
Uche got lucky when Sandra travelled out for a modelling contract. Uche returned to school and tried to fix the broken pieces of his...
Uche continued making love with girls while having little or no emotional attachment.
He came in a coy nerd, and graduated as a confident playboy.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 5. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .HERE COMES TROUBLE . . . .
Maria was an opposite of Diana. She was calm and easy...
It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon and a perfect time to enjoy the weather and the scenery of their lush garden which came with an assortment of ornamental greeneries. Not far from them,...
Freddy was a fraternal twin to Teddy. He was a misguided artist, a horrible musician and a kick boxing enthusiast.
Freddy had anger issues and had been receiving treatment from a Chinese therapist whose office was at Ikoyi.
Teddy and Freddy were brute entities that do not joke with any of...
Before the police could get to the assailant's address, Teddy and Freddy abducted the unfortunate guy and drove him...
They fastened some thick ropes to his hands and legs each & then tied the ends of the ropes to two opposite trees thus leaving him hanging in an X position. All the while, the man was trying to...
The man screamed and struggled but the gag and ropes limited his...
After the guys were done, they set a fire underneath the hanging man.
The guys both sat down on the portable chairs they brought along with them and drank beer while they watched..
Night soon came, and when the guys got their fill, they took the man...
The guys hung a placard on the man's neck and on it, "WOMAN BITTER" was...
As Mr D, Maria and Diana watched Freddy & Teddy tussle it out in a battle for superiority,
Bisola was everyone's favourite in the house and she had been away for..
"Hey. Hey. Hey. Don't sweat on me big guy."
"Hello sis." Teddy welcomed her.
"It's also my father's house"
Freddy said & then proceeded to pick up an apple which he sank his heavy teeth into. He then shook his left chest as a taunting gesture towards Bisola..
"He does have a point dear." Mr D said.
"No he doesn't." Diana countered.
"Why must they be the only one who get to enjoy being in their father's house. Their freedom is obviously interfering with our...
"It's not that deep Diana." Teddy said.
Chairman, you can't bully me with that your chest." Diana informed him
"Teddy, Freddy. Put on your shirts as a sign of welcome to your sister."
He said.
"Please." He added.
"Well thank you for understanding."
Bisola responded with a sarcastic smile.
Teddy and Freddy located their shirts and wore them.
"Well I don't mind." Mr D chipped in.
"Dad, seriously?" Bisola asked.
"Sometimes I need to see something that reminds me that I have wonderful genes."
"But mom didn't have muscles." Maria added.
"Thanks Honey." Mr D was proud of his calm daughter for coming to his defense.
"Umm, it definitely came from mom, only that the feminine energy was transformed into...
"Stay off those science fiction novels Diana" Freddy told her and laughed.
"Don't attack my interests." Diana fired back
"Your interests sucks." Teddy said and took a...
"Wait are you guys totally siding with dad?" Diana asked.
"Well, I would say dad contributed immensely." Maria goes again.
"Mom was a beauty Queen. Dad is just like a plain sheet of paper. No offense dad."
"None taken baby." Mr D responded.
Bisola just sat quietly and watched her family exchange harmless banter across the table.
Everyone knew what to say and what not to say in order not to annoy anyone. Bisola was proud of her family.
"No I do not" She denied immediately.
There was a brief silence and then everyone agreed in unison that Maria served the truth.
"Oh come on guys." Bisola pleaded.
"You got to be proud that you're not as ugly as...
"Eh eh. Speak for yourself. I'm not ugly." Diana countered.
"Well you ain't pretty either." Freddy tackled her and laughed.
"Dad" Diana looked at her father for approval.
"No Diana. Don't say anything."
Diana wanted to attack Freddy's
A look of revenge enveloped Diana's face and his father knew that things might get messy if Diana took a shot at his distasteful style of music.
Teddy noticed the look on Diana's face and...
"I think Diana is considering your feelings right now bro. I think she wants to tell you that your music sucks."
The air suddenly went thinner and there was an awkward silence.
Freddy dipped his hands in a bowl of chips and then threw it at Teddy's...
"Say it to my face." he dared his brother.
Teddy ate one of the chips that landed on his laps and then goes again
"Your music sucks."
"Oh! That's it soldier. You're going down."
Freddy stood up, and charged towards Teddy, ...
Everyone in the family knew that attacking Freddy's "talent" in music was a bad idea. The last time Mr D told him that, he didn't talk for 3 weeks until his father apologized and was forced to listen to his song for over an hour.
The family knew that both brothers disagreed a lot and were known to tussle it out in a display of raw agility.
They were on the grass struggling & Teddy ended up holding Freddy in a chokehold while the family continued with...
"You raised great sons dad." Bisola said sarcastically.
"Boys will be boys honey."
Mr D said and then started going through a newspaper with his legs crossed.
"So how was Kenya sis?" Diana changed the topic.
"Coffee? Ewww." Maria said with a wince...
Bisola asked.
"Don't mind her sis. She's Nigerian to the core. She is among the 'Nigerian Tea party'. You know, those who think that Milo and milk combo is the only kind of tea in existence."
"Um. No I do not." Diana denied.
"You totally want to look cool to sis B."
"Oh. Sis B. I think I like that." Bisola chipped in.
"Duh. Why would I want to do that?" That was Diana speaking.
"Don't listen to this tea monster sis." Diana goes again.
Bisola laughed and then said:
"Guys. Guys. Please relax. It's not that serious. Tea and Coffee are cool. Whatever floats your boat."
Teddy was still holding Freddy in a chokehold. Freddy was overwhelmed with the pressure that he had to tap his hands as a sign of submission.
Teddy released Freddy and stood up. He then...
Although she didn't quite agree with the methods they employed in the expression of that brotherly love. Bisola could...
She had a flashback on that fateful day she met Uche. The moment she left Uche, she drove to a hotel where her...
The same day that Bisola thought she would be spending the rest of her life with her ex was the same day her heart got broken into pieces. It turned out that the man she had
Teddy and Freddy were the ones who presented her with evidence that he was married. They had been investigating the man for 3 months ever since she introduced him to the family. Mr D was...
He just disappeared into thin air. It took Bisola 2 years to start dating again which was when she met her current boyfriend. Mr D's...
"Hello X." He said.
"She's back." A gruff voice emanated from his cell.
"Oh my." Mr D said absentmindedly with worry building up his face and then looked...
Something dangerous was coming and Mr D knew he had to protect his family.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 6. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . A SECOND CHANCE . . . . . . . .
THE first thing Uche saw was darkness. In the infinite void, he heard the beeping of a machine. He slowly opened his eyes which projected a blurred environment.
After a while, his hazy sight attained significant clarity which was followed...
His life literally flashed before his eyes after the accident. He then remembered Bisola and there was a sharp pain in his heart.
He wasn't so sure why he wanted Bisola so bad. Maybe it was because of her beauty or maybe it was connected to...
She rushed out & returned with a doctor who ran some checks on his eye sight with a torch...
The thing Uche didn't know was that he had been in a coma for 2 years...
He was convinced that the news was probably talking about a future event. He tried to say something but his mouth felt heavy and his throat was dry.
"Please what's the date?"
The doctor beamed with a smile and said
"The date is 2018. You've been in a coma for two years."
"But that's not possible." Uche was confused
Fear immediately gripped Uche's mind. Does his room mate and his mother even know where he was?
How is this happening?
How did he get here?
There was an array of questions running through his mind.
"Well, the lady who knocked you down brought you here with the help of two men. They said you were riding a bicycle and you weren't watching the road.
The lady has been the one paying for your medical bills ever since then."
"Yes. We were able to contact your mother using your mobile phone. As a matter of fact, she came to check up on you yesterday. She's going to be so thrilled to see you up and running."
The doctor updated Uche.
"Oh. She told us to contact her if you should ever come out of the coma. At a point in time, we considered pulling the plug because you showed no hope of pulling through but she wasn't having it. I guess she does not want...
"Wait. You were going to kill me?" Uche was shocked.
"Well technically, you were dead." The doctor defended himself.
"Unbelievable. You guys should be sued."
"You have a loud mouth don't you? Watch your...
"Yea. I should be thanking God that he didn't allow you guys KILL ME."
"You little piece of shit. Forget the looks, I'm going to beat you back into your coma."
The nurse clears her throat.
"That's no way to talk
"Zip it you worthless arrangement of bones. We've been tending to your vegetative ass for 2 years only for you to wake up and chat shit. I have 5 grown men at home, boy."
"You're a mad doctor."
Uche struck a nerve and the doctor...
The nurse forced him off Uche and led him out while he spat rude remarks at Uche.
2 hours later. Uche was sleeping while the television channel was tuned to CNN. Donald...
Sandra- Uche's psychotic ex- walked into the room dressed in a black jacket and tight jeans. She brought out a pistol with a silencer & walked closer to Uche...
A nurse walked in looking at a dossier, & as she turned to run out of the room after seeing the gun, Sandra shot her twice on the back of her head. She then turned to Uche and emptied the cartridge...
Uche immediately woke up from his bad dream.
He looked around the room and the station was still tuned to CNN with Donald Trump having a press conference in the white house.
Uche's paranoia towards Sandra had rematerialized in form of a bad dream...
Uche looked at Bisola with absolute astonishment. At that moment, Uche felt that the parallel patterns of his dream & reality have merged into a single line.
This dream must...
The aftermath of the coma must be messing with his mind. Uche thought.
Bisola approached him. Her facial expression was dominated with signs of great relief. She didn't really know how to react. Maybe she was happy that she wasn't going..
Uche knew he was no longer in a dream state & that bothered him.
What the heck is this?
How is she here when this is clearly not a projection of his subconscious.
He wondered.
The last thing he remembered was Bisola's...
Bisola placed her hand on his and a tingling and electrifying current ran across the whole of Uche within seconds.
It felt as if her touch was a generator that provided him with energy.
"How? How are you here? What's going on?"
"Ouch." What was that for?
"That was for taking away my peace of mind for 2 years."
Bisola strikes him again.
"Hey!" Uche retaliated.
"That's for jumping in front of me...
Yes. Bisola was the one that ran over Uche.
That fateful day when Uche was chasing after her on a bike, he mistook the car a few blocks from him as Bisola's car.
He had already lost track of her but mother destiny had plans...
"I thought..."
"You are a mad person. What is your problem?"
Bisola was annoyed.
"Look I'm sorry. None of this was my intention"
Bisola could remember the sleepless nights she had and how her family was there to help her pull through.
She thought Uche was going to die at first and when it was obvious that he had gone into an uncertain comatose state, she slowly let the parasites of...
She then told the hospital staff to contact her whenever Uche pulled through. Not a day...
She was not ready to accept the reality that she killed a man trying to woo her. If only...
"Yeah right. Wake up from a coma and apologize for making me eat myself up for putting you in a coma. You had no idea what you put me through mister."
Bisola scolded him.
"Well, I've lost two years...
"Your fault. Not mine"
"You should have just heard me out."
"Oh now you blame me for not hearing you out? A sane person will move along when a woman tells him No."
"A sane person won't let bliss slip away from him"
It scared Bisola that she may be in love with this man. Maybe it was because she thought about him for the past 2 years which may have conditioned her mind into warming up to the images of him.
She was really happy that Uche wasn't going to
"What you're doing to me isn't fair."
Uche told her.
"Easy miss. My life is still hanging by a thread. Look, I just wanted to be your friend."
"Friendship is it by force?
"I guess this is the part where I say I'm sorry."
"Just look at what your stubbornness has caused you."
"It was worth it cos you're here."
"I'm done."
Bisola took offense at his response and then left the room. Uche called after her but she was...
As Bisola walked away, she knew that was not what she really wanted. She wanted to scold Uche longer than she had. Why does this man bring...
And no, It wasn't just the confidence. There was something else but she wasn't sure yet. She sought to spend more time with him but she realized she had a man- a man that she...
She felt guilty leaving Uche and the thought of going back to Uche also made her guilty because she had a man who loved her. It tugged at her heart whenever
Uche felt as if his village people were grinding his heart on a stone. His heart ached, his breathing seized and head felt heavy.
Hell No!
Not again.
Uche thought to himself.
If he lets her leave this time
He wasn't going to let her go. No. Not this time. He convinced himself. He tried getting out of bed but an explosion of pain reverberated across his
No pain, no gain.
He motivated himself.
Uche removed the drip attached to his hands and tried standing up which led to his fall.
He groaned in pain but the fear of losing Bisola gave him renewed energy. He commanded the limits of his strengths and...
He was in pain but he was determined to be lord over his pain. Uche moved closer to...
He had a feeling Bisola must have left the hospital but he really didn't care.
Uche, woman go kill you o.
The common sense in him tried to talk him out of the torture he had decided to...
Two nurses saw him and immediately panicked as they ran to him. Uche managed to walk a few metres before the meagre strength...
The hospital exit was about 30 metres away from him and he hopelessly looked at it while trying to accept the unfortunate reality that Bisola had finally walked out of his life. Another nurse...
The grim colours of pain on Uche's face was vibrant and strong as he tried to resist the excruciating condition trying to damage the foundation of his sanity.
She's gone forever.
His mind, body and soul was against him and he believed it was because salvation had just slipped from his hands.
At that moment, Uche's idea...
As Uche struggled with his darkness, all of a sudden, it felt as if the sun came up and suppressed the dark ocean of nothingness that has filled Uche's existence.
It was Bisola.
She came back and...
The pain immediately lost it's power over Uche. His future yet again became a picture of a flower-filled land basking under the magnificence of the blazing summer sun.
"What is your problem?"
Uche managed to say while smiling in the midst of his nagging pain.
"I just wanted to get a drink. I wasn't going to leave."
She lied.
She had already gone into her car to leave but she changed her mind.
"Can I get your number?"
Dead people don't make calls"
"Sir, please we've got to take you back to bed. You need to rest."
A nurse rolled over a wheel chair and they got Uche on it.
"Well, do you have a pen?" She asked Uche.
"I do"
A Yoruba woman who had watched the whole
Bisola's took the pen and wrote her number on Uche's hand while she knelt down. As the movement of the pen in her hands left a series of ink strokes on...
It was a cocktail of pain and magic coursing through the complexity of his nervous system. It felt like seconds stretched into a hundred years because...
He felt on top of the universe. Bisola was soon done and she rose to her feet. She turned and walked...
The owner of the pen was grinning all along while the two nurses wheeled Uche back to his ward leaving the nurse and the woman behind.
Uche looked at the number on his palm and then folded it into a clenched fist.
"Ma. What about your pen?" The last nurse asked.
"Ah. Let her keep it. She deserves more than the pen. What a cute couple."
"What?" The woman asked.
"We all know that they won't last. We all know relationships don't work these days."
"Oloriburuku oshi. Omo ale. Bitterleaf like you. Don't blame someone else for the bad taste of your horrible life. Don't go and marry.
The woman hissed and walked away leaving the shocked nurse with her mouth helplessly open.
She never saw that trailer coming.
Bisola walked to her car and got in. There was a smile on her face as she clasped her hands on the steering while...
'This guy is really something else'
She mused.
Bisola fired the ignition which transmitted a surge of energy to the engine and brought the car to life...
What Uche and Bisola did not know was that the pain they went through because of each other had led them to subconsciously fall in love with each other.
Uche thought about Bisola almost everyday for 2 years after...
Uche was a playboy who has never had an emotional connection with anyone and Bisola was a lady scarred by the insensitivity of her heartless ex.
But they didn't know that.
Bisola knew she was going to have to choose between Uche & her man one day but that was a headache meant for another day. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy the moment
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 7 . . . . . . . . . . .
Uche said he would love to go to the beach one day when Bisola asked him what he would like to do once he returned to...
Even when he moved to Lagos to squat with his friend Pablo in his two room...
Pablo was one of Uche's friends back in the University. He got the nickname Pablo Prickaso when he got drunk at a party one...
That night, he sold his dignity which wasn't worth much anyway because he was absolutely shameless. Pablo was slightly chubby and even though his chances of getting laid was slim to...
He was a harmless guy at the end of the day and people saw him as a legend back in school because of his expertise in planning parties.
Uche became friends with him when he...
Pablo attained his legendary status when there was a lack of big space for throwing a party.
The only option that was left was the school auditorium but loud music would get them busted.
His solution?
He called his guy...
Pablo was actually a DJ- the best the school ever had.
He was known as a party god. Pablo had already disseminated the information that...
On the night of the party, the students took the back fence and gained access to the auditorium after they had bribed the security guard with 4 adult magazines in...
The party kicked off and everyone jammed to the sound emanating from their earphones. Anyone who came to the scene would just see a large group of students...
Outside the auditorium, all that one could hear...
After the party, the planning committee made sure that they cleared every evidence that the place was tampered with.
On Monday after everyone returned to their classes, Pablo Prickaso was...
A lecturer had asked a student why Pablo was being showered with accolades and applause. The student had said:
"He's the best student in the faculty."
The lecturer was confused...
Bisola parked her car on the other side of the street- opposite Uche's small compound- and stepped out. She was clad in a white dress and white shoes...
Uche wore a black jacket on top of his T-shirt which gave him a smart and rugged look- one that Bisola secretly admired.
The hunger wallowing in the depths of Uche's brown eyes immediately faded as he laid...
Uche believed that people like Bisola were proof that women indeed were the most beautiful creations to ever materialize...
As Bisola approached, Pablo told Uche:
"Man. You never told me she was this fine."
"Now's not the time Pablo."
"She's way...
"Behave yourself." Uche cautioned him.
Bisola got to them and they both flashed a grinned in order to act natural.
"Hello." Bisola said.
"You're here." Uche goes.
"I guess I am"
"Please meet my friend Pablo.
Pablo, meet Bisola"
"Permit me but I must show great respect to the details of your beautiful perfection."
Uche was uncomfortable and then he goes:
"Oh I'm sure he won't harm me."
Bisola came to Pablo's defense.
"This guy is electricity. Fear him."
Bisola laughed.
"Well, he taught me all that I know." Pablo said.
"Oh really." Bisola said.
Uche with a slightly nervous undertone goes...
"Pablo would you like to come to
the beach with us?" Bisola offered.
"Oh. No no no." Uche quickly said.
"It would be an honour." Pablo interrupted him.
"What? I thought you said you have an appointment?
"Appointments can be...
"Great! Let's be on our way."
Bisola said and then walked to her car. Uche wanted to enter the front seat but Bisola stopped him by saying:
"Ummm. Let Pablo sit in front. I don't trust you just yet."
Uche was dumbfounded...
"Now that's what I'm talking about."
Pablo said while rubbing his palm together in satisfaction and then hopped into the front seat.
'Ah. Pablo...
Uche thought to himself while he fumed. Pablo was totally damaging his game but there wasn't much he could do.
Uche had no choice but to enter the back seat of the car while he thought of how to pay Pablo back for stealing his
"So how long have you known
Bisola asked as she focused on the road.
"We've known each other for 13 years now. We met when we were freshers back in school."
"Oh. Nice...
Bisola said to Pablo.
"Hmmmm. Let me see. I think I'll go for pig-headed."
"Are you kidding me?" That was Uche.
"I agree. He's a stubborn one."
"Thank you very much guys."
Uche said with heavy sacarsm.
"So does he have a...
"Nah. He doesn't. He's too dumb to keep one."
Uche retaliated by hitting Pablo at the back of the head.
"Hey. Don't be an enemy of the truth sir."
Pablo said after reacting to Uche's attack.
"I see." Bisola said...
"Look. Don't listen to him."
Uche said to Bisola.
"Oh. So you have a girlfriend?" Bisola asked.
"No. Not that. I just haven't met the right woman yet."
He defended himself.
"Yeah right." Pablo mocked him.
"I think I like you Pablo. You're honest."
"Well, thank you miss."
Pablo accommodated a wild blush.
"You really shouldn't listen to him. He's going to paint false images of me." Uche spoke out.
"I don't see any reason why he should do that while you're here."
Bisola pointed out.
Pablo talked most of the time about anything he saw. They soon got...
Bisola looked for a safe place to park her car and then got out with the guys following suit.
There were quite a number of people walking around the beach. It was a...
As they walked to the beach bar, Pablo sighted a plus-sized lady about 20 yards away from them and then goes:
"Umm. Damsel in distress guys. I'll meet up with you guys later."
Bisola kinda disliked the fact that he left because she wanted to squeeze some reliable information about Uche from him, while Uche was relieved that the vocal threat had left the premises...
Bisola told Uche as they ambled side by side.
"Oh. You have no idea." Uche said with relief in his voice.
"I guess I have to hear from the horse's mouth."
Bisola accepted her fate.
"You know you can trust me right?"
"I guess I'm going to have to apologize for the rest of my life."
"Don't flatter yourself. What makes you think you can even last a year in my life? That's if a year is not too much."
"You have clearly portrayed me...
Just then, the ocean came into view.
"Hold that thought."
Uche said as if he was under a spell. He left Bisola and walked down, closer to the shores.
That was the first time he was experiencing the beauty of the ocean in real time. The mental image...
Bisola smiled and then walked closer to him as her dress and hair moved in tandem with the silent rhythm and direction of the ocean breeze.
Uche was fascinated by the massive expanse of...
Uche closed his eyes and welcomed the gentle caress of the Atlantic breeze. He could hear the songs of the ocean as the incoming breeze mixed with the sound of the crashing waves.
"It's beautiful."
"You're weird. It's just water."
"Can I just enjoy this?"
Bisola laughed & then goes
Uche turned to Bisola & their eyes met but the confidence in her..
He was standing close to two wonders of the world- the ocean and a wonderfully made woman.
Here he was standing in between a beautiful lady and the ocean, under the pale blue Atlantic sky.
"You look beautiful. And sorry I didn't mention it earlier."
"Well thank you. You don't look bad yourself."
"We all know you're being modest."
"You want to get something to eat?" Bisola...
"Well, after you."
Uche said and then she walked towards the beach bar where there was a high concentration of different people who had probably come to cool off from the heavy demands of surviving in Nigeria.
Uche then followed suit.
"So, tell me why you don't have a girlfriend." Bisola went on to dig for details.
"Well like I said earlier, I just haven't
Uche responded.
"So when was your last relationship?"
"I can't say I remember."
"How is that even possible? Is it the coma or you just suck at keeping records?"
"I've met a few girls here and there but it was nothing serious."
Uche who was taking a drink almost choked on it after Bisola spoke.
"No I'm not. Why would you think that?"
"You're lying" Bisola went further.
"No I'm not." Uche stood his ground with a lie.
"Your attitude says otherwise. You seem to have...
"Well, looks could be deceiving."
Just then, Uche's phone rang. He checked it out and it was Pablo calling. He didn't want his friend to rain on his parade with his uncensored input so he ignored.
"You're free to pick your call, you know." Bisola..
"Oh no. That's nobody important. Just someone from the hood." Uche lied.
"You, know. You have trouble written all over you." Bisola told him.
"How? I'm like the nicest person you'll ever meet."
"If that's true then I'm a better footballer than...
Uche chuckled and then goes:
"Ronaldo is overrated by the way. You should have used Messi."
"Speak for yourself. Ronaldo is a king."
"I'm so tempted to argue football with you- even though I find it attractive that you know a thing about football. But...
"Where is Pablo any way?"
Bisola asked as she looked around.
"He has abandoned us for a woman obviously."
"Yeah sure. I'm happy that he has gone in search of happiness. So tell me about you. How am I sure you're not a rogue government spy who harvests people's organs"
Uche tried changing the topic.
"Can you just stop? I'm not a psycho." Uche said.
"You don't sound too convincing."
Bisola tried toying with his emotions.
"Oh really? What am I? The Job fairy?" Bisola mocked him.
"I lost my certificates because of you."
"Here we go again."
Bisola wasn't sure she was in the mood to talk about his certificates but then again, she decided...
"Evil doesn't suit you, you know?." Uche told her.
"What? What did I do? " Bisola said, feigning ignorance.
"Can you at least show a little bit of humanity? My life took a fatal hit when I met you. The first time I met you,...
"No, let me correct you. You saw disaster and still went ahead to flirt with it. Don't blame others for your misfortune.
"I blame you for motivating me."
Bisola laughed.
"And there's something called mind control. Your spell was too devastating to resist."
Bisola let's out a smile that was mixed with a blush. Uche continued swaying her.
"You do not expect a dog not to nibble on a...
"Oh so you're a dog?"
"Urgggh. No, that's not what I meant."
"So what do you mean? You need a leash?
"Okay fine. I give up. I can see you're looking for who to frustrate."
Uche's phone rang again and he ignored.
"You know you can pick your call right?"
"Says the woman that's not picking hers."
"Well, that's my boyfriend."
"Oh wow. I feel so honoured right now."
"Truth be told. I feel bad for him. I can't imagine calling my girl & she's ignoring me because she's with a guy."
"If I truly loved him, I won't be sitting down here with you."
"Oh. Does that mean I stand a chance?."
"Easy with the venom."
"You know it's going to be hard for me to trust you. Your confidence is suspicious. Introverts are more likely to be faithful than extroverts like you."
"You accuse me of lying and you had to come up with your own lies?"
"We are not legislators. Can we not argue over this?"
"Fine. I still don't trust you."
Uche was quite an opposite of her boyfriend and her instincts told her that Uche was a player but...
"What exactly do you want from me, young man?"
"I'm not sure yet. For now, I just love watching you exist."
Uche laughed and then Bisola joined him. Just then Pablo approached them.
With the look of it, he wasn't too happy."
"Guy. Why aren't you picking your calls. I've called you like a dozen times. Do you know...
"Eya. Sorry bro. Phone was on silent."
Bisola stifled a laughter because she then realized that Uche had been avoiding Pablo's call because he didn't want him to interfere with his moves.
'Nice one'.
She secretly praised Uche."
"Omo. Bad market. She's married. I was lucky I left before her husband came. If you see this guy eh, I'm sure he can squeeze a coconut like a tomato."
Bisola and Uche laughed.
Pablo asked and then dug into the Suya as he sat down.
"Your friend here has refused to tell me anything about himself."
"Well you didn't ask properly." Uche reminded Bisola.
"You were too busy distracting me for me to...
Bisola followed up with an answer.
"Well I can tell you a thing or two."
"Thank you Pablo."
Bisola said and then her phone rang. It was her boyfriend again."
"Ummm. Sorry guys. I have to take this."
"Oh go ahead. Butterfly"
"Thunder will fire you if you say rubbish."
Uche threatened him.
"Sinners can't command thunder bro. Look Oga. This girl is not like the other girls I've seen you with. Don't play her."
"I know you my man. I swear, I'll fight you if you mess this up. I'm your friend and I know a keeper when I see one."
"Sha don't pour sand in my Garri."
"Me I've told you my own sha."
That was Bisola speaking to her boyfriend.
"What happened? I have been trying to reach you."
He sounded so heartbroken. Bisola was worried.
"Kolade what is the problem?"
"Where are you?" He asked.
"I need to see you."
"Please just tell me. What's wrong?"
"My family. I just got a call that they died in a plane crash."
He spoke with a cracked voice.
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry. Where are you?"
"I'm at home."
"Okay sweetie. I'm coming home right away."
She ended the call and walked to the guys. Night has already fallen and Uche couldn't help but look at the ocean which was now shrouded
in a veil of darkness.
It felt like there was nothingness out there and he imagined if someone should venture into that darkness and get into trouble, there would be no hope of salvation.
He looked at the...
Uche could see the disparity between where they were and out there in the dark ocean. It reminded him of the duality of life and death.
Bisola spoke as she got to the table.
"What's wrong?" Pablo asked.
"That was my boyfriend. His family just got killed in a plane crash."
Uche and Pablo aired their deep felt sympathies while Bisola left with Uche...
There was silence as the guys drove back home. Uche suggested that they drop along the way and take a bus back to the mainland so Bisola can go check...
When Bisola got to Kolade's classy apartment, he was sitting down on the floor with his beardless face tainted with heartbreaking tears.
When she saw him, her heart broke into pieces. She sat down on the floor with him and took
Kolade wept uncontrollably because it meant that he was an orphan with no siblings.
Bisola was all he had and that scared her. Bisola wasn't expecting the next thing that followed. Kolade brought out a ring case and flipped it open amidst tears.
Bisola froze. She never expected that those words would scare her one day. It's a question that she had imagined would be asked after following a trail of rose petals that
The only thing Bisola could come up with was:
"Holy shit."
And she was the only one who heard it.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 8 . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .A GAME OF DEATH . . . . . . .
Diana and Maria's eyes were glued to the television when Bisola walked in. She greeted her father and then signalled her...
"Kolade proposed."
"And?" Diana and Maria asked almost simultaneously.
"And I said Yes."
"But why are you not happy?." Maria asked.
"And Where's your ring?" Diana probed further.
Bisola brought the ring out from her pocket.
"I don't get. Aren't you...
"Yes I know but... I'm not quite sure of this." Bisola sounded tensed.
"ummm, last time I checked, there's a word called 'No' and if I remember correctly it is used when you don't agree with something."
Diana pointed out.
Diana and Maria immediately understood the nature of the situation and they showed signs of sympathy.
"Don't you think that's emotional blackmail?" Diana asked
"How do you mean?" Bisola wasn't quite sure what she meant.
"I mean why didn't he ask you when things have not fallen apart?"
Diana queried.
She wasn't sure why it felt like she was defending Kolade.
"Well he shouldn't have asked. He should have waited."
"Unfortunately, He didn't." Bisola countered.
"Diana I'm sure Sis B called us here for a...
Maria came to Bisola's defense.
"Thank you Maria."
"You're welcome sis."
"Oh my God. I'm so screwed."
Bisola tried as much as possible not to panic but she was losing that fight. She walked...
"You can just tell him you changed your mind." Maria suggested.
"Or you can fake your death and run out of the country."
"Are you serious?" Maria tackled her sister.
"What? That's the best solution if she doesn't want to hurt his feelings."
Freddy and Teddy walked in. The ladies tried acting natural in other not to arouse suspicion.
"Nothing. We were just working on a recipe." Maria tried saving the day.
"Two out of the 3 of you don't know how to cook. You guys are hiding something. Spill it."
There was a...
"Alright guys. Here's the thing: Kolade proposed and Bisola said Yes and now she is regretting why she did. She wouldn't have said Yes if he hadn't told...
"Who's Kolade?" Freddy asked
"Bisola's boyfriend." Maria answered with frustration evident in her voice because everyone knew who Kolade was.
"Can't you guys...
"I thought you don't like that?" Teddy asked.
"Well the situation is critical. Look, I made a mistake and I'm looking for a way to fix it."
"Anyway, we've already...
"Oh God. Have mercy." Bisola was losing her mind.
"You're going to have to handle this on your own sis." Teddy concluded.
"Or we could frame him up for being bad if you want."
Freddy suggested.
Bisola knew that sooner or later, she was going to have to make a decision that could possibly
be the most difficult thing she would ever do since she became aware of her existence.
But she did admit that if Uche...
"Cheer up sis. You'll be fine." Diana assured her.
"This is going to...
"I'll be right back guys." Diana said and left the kitchen. She rushed back in after 30 seconds of leaving.
"Guys. I think you may want to see this."
She said and left the kitchen while her curious siblings hurriedly followed her out.
Baba Ibeji was the same old man who she and her family members tried to bury after mistaking him for dead.
"Oh. I'm glad...
Aunty Seyi informed them. Mr D walked in wearing a robe and was hit with a mild shock because he wasn't expecting to see the old man again.
"Oh. You're the doctor who saved my life."
Baba Ibeji spoke and the...
"Thank you for your swift services. I owe my ability to sit here right now to you."
He looked at Mr D's pack...
"Oh, this must be your children."
"Yes they are." Mr D responded.
"Lovely set you got there Doctor."
He sighted Diana and Teddy and then continued:
"I can see that two of your children work with you as paramedics.
If only the old man knew.
"Anyway, Deji. I came to inform you that we are getting married."
There was a mixed reaction amongst the Williams. Bisola and Maria were surprised at the news. Freddy acted like he wanted to puke but he composed...
"Oh. I see." Mr D managed to say in a calm way.
"We are so much in love." Aunty Seyi said. She was deeply involved with Baba Ibeji and this felt weird for everybody because they found it
"Maria. Please offer our guests something to drink." Mr D spoke.
"Oh no no no. I'll rather not drink anything. I'm fasting.Thank you for offering."
Baba Ibeji turned down the offer.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
Mr D said to his sister and walked to the wine bar while Aunty Seyi followed him. Baba Ibeji engaged...
"Are you out of your mind?
Mr D scolded his sister after they have achieved a comfortable distance from the others.
"I have made my choice, don't give me headache please." Aunty Seyi wasn't going to...
"What? That was the same grand daddy we tried to bury because his organs were unstable. What makes you think he's not going to die on the way to the altar?
"I am now aware of how to handle him. He's mine now."
"I doubt if you're half a man he is. He satisfies me in bed."
"Okay. Please stop. Now you're revealing too much. Don't ruin the sanctity of my organized thoughts."
"I'm going ahead with this whether you like it or not."
"Ogbeni, leave me alone. I just came here to tell you about the wedding. I figured there's no point keeping it from you."
"Is a wedding even necessary?"
"You don't have to come if you don't want to. Nothing is going to stop me from wrapping my
"When you told me you were interested in history, I didn't know you were talking about your love affairs. That man is old."
"And you're not?"
Touché. Mr D acknowledged that his sister just hit him below the belt.
"Fine. Have your way. Just don't...
Mr D left joined the others and sat down on a sofa. Aunty Seyi joined her outdated fiancé.
"I was just telling your children how much I love the practice of medicine. It's quite unfortunate that I failed...
Mr D decided to play it cool by engaging the old chap in a conversation.
"I believe parents need to find out their...
"Hmm. You're right. Just like...
"Exactly." Mr D responded.
"We need an exit strategy." Freddy whispered to Diana who replied:
"Oh, you have no idea how desperate I am for one now."
"That actually reminds me of how good this woman is when it comes to climbing me in...
"Oh. Stop it."
Aunty Seyi said with a blush while Baba Ibeji used his nose to rub hers in an attempt to tease her.
"I've got to pee."
Freddy said and then immediately stood up, and hurried out of the gathering...
to throw up. The rest of the pack
stood up and followed Freddy.
Mr D just crossed his legs and started reading a newspaper, using it to block out the worrisome scene in front of him. The old couples did not even bother to notice...
They appear traumatized from the disturbing sight they just encountered.
"I think I'm going to be needing a lot of therapy after seeing that." Freddy spoke.
"Okay. What the heck just happened?"
"My innocence has been stripped away from me." Diana lamented.
"Innocence? Says the little savage."
Teddy said and everyone laughed apart from Bisola whose laughter sounded awkward due to her nagging anxiety.
"You okay sis?" Teddy asked her.
Freddy answered.
"Oh Freddy. Be nice." That was Diana.
"I am being nice." Freddy responded almost immediately.
"You know what? I think I needed to see what we saw out there. The shock may have...
They all laughed. In as much as Bisola knew that there was an inevitable and difficult decision ahead of her, she wasn't going to allow it steal her joy, at least not at that moment she gathered with her siblings.
"Guys. I think I'll be taking my leave now. I need to hand over some files to a colleague.
I'll see you guys later."
"You may want to cover your eyes out there sis. Aunty...
Diana said.
"Oh I sure will. I do not deserve more of that."
Bisola said and left while the others bade her farewell and reassured her.
About 5 minutes later, Bisola drove out of the compound. There was a black car...
Immediately Bisola drove off, the driver of the black car brought the car to life and followed her.
She drove all...
As she drove along the streets of Lagos, a million thoughts invaded her mind. She needed a solid plan.
There was a young man waiting for her when she got to her place. Bisola walked into the house and...
The two creepy men watched everything unfold from their car which was of course parked at a comfortable...
One of the guys made a call. About 120 kilometres away, a light-skinned woman of South African descent was sitting down...
Bisola was soon going to find out how dangerous this woman was.
"Hello Mrs Snow. We have identified the target's location."
"And you're sure she didn't suspect that she was being followed." Mrs Snow asked.
She said and ended the call. The men in the black car brought out their pistols and attached silencers on them.
Mrs Snow didn't come to Lagos to play.
When Bisola gained access into her apartment, she sunk her...
She realized that a seemingly easy way out of this mess was to go ahead and marry Kolade. After all, she wasn't going to leave an incomplete and peaceful paradise...
'The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.'
The underrated cliché ran through her mind. But in this case, she wasn't even seeing...
She was wise enough to realize that a lot of women must have fallen victim to Uche's audacious confidence. Uche had the classic symptoms of the...
She knew that the wise thing to do was to settle down with Kolade and try to work things out with him, at least that is more feasible than letting Uche sway her only for her to later worry about...
Just then, she heard the sound of a broken glass in the kitchen and that brought her back to the present.
She cautiously walked to the kitchen unaware of the nature of danger that loomed.
Bubbles responded and continued enjoying the spilled sauce. For a moment there, Bisola could swear that the cat told her to fuck off.
'What an ungrateful creature.' Bisola said to herself.
Just outside her house, the men finished prepping themselves and stepped out of the car with their guns.
All of a sudden, a team of 5 men with assault rifles took them by surprise. They were mercenaries all dressed in black.
The last guy brought out his cellphone and dialled a number. A phone rang in a well furnished house kilometres away from them and Mr D picked up.
"She finally decided to play. We've got two of her pawns." X responded.
"We need to find her before she strikes again. I've got too many children running around Lagos."
Mr D said.
"We will see how well our captives can sing."
"Sure thing boss." X responded and disconnected the call.
He walked over to the captives who were now cuffed.
"Who sent you guys?"
No response.
"I was kind of expecting that to happen."
"Take them away and prepare them for the worst days of their lives."
They took them to a van parked by the side of the street while X directed his remaining men.
"The both of you, stay behind and watch the...
X's phone rang. He picked up.
"Hello honey... I'm still at work... I'll be right there with you... I promise."
He ended the call.
"Alright guys. I have a date with my wife. You guys should not mess this up."
"Fun? Are you making fun of me?"
"No boss."
"Good. When you call it fun, it makes me look stupid."
"Sorry boss."
"You're now in charge. I need to go change into...
X said and then entered the assassins' car. The smell in the car drove him nuts.
"God. It smells like something died in here."
That wasn't going to stop him. He rolled down the glass and drove off leaving the two men there.
As a matter of fact, there were men watching over Bisola when she went to the beach with Uche and Pablo. There were men already...
Mr D knew just how dangerous Mrs Snow was and he made sure he took the neccesary steps in order to counter any moves she made.
Mr D walked over to a...
He made a few moves which exposed the white pieces' Queen. He then used a knight and captured the Queen which was actually a representation of the woman he was up against.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 9. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .KNOW YOUR ENEMY. . . . . . .
He was standing while all his children were seated. He knew that he had to tell them about the nature of the threat that they were dealing with.
"Now I know most of you must be wondering why we are gathered here. As a matter of fact, we have a code red."
"Dad. We are your children, not some foreign government spies." Diana pointed out.
"I know what a code red is."
"No you don't." Teddy tackled him.
"Yes I do." Freddy stood his ground.
"Prove it."
"Not now people." Mr D called them to order.
"Oh come on dad. I was just about to clear his doubts."
Freddy complained.
"Save it for later, son." Mr D asserted...
"As I was saying, we have a serious threat on our hands. There is a mad woman on the loose and she's here for some sort of revenge and I don't know why exactly. She goes by the alias- Mrs Snow. As a matter of fact she was a South...
"Hold on dad. South Africa have spies?" Freddy interrupted.
"All countries have spies." Teddy said.
"Wait. What? Even Nigeria?" Diana joined in.
"Yes of course. I'll appreciate it if you all can just listen."
"Sorry dad."
The noise makers all said in unison.
"Now back to what I was saying. We are dealing with a highly unstable woman who is drunk with power and won't stop at nothing until she gets what she wants. Now you may ask what she wants...
Mr D's children exchanged glances with each other and he continued as he paced around the room.
"I was hoping none of you would find out about this because I thought...
Mr D started by telling them about Bisola's ex boyfriend and how he was linked to the mess they were dealing with.
It happened that Bisola's...
He was from Delta state in Nigeria and she couldn't help but fall in love with him because of his expertise in sending her surprise packages...
If Bisola were to be present when Mr D talked about Frank, she would have been hurt. She really loved Frank to a fault...
As it happened almost 5 years ago, Mrs Snow suspected that Frank was cheating on her and...
When Mrs Snow was investigating Frank was also the same time Mr D and his sons were looking into Frank and his family with the help of X. This led Mr D to the...
He told her to leave his daughter out of the matter because she was also a victim of Frank's infidelity.
Frank has been missing ever since his can of worms was exposed. He switched his SIM card for years and went into hiding because he knew his life...
A month ago, he sent Bisola a text which turned out to be a grave mistake because his wife had already flagged his phone number with the help of her government contacts.
Mr D himself wasn't quite sure why she came back at that point in time and he was eager to find out.
"Wow." The news was too much for Maria
"Don't you think it's best we tell her? I feel awareness would help keep her on alert."
Diana suggested.
"In this case, Ignorance is bliss. Let her focus on her life while God fights her...
"There's also a chance that her phone is being traced and that could possibly lead to a well coordinated long or short range attack."
Teddy suggested.
"A bullet is not a spiritual attack. A bullet knows no saint. It will hit it's target... like bam!
Freddy spoke and then jammed his fist into his palm.
"Yeah right." Diana said.
"We considered the possibility of her phone...
Mr D added.
She wondered why her sister couldn't just go through a break up like the average Nigerian...
The odds were slim to none. Everything felt super weird for her. Here she...
All of a sudden, she wished she was ...
Sometimes she concluded that big problems came her family's way because they were wealthy. 'God wouldn't...
She always reminded herself when things start falling apart.
She was wearing a T-shirt that had a distorted 'SHIT HAPPENS' written on it. It was an irony because she didn't even consider the significance the T-shirt had on her...
Her mind was like a battlefield of two conflicting decisions and the consequences they both brought along with them. Bubbles walked close to her legs and made it known...
"Go away, cat." Bisola wasn't in the mood.
The cat was relentless. He wanted some attention and he was going to get all of it. Bisola had no choice but to pick up the ungrateful little beast in order to...
Just then one of the two phones that lay on the table before her rang. She checked and it was Kolade. A gush of guilt surged through the...
As if that was not enough, Uche called her second phone and that made her heart heavy...
She placed Bubbles on the table and watched him feel threatened...
For a moment, Bisola thought that was a sign that Uche should not be trusted.
'Don't be ridiculous' She cautioned herself.
She still couldn't get herself to pick...
The door bell rang severally and Bisola went to the door to check who it was...
Bisola asked.
"You're mad. Open the door jare."
That was Anita's voice from the other side of the door.
Bisola immediately remembered that she had an appointment with her the previous day. She opened the door with...
Anita barged in and then turned around to face her. Sometimes, Bisola wondered...
"How dare you?" Anita asked, her voice ladled with a black American accent.
"I'm sorry."
Bisola spoke carefully as If her voice would piss her friend off.
"Sis, this is betrayal."
"I'm so sorry, I lost track of time." Bisola's pleaded.
"You lost track of time? What are you? An old and...
"It's just a movie." Bisola said dismissively.
"Oh. Hell no sis. I won't tolerate this low key disrespect. It ain't just a movie sis, it's a...
"Fine. I won't argue with you."
"Girl what the heck is wrong with you. Anyway, I'm going to see the movie again today and you're coming with me."
"Kolade proposed."
"Oh wow. The Nigga has got balls...
"I don't want him to 'man' up, at least not yet."
"Wait a minute." What was your response anyway?"
"I said Yes but that was because his parents died in a plane crash and now I regret it."
"I did. I mean I do but I kinda met someone else and it got me thinking if he's really worth it."
"Alright, spill it baby. Who's the guy?
"I believe you know him."
She paused and then continued:
Bisola said, expecting some revolt from her friend
"Wait. The roadkill? Girl you're wilding. How come you're falling in love with a stranger you nearly killed?"
"Look, it's complicated."
"Well, uncomplicate it."
Bisola said and then went to sit on her sofa while her friend followed her.
"Kolade is a nice guy."
"Maybe that's just the problem. He's just too nice. He hardly challenges my...
"Look at you. I'm looking for a Nigga to spoil my fat ass; you found someone to do that and you're complaining."
"You won't understand."
Bisola didn't feel like going back and...
"Well, the least you could do is to return his ring since you're being a complete chicken.
"I can't just 'return it'. This is not a product i can 'return' because it is faulty."
Anita put her hands on her waist and...
"You're kidding right? Get yo ass up and let that Nigga know you ain't boarding his ship."
Bisola stood up and walked out of the living room. Her friend was getting on her nerves and she would rather go hide under her sheets and wait for the world...
Just then, Bisola's phone rang again and Anita walked to the table. She looked at the phone and smiled because it was Kolade...
"Guess who's calling. I'm going to pick it up and tell him you're tired of his shit."
It didn't take long for Bisola to open the door and then tried to take the phone from her...
"Anita, Give me the phone."
"That ain't gonna happen."
"What kind of problem is this one? Give me my phone.'
"Dress up and let's go see Black Panther."
"Oh come on."
"Don't dare me sis."
"Girl, dress up and follow me. I'll give you when we get to the theatre. Deal?"
"Deal. I hate you."
Bisola groaned and entered her room before shutting the door.
"You better hurry up or I'll call him back."
There was a movie showing on cable TV. Two men were standing a few distance away from each other as they fixed a deadly gaze on one other. There was a girl on the sidelines...
The man without the explosive vest charged towards the detonator, and the other man with the vest, seeing that...
The man with the vest got to the girl while the other man got to the detonator, but he couldn't press it because that would mean...
Just then in the real world, Bisola came out of her room wearing a T-shirt and a jean and then Anita turned to look at her.
"Girl, what you wearing?"
"Just leave me alone. Hope you came with your car?" Bisola said and walked...
"You little twat."
Anita picked up a cushion and tossed it at Bubbles who fled out of the living...
Anita then hurried out of the living room in order to catch up with Bisola.
"The fox is on the move. All agents, be ready to follow."
The man on the passenger seat passed the information to his colleagues...
These guys were so dedicated that they got the information of all the inhabitants and the type of vehicle they...
These were the people Mr D hired to watch over his daughter until he was sure that the dust has settled.
Anita and Bisola drove all the way to the...
All the while the agent riding shotgun updated the rest of the team stationed somewhere else in the area by giving them his current location.
Bisola and Anita walked inside the mall which was...
Quite a number of people were at the mall to see the Black Panther movie and they...
They were all dressed as ordinary citizens and no one could have identified them as spies...
Pablo was munching on a pack of popcorn and Uche looked bothered.
"I've called her three times on different occasions & she isn't picking up her calls. Maybe something is wrong."
Uche told his friend.
"Too busy to text back? Dude, something's not right. I can feel it.
"Oshey. Phillips." Pablo chuckled.
"I just wish she was here."
"Well, she's not. Snap out of it dude and let's...
"I can't even think properly."
Uche concluded and then Pablo stopped him by standing in front of him.
"Bros, I swear to God, if you ruin this moment for me, I'll make sure you don't get a good night rest for the rest of your life. Get...
As Pablo faced Uche, he blocked him from seeing Bisola and Anita as they walked out of the store.
When Pablo moved away from Uche's way for them to continue their walk towards the cinema, a little girl walked in front of Bisola and Anita with a set of...
Some minutes Later, the two groups gained access into the movie theatre at different times after going through a queue, and they...
All the while, Uche thought about Bisola's seemingly...
It got to a point in the movie when Pablo became loud. Anita from her end was irritated by the noise coming out...
"Hey. Who's that lunatic shouting over there! Keep it down!
Anita shouted at the noise maker.
"Sharrap there! We paid the same money!"
All the while, three of the agents were in the theatre to make sure that Mr D's daughter was safe.
Uche and Pablo walked out of the theatre and started making their way towards the exit which was still far from them. Anita and Bisola came out about a minute...
She excused herself and went back to get it. At this point, Uche and Pablo was about about 12 gaint strides away from...
Just then, a young lady approached Uche and a smile appeared on his face. The girl hugged Uche while he held her close...
The look Bisola saw on the girl's face was that of absolute peace and her world came crashing down. Bisola moved out of sight before Uche looked towards her direction.
She knew Uche couldn't be trusted and there he was in a place she didn't expect to see him, engaging in a public display of affection...
Bisola took another route out and when Anita called her phone to know where she was, she told her she
"Hey, stay off her." He warned.
"What? It's been a while." Uche said defensively.
"We were just greeting each other na."
She was just coming back from calabar and Pablo had told her to drop her bags and come to the mall to meet with them.
Bisola was quiet throughout the journey back to her house as she got carried away by the
Bisola got home and drank some water hoping to soothe the dryness of her throat but that wasn't going to help. She whipped out a bottle...
The text read:
"Hello Sweetie. I'm sorry I've been AWOL. I'll explain better when we see. How...
It seemed like forever before she hit the send button.
'This was the wise thing to do'
She convinced herself and what followed was a trickle of tears from her left eye.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 10. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . HAPPILY (N)EVER AFTER. . . . .
Her office offered a view of the sea with large vessels docked on the other side of the water loading and unloading
She was working on a document on her computer while she tried to come to terms with her decision to go along the wedding.
Bisola believed that it was better to live an average and certain life with Kolade than to...
At that point, she knew that she had to look for a way to work things out with her 'fiance'.
'I'm getting married.'
That realization scared her. This was never how she expected her life to turn out.
"Here's your coffee, just the way you love it." Clara goes.
"Oh. Thanks Clara."
"Is there any other thing you will need?"
"I hope all is well Ma, you look... distant."
"Oh, I'm fine. I'm just having a slight headache." Nothing a little bit of aspirin can't fix."
"Oh. Just call on me if you need anything."
"Oh thank you. I will." Bisola said.
She was so full of life and she had the tendency of spreading cheer in a room full of gloom.
"Can I ask you a question that has nothing to do with anything we do here?" Bisola queried.
"Sure thing."
Clara was everly ready to offer any form of assistance.
"Okay. I've got a friend that is getting married to someone she doesn't really love that much. This friend of mine told me she's tired of being in relationships that don't bear fruit so she has decided to settle down...
"Hmmm. First of all, do you know why your friend started dating him in the first place?"
She then admitted that she decided to date him because she adopted a saying that goes: "the best way to get over a man is to get under another."
What Bisola didn't know was that that was the same time Uche...
Bisola actually thought about how she suffered for 2...
Bisola realized that she has been quiet for like 25 seconds as she was engrossed in some soul searching.
"Well, I remember she told...
Bisola spoke with a mild...
"You seem to care a lot about your friend Ma."
"Oh yes. We are like sisters."
Bisola said dismissively and sipped from her cup of coffee. There was no way she would allow her subordinate find out they were talking about her.
"I would say that your friend's relationship was based on faulty foundations." Clara told her boss.
"ooh. That sounds deep."
"Yes you can say that. The relationship started...
things were equal."
Clara stated.
"Hmmm. Interesting. So is such a relationship a recipe for disaster or is there a chance that things will improve?"
"It depends on the guy's personality. From what you have told me, I'll conclude that your unfulfilled friend does not find his personality appealing. Now the question is: Is he susceptible to change...
"Wow. Clara. You seem to be experienced in the matters of the heart."
Bisola showered her assistant with some praises.
"Oh. I run a relationship blog."
"I've been sending you links to my blogs for 2 years Ma."
"Oh, my Whatsapp messenger is a mess. I must have missed it some how."
Bisola wasn't going to take the fall and make her assistant feel bad at the same time.
Edward's parents must have hated him because they named him Edward even when they saw that his head was large.
Perhaps they never considered that "Edward" could easily be caricatured ...
The staff members in the company's division where Bisola worked had joked that Edward's head must have expanded and damaged his mother's vagina and her psychology.
His head was so legendary that it served as a popular meme on Twitter. He was the Facebook type of guy so the office...
"Oh. There you are Clara. Get me a cup of tea."
Clara always hated the way Edward called her name like a village person. He always applied an upper stress to the 'Ra' part of her name...
"It's Clara." She said under her breath and then stood up.
"Thanks Clara." Bisola said, pronouncing her name properly of course.
"Glad to be of help Ma."
"Make the tea taste as sweet as I am. I deserve some accolades for roping in more clients than any one of you in this prestigious establishment."
Bisola wondered if bitter was the new sweet. There was nothing sweet...
Bisola remembered another joke that someone cracked where they said that Edward allowed success and pride to get into...
"Hello Bibi"
Edward said as he approached her desk. Bisola always cringed when he called her that.
"Oh please. Bibi is such an adorable name."
Adorable had never sounded so creepy. The word bore a sinister essence when...
"Besides, it's shorter and more convenient for me to pronounce. You know I can't be talking too much."
Edward said, so full of himself.
"That's an irony because it's coming from...
Bisola attacked him with a calm undertone.
"Oh. Don't be belligerent Bibs."
"Bibs? Seriously?
"I like to get creative with people's name."
"What do you want Edward? I'm busy."
"I'm a real man. You need to admire my presence."
A Bloody Pinocchio.
Bisola sighed and goes: "Edward, if you don't
"Oh. Don't be so hard on yourself. I can get some guys from the 12th floor to handle the job. All you need do is to allow me take a whiff off your feminine essence."
"Are you hitting on me?" Bisola asked.
"We are all civilised here. When you say it like that, it makes me look like an animal."
"Well, you look like a rhino." Bisola said underneath her breath.
"Oh nothing at all." Bisola feigned ignorance.
Edward took a sit in front of the desk.
"Okay. You're sitting down. Why are you sitting down?"
"Oh come on Bisbis, Stop fighting the inevitable. Accept my offer.
"HR is a call away Edward." Bisola calmly threatened him.
"Screw HR. Those guys are losers."
"You want to test that theory? Look Edward, stop talking to me if you don't have any job for me."
Just then, Clara entered the office...
"What sort of abomination is this? Where's the sugar? I asked for tea not mineral water."
"You said something as sweet as you are."
"Are you trying to be a smart ass right now because that won't end well for you"
He stood up and poured the tea in a flower pot, and then handed the cup to Clara.
"Now go get me a proper tea."
Edward commanded which was followed by Clara's exit.
Just then. Bisola got a text. It was from Uche.
"Alright that's it, Edward. I'm calling HR."
Bisola picked up the receiver from her desk phone and attempted to punch in some numbers.
"Fine. I'll leave. At least let me wait...
"This isn't Starbucks. Please just leave, I've got to work."
Bisola watched as Edward adjusted his suit in his usual arrogance. He brought out a small mirror from his inner suit pocket and admired his reflection.
"I heard the cleaner's daughter is putting them to good use."
That took Edward by surprise which made him look out of the office exit in order to be sure that no one heard what Bisola...
"Where did you hear that?"
His voice was now low and desperate.
"Everyone knows."
Bisola informed him. Edward wasn't going to show signs of panic even though he was losing his cool. He thought he did everything to keep the affair with the cleaner's...
"Whatever you heard was a lie."
He said and walked out. He needed to protect his reputation by denying any form of accusations anyone would throw at him.
Bisola took a deep breath for finally having the disturbance leave her office. She checked...
"I'm sorry for what I'm not sure I am responsible for. Call me?"
Bisola massaged her temple with her left hand and pondered on what to do. She decided to call just to inform Uche that all they could ever be was friends and that she was getting...
Bisola called and his phone rang but he didn't pick. She saw that as a sign that she shouldn't have called and just then Uche called her back.
She watched the phone ring severally...
She heard Uche's voice through her cellphone and she could swear that something came alive in her. She had never been so confused in her entire life.
Hearing Uche's voice made her regret sending that text to Kolade. Why was she acting...
But then again, she remembered what she saw at the mall and that gave her courage to stand by her decision. She just wanted to settle down and have kids of her own and not to be at the mercy...
She managed to say. Uche waited for her to say something else and she also expected him to come up with something.
Before they knew it, they've spent about a minute listening to each other's silence and...
"I'm sorry. You go first." Uche told her.
"No. You go first. You called." Bisola threw the ball back to his court.
"Technically. You called."
"Cos you asked me to."
"You sound angry."
"Nope. I'm not." She denied.
"You've been ignoring my calls. Is this the part where I have to apologize for what I'm not sure I did?"
"I'm sorry about that. I've just been busy with stuff."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
Uche asked and then chuckled.
"I never said we were. Wow, it has even gotten to the point where you can no longer take jokes. Look, whatever you think I did, I didn't do it."
'Yeah right. What a liar.'
Bisola thought to herself. She wanted to tell Uche that...
She had already crossed the Rubicon when she sent that text message to Kolade. It wouldn't make any sense if she changed her mind again and not marry...
"You didn't do anything wrong."
She lied. She wanted to tell him about the wedding but she shook off the thought.
"You're hiding something."
Uche was perceptive enough to know that something had changed with her attitude. He couldn't help but think that everything changed after their hangout at the beach.
"Can you at least give me a chance to die in your arms if you're ever thinking of letting go because I feel like you're slipping away."
That brought almost Bisola to a state of weakness. She was no doubt attracted
She always knew that no one could erase the stripes off a zebra just as no one could make a promiscuous human flirt with the reality of commitment."
'Issa Trap!'
She recalled the exclamation...
"I don't know what to say." Bisola's defenses were weak.
"Say you won't stop the music before the party starts. Say you'll see me again."
All the while, Uche was lying on Pablo's brown couch...
She never expected that he was going to take advantage of a crack on her emotional walls.
At that point, Bisola felt like a helpless stalk of wheat swaying back and forth....
Just then something happened that pulled Bisola out of the enchantment Uche was about to drag her into: Pablo's sister, Janet, entered the living room from the bedroom making a call to her boyfriend
"Hi babyyyyyy"
Bisola heard Janet loud and clear on phone and she once again jumped into conclusions that that was one of Uche's girlfriends.
She ended the call immediately and then sent him a text telling him that she had to go because: work.
Uche sat up and ran his hands on his head trying to understand Bisola's odd behaviour.
She found herself paying attention to the tempo of her breath and heartbeat. Bisola had always been a skeptic when it came to relationships after...
Bisola tried not to remember the beautiful feelings she had nurtured because of Uche but that was exactly where her emotions were leading her to. She tried convincing herself...
She thought she just concocted the perfect idea that would involve having Uche in her life but the imaginary 'angel on a shoulder' reminded her that it was ridiculous keeping someone she was...
It would only be a matter of time until she starts cheating and mama didn't raise no cheat. She was going to have to throw the whole of Uche away. She brought out the ring from her pocket and ran her thumb over...
Where is rapture when you need it?
She wondered. Maybe happy endings weren't for her. Maybe she would create her own happy ending with the present reality that won't...
Just maybe.
She had a deep rooted hatred for maybes and here she was entertaining the idea.
'I'll just have a baby and that will be my happy ending.'
She passed a message to her subconscious. She remembered what a woman with 5 young kids and an absentee...
"I am happy I have my children even though my husband is probably cheating on me. I wouldn't blame him really because we were two strangers with different beliefs who got merged in a hasty marriage. It is the kids...
The 45 year old Hausa lady told her. She was a woman Bisola admired so much in the business world. She was an independent and intelligent...
Bisola had asked her why she didn't get a divorce and she responded by telling her she got an 'emotional divorce' from her husband and that was all that mattered. People out there thought that...
That way, everyone is happy. She also recalled the woman telling her that people do not get married for love but to make babies...
'If you don't want babies, there is no need to get married.'
She had told Bisola. After that fateful encounter with the woman, Bisola shuddered...
And here she was in her office 4 years after the encounter looking...
That conclusion consoled her a little bit because it appeared to be a...
It's official.
She was going to be Mrs Adeyemi. She took a deep breath and went to sit back down on her chair.
What Bisola or anyone at the office did not know was that...
She was actually part of the team watching over Bisola. How did she get there?
They forged the perfect transfer letter with a letter head that permitted her to occupy the position while the regional manager recovers...
Mr D knew just how intelligent and cunning Mrs Snow was so he made sure there were no loose ends.
"Everything seems stable."
She looked into a file in front of her that had the...
X's team consisted of 2 genius hackers- one from Uganda and the other one from Korea. These guys have hacked...
As a matter of fact, X's team have worked for secret agencies in Pakistan, Russia, USA and Liberia.
They were spies for hire and they were good at what they do. The female spy was...
Some miles away and hours later, Mr D was sitting down drinking a glass of water in a restaurant that had a gold and baroque touch.
Mrs Snow walked into the restaurant with her pet and then sat down in front of Mr D. Her lips was heavy with a lusty red lipstick and she was...
"Hello D. I see you honoured my invitation."
She said calmly.
"Why are you back?" Mr D said as he gently tapped his index finger on the golden eagle's head that served as the handle of his walking stick.
"Oh come on D, is that...
"I don't consider people who want to kill my daughter my friend."
"Hand over your daughter to me and I'll be on my way."
"What kind of parent would do such a thing?"
"A wise parent who wouldn't want to lose two or...
"Leave Nigeria."
Mr D told her, his face expressionless.
"I just got here. Try to be more hospitable. I heard...
"Really, why are you here?"
"I'm here for your daughter's head." she said flatly.
"May I ask why?"
Mrs Snow dipped her hand in her purse and brought out a phone. She opened a tab which had a message and then dropped...
"What has this got to do with my daughter?"
Mrs Snow removed her dark shades to reveal a small scar just below her right eyes- that was a farewell package she got after an explosion...
Someone tried to kill her after they found out she had some crippling information on the South African government.
We could go into that but this story is not about the psychotic woman.
"Everything." Mrs Snow responded.
"Oh, believe me. I'm this close to finding him."
The phone actually showed the text...
Mrs Snow tried to picked up the phone from the table so she could take her leave but Mr D stopped by placing his walking stick on the phone.
"Be careful what you wish for."
He sounded a subtle warning to her.
She took the phone from the table and left the restaurant. Mr D knew that she must have selected the location because it gave her an advantage of getting away without being traced.
Mr D was a man of integrity who believed in a fair game and...
As his driver took him back home, the contents of the text message ran through his mind:
This woman was asking for a full blown war but Mr D was intelligent enough to think that all he needed...
In order words- to win the war before it begins.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 11. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . TERMS AND CONDITIONS . . . .
She was holding on to the rails with both hands as she welcomed the caress of the soft breeze on her face which had a light makeup. She was...
Bisola's fashion statement most of the time had a corporate touch and her appearance exuded some kind of feminine energy that was redolent of power and...
She was just going to jump off the cliff with hopes that her love for Kolade will develop some wings and soar into the blazing sunset.
Bisola was passive as she looked into space deliberately getting lost in some thought.
Bisola told him and then turned, breaking away from his hold.
That phrase has been known to bring up feelings of anxiety and defensiveness in people.
"What about? I hope all is well." Kolade managed to ask.
"Why are you getting married to me?"
"Because I love you."
"Kolade, we both know love is never enough."
"Love is all you need. Trust me."
Kolade concluded.
"You obviously think life is some fairy tale...
"I don't understand where you're going with this."
"If we are to go through with this wedding, I need you to know my terms and conditions."
"As a matter of fact, that's exactly how I sound. I want a peaceful home that won't drain the happiness and energy in me. I don't want a marriage...
"Of course I'll provide you with peace."
Bisola wanted to hold back on what actually brought up their discussion but she knew she had to clear the air once and for all and she didn't care if he was going to...
"I don't understand, you want me to be hard on you?"
Kolade was all about missing the point.
"No, not that. I feel like you don't challenge me well enough." Bisola stated.
"What? You want us to argue more?"
"You never counter my opinions."
"Maybe that's because your opinions are valid."
Kolade had an answer for her.
"That's not true."
"Look. I love you and I'm okay with anything that you come up with."
Bisola aired her dissatisfaction.
"Who wouldn't want to worship you? You're a goddess."
"Can you just stop?"
All Kolade could offer was to suck up to her thereby emasculating her in the process.
Bisola felt responsible for Kolade in a way. The fact that his...
She had always loved the idea of a man depending on her emotionally. She yearned to...
Anita had teased her on wanting to be a holiday resort that pampered a man's ego and fuelled his desire to be weak.
"What's this?"
He asked collecting it, while checking it out.
"That's the terms and conditions of our marriage."
He chuckled nervously...
"Oh come on. This is a little too extreme. Don't you think?"
"No it's not. I want you to read it so that we are sure we are on the same page. I don't want any surprises."
"Fine. I'll read it when I'm free. Like I said, I'll do anything for you."
Bisola was not going to take any chances even if it meant calling the shots in the marriage.
"Maybe I should disagree with this just so I'll fulfill your wish of wanting me...
"Now's not the time to start practicing that. Just go through the document and if there's anything you don't like, kindly bring it to my attention."
"Okay fine." Kolade accepted.
"Can we be on our way now? We don't want to be late for the show."
There was a stage in the hall and on it, a man and woman were...
The hall was crawling with about 7 waiters who were tending to people's needs.
Kolade asked while looking at Bisola who appeared distracted.
"Yes. I'm fine."
"You look like you left home without your enthusiasm."
"I said I'm fine."
"Look, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I needed you to come because this is really...
"Kolade, really. It's okay."
"Or is this about the terms and condition?"
"No." She answered flatly.
"Okay fine. Thanks for being here anyway."
Bisola picked up the menu card and looked through it to see if there was anything that could fix...
At this point, the phenomenal acrobats were done with their performance and then a series of Nigerian songs dominated the four corners of the hall.
A waiter passed them by and Kolade grasped the opportunity...
Another waiter came into view and Kolade was fortunate enough to get him to come. Bisola's spirit ran out of her body when she saw Uche...
Acting like it was a mistake, she took the spoon on the table in front of her & then dropped it on the floor. What followed was an attempt to pick it up using that as an excuse to hide from Uche while Kolade spoke...
"I would love some Italian champagne and a grilled lamb with a dash of Cameroon hot sauce. Please let the champagne come with some ice"
Uche wrote down the order and then Kolade looked over to Bisola's side of the table but there was no sign of her.
"Sorry. My spoon fell." She replied from where she was hiding.
"Well haven't you seen it?"
"No I haven't."
"Just forget about it and tell this young man what you want."
"Ummm. Anything is fine."
Bisola knew she was busted. There was no way she could avoid this weird encounter. She was such a genius for thinking that hiding under the table would make Uche disappear.
"Damn it." She cursed under her breath and then sat down on her chair...
Uche wasn't expecting to see her too and what replaced the swift and subtle expression of surprise on his face was a very faint one-sided smile.
"Um. I'll have some small chops." Bisola managed to construct a sentence amidst the shock.
"Oh I'm sorry ma. We are out of small chops at the moment. The chefs are making another...
That was a lie. There was still a lot of what Bisola ordered on the food stand. Uche wanted to torment her a little longer with his presence.
Bisola wanted to get rid of Uche so bad and while she looked into the menu, she could feel Uche's annoying eyes...
But that wasn't going to happen.
Kolade brought out his phone and
focused on it while Bisola struggled to maintain her demeanour.
"Oh. We are out of that too. Too much demand. Another batch is coming up. If you'll be patient...
"What is wrong with the event planner? How can stuffs like that run out so quickly when the show hasn't even started?
Kolade asked Uche.
"It's the demand sir. We never expected them to like our dishes...
"Hmmm. Maybe you should get her the lamb then."
"No. I think I'll just take some non-alcoholic wine."
Bisola said while looking at Kolade. There was no way she was willing to make eye contact...
"You mean juice?" Uche asked.
"She said non alcoholic wine. She was obviously clear."
Just then a waiter passed them by carrying a tray with 5 plates of peppered snails.
"Aren't those peppered snails? I thought you said you ran out of it?"
Uche turned to Bisola and said:
"What kind of wine would that be? Nigerian, American or Italian?
"Anyone would be fine." She said still looking at the menu.
"Would you want it cold or warm?"
"Is there anything else you would like Ma?"
"No, that would be all."
Bisola was nervous enough for Uche to detect her body language but it wasn't conspicuous enough for Kolade to notice it. Why would he when his cellphone was splitting his attention...
Uche walked to the DJ stand and behold, it was Pablo that was on the turn tables...
He was actually the one who brought Uche along when he saw him lying on his couch like an unfortunate pile of worthlessness.
Uche spoke with a loud voice so his voice won't drown in the midst of the loud song. Pablo removed his headset & hung it round his neck.
"She's here."
"Bisola is here."
"oh wow. That's awesome bro."
"No it's not. She's with some guy."
"Don't say that bro. I need your help."
Back at Kolade and Bisola's table, Kolade noticed that Bisola wasn't comfortable.
"Why do you keep asking me that? I'm fine."
Bisola responded. Just then, there was an announcement through the speakers.
"Please the occupant of table 17 should kindly go and move his car for it is causing a serious obstruction for other...
That was Pablo on the microphone. Each of the tables had a number on them and Uche had taken note of the number on Kolade's table earlier. Kolade groaned and then said to Bisola:
"I'll be right back. Let me...
Kolade walked out of the hall while Bisola looked around praying that she won't sight Uche.
"Hello." A voice startled her and she turned to...
Uche hurriedly went to the table when he saw that Kolade had left only to...
Uche understood he needed to talk to Bisola quickly before Kolade returns.
"Excuse me sir." Uche said to the Alhaji and then...
He then led her to a corner where no one would see them, leaving the Alhaji confused.
Few of the guests around couldn't help but look at the scene of a confident waiter leading a woman away.
"What is wrong with you? Leave me alone."
"Well, look what the cat dragged in."
"What's the meaning of all this?" Bisola fumed.
"So that's why you've been so busy?"
Uche asked while pointing towards the gathering. He was referring to Kolade.
"Yes you do. You left me hanging and you don't even want to give me the satisfaction of knowing why you left me hanging."
"I'm getting married." Bisola blurted out almost immediately. Uche was stunned after he processed...
"Wow. Well... congratulations." Uche managed to say.
"I don't need your congratulations."
"Why are you even fighting me? You ruined my life."
Bisola loathed that particular statement whenever it came out of Uche's big mouth.
Bisola responded angrily.
"You're not nice. You should have just said you're not doing instead of taking my whole life away."
"Urgghhh. I told you like a million times...
Just a few weeks ago, these two were nurturing the minute prospect of dating each other and here they were fighting with one another after fate unexpectedly merged their paths again.
'Wow. There was no justice in the world afterall.'
Uche wondered.
That didn't settle quite well with Uche. Bisola left him standing there looking all defeated while she walked back to the gathering.
Uche looked by his left and he saw a man watching them...
If he knew any better, he would understand that that was one of Mr D's hired hands. They were at the venue...
The secret agents would have abducted Uche and asked him who he was, but they had seen him before at the beach with Bisola.
Kolade was already on his seat when Bisola came back.
"I went to use the restroom."
Bisola hated lying but she just had to indulge in this little white lie that won't hurt anyone afterall.
"Can you imagine that I went to my parking space and my car was not obstructing any body. These people...
If only Kolade knew that he was manipulated.
"I want to leave. I'm not feeling too well."
Bisola told him.
"But we just got here."
"I know but I need to go lay my head. You can drop me off and come back."
Kolade wished there was a way he could...
Uche was sitting outside on a bench when he saw Kolade and Bisola entering their car. Bisola saw him and looked away like she didn't give a damn...
Though Uche was a go-getter, he knew there were boundaries that should not be crossed when chasing a woman, especially one that...
Well, all he did at last was to conclude that trying to stop her from getting married would only make him appear as a villain. It's not like he knew those magical words that would redirect her...
"Where you dey?"
He checked his phone...
'I'm going home.'
Uche replied and buried his phone in his pockets. The pain in his heart was new and he wanted to find a way to come to terms with it. There was not a single doubt in his mind that this was going to crush him.
"Don't fight the pain. Embrace it. Let it become a part of you and when it does, you won't feel it any more."
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 12. . . . . . . . . . .
She was scared and apprehensive and yet all the sinews in her being kept pushing her to go ahead with
Bisola was at a store with Diana and Maria, and she had come to pick up the perfect wedding dress. (Nah. Scratch that. She wasn't so happy so we can't use the word "perfect")
Diana said to her sister as she watched her staring at her reflection in the mirror.
"It's the right thing to do."
Bisola responded.
"It would have been if you were all in."
"Oh come on sis. I know you. You'll rather be a nun than to end up in a loveless marriage. Your words. Not mine."
"Yes I know but then I realized that nuns can't have children. I've always...
"Just last week you were pushing your panic button, talking about how you made a mistake and here you are encouraging that same mistake."
"Diana can you just let it go? I've made up my mind. Rivers don't flow backwards."
That was Maria to the rescue... as usual.
"Oh please stay your lane, Hannah Montana."
"I'm not white, genius."
"Wow. I have a racist sibling."
"What? How did you ever come about that conclusion?"
"Why are you fighting this? It's my wedding and I am okay with the choice I made."
Bisola told Diana.
"I know why I'm saying this. I wouldn't want you to come to us 3 months into the marriage and complain about how...
Diana was armed with sacarsm.
"I appreciate your concern Diana but trust me when I tell you that I know what I'm doing."
"This isn't you sis. Do you remember when you used to dream...
"Well guess what Diana, our plans don't always work out. Not all of our wishes are going...
"Okay fine. I give up. Congratulations."
She said and then sat down after which she picked up a magazine in order to channel her displeasure elsewhere.
"Does this mean you won't come to the wedding?"
"I'll just kill her if she doesn't."
Bisola said which warranted a laughter from Maria and a smile from Diana.
The thing was that no one could stay mad at Bisola for too long because she was quite an accomodating soul and her attitude was down to earth.
"Well, what can I say but good luck. Just be careful sha."
Diana said to her sister.
Bisola responded and then turned back to view her reflection in the mirror.
"So what do you guys think about the dress?"
Bisola asked after breathing out deeply as if to expel the anxiety that tormented her.
Maria commented while Bisola looked at Diana, expecting to hear her input.
"it's okay."
She said, forcing herself.
"I'm not spending 400k on a dress just to receive a bland comment on it.
"Fine. It's an exquisite dress with a wrap of magnificence."
Diana said and rolled her eyes.
"Thank you Diana." Bisola managed to conjure a mild smile and then succumbed to taking a...
She wasn't thinking of Uche like she used to because ever since she concluded that Uche was trash, thoughts of him only irritated her.
She had joked to her friend Anita one time when she was nurturing the sensitive parts of her broken heart, that she...
'Speaking of Anita, where was she anyway?'
She wondered.
It's been about thirty minutes since she arrived at the store...
She wondered if it was a Nigerian thing to tell people that you're 5 minutes away when you haven't even gotten the motivation to start the journey.
Anita, who was raised in the states, had...
Bisola decided to ignore her friend's lateness because she had already picked a nice dress that was made just for her.
Bisola once again focused on her reflection in...
She recalled walking in on her mother wearing her wedding dress when she was still alive.
When she asked her why she was putting it on, her mother responded by telling her she wanted to find out...
Bisola's mother was the true embodiment of who an African woman should be. She was well versed in the historical events that shaped African's image and her people's personalities.
Bisola then remembered what her mother told her...
Most of the time, Bisola's mother was seen with an Afro or some other African inspired hairstyle, along with an Ankara attire in different styles and colours that was far from garish. She took the whole African...
She was no extremist; she was just an African woman living in the 21st century where technology had overshadowed some aspects of traditional...
As a matter of fact, she was the one who suggested that a very young Teddy be taken to a military school...
After a week of drilling by heartless military men, Teddy who was reluctant at obeying...
"Wow. That dress looks good on you!"
That was Anita...
"Wow. Thanks for coming ahead of time Anita."
Bisola made sure her sacarsm was not going to be missed.
"Oh I'm so sorry. Traffic was something else."
She exchanged pleasantries with Bisola's sisters and then walked towards Bisola.
"I've tried 3 dresses. This is the best out of all of them. And no I'm not going to start wearing them all over again. You were late."
"Oh come on. That ain't fair. It ain't my fault that the city is choked up."
Though the wedding was still less than 2 months away, Bisola wanted to start putting things in order and she was even thinking of bringing the wedding to a much...
"Fine. I get to pick the bouquet."
Anita concluded.
"Even if it's ugly?" Bisola asked.
"Girl, ugly is allergic to me. Step aside and watch me do great things."
Anita received a text message and then threw her...
"What is that?"
"Update from Big brother Naija.
There's war in the house. Hell no, I need to see this."
Bisola smiled at her friend's unbridled enthusiasm to the Nigerian reality show as she watched her meet the store keeper for...
Anita changed the channel to the BB Naija TV show and there were two ladies inflicting damage on each other's packaging.
It was no doubt that the two ladies would be disqualified. So much for...
"Hello bro."
Teddy was calling from a hotel reception. He was part of the security detail of a superior officer that came for a convention on...
"I don't have much time to talk. Where are you?" He inquired.
"I'm shopping. Why?"
"You might want to get yourself close to a TV right now and tune into BBC news. I think you might want to see this. Bye. I've got to go."
"Anita, please can you change the station to BBC news?"
Bisola asked as politely as she could.
"BB what? Girl, there's no way you're denying me of this fine entertainment."
For Teddy to call her, it meant that it was first class information. She wished Teddy had told her the channel number because...
"Girl what yu doing?" Anita wasn't going to stand and watch her friend deprive her of watching an epic cat fight on national TV."
"Stay out of this." Bisola warned.
The store keeper came to the rescue and assisted Bisola by simply pressing the command for the channel grid.
In under 6 seconds, they found themselves tuned to the BBC news channel...
There were 2 men and a woman discussing in what seems to be a news studio and the headline on the TV screen was:
"BREAKING NEWS: No recorded Plane Crash world wide...
"Girl. This is just nasty. Since when did you start watching the news with so much seriousness?"
"Anita can you just stop talking?"
Bisola snapped.
That got Anita to shut up because she knew her friend meant serious business
As Bisola decoded the sight and sound that the television...
"Give me the car keys."
"Sis, what's going on?"
Diana asked. She and Maria wasn't spared from the confusion others felt.
Diana could see the vibrant rage in her sister's eye and she understood that she had to release the keys and then ask questions later.
She handed the keys to Bisola who left the store with an apparent rage without pulling anyone out of the web of confusion...
Bisola got into her car and drove off. She was heading towards...
"Happy married life madam."
The merchant said but Bisola took great offense and zoomed off without paying...
The merchant called after her but Bisola was too angry and far away for his voice to permeate into her moral standards.
As Bisola drove towards Kolade's direction, she felt a stabbing sensation...
She was so angry that she soon zoomed past a scanty police checkpoint which prompted the 4 policemen on duty to run to their vehicle in order to engage the runaway bride in a hot pursuit.
"Wetin happen?"
The police inspector riding shotgun asked the driver of the police truck which looked like something that came out of a demolition derby.
The driver responded.
"No fuel? Which kind nonsense talk be that? Jamiu, I think say you buy fuel for the motor?"
The policeman turned and asked his comrade behind him.
"Ah no o. No be me dem tell."
Jamiu denied.
The inspector sounded frustrated and rained abuses on his incompetent squad because he knew a potential money making opportunity had just departed from them.
How can a police patrol van not have fuel?
Just how?
God was obviously on Bisola's side that day.
Was she going to set the building on fire? I guess we would soon find out.
If Bisola wasn't so angry, she would have asked where she did her nails. The secretary immediately responded by going after her because she does not...
She was kinda new so she didn't have a clue on who BIsola was. Bisola gained access to Kolade's office with the secretary following closely behind.
Kolade's secretary wanted to speak but:
"Please leave us."
Kolade told her and what followed was her undisputed exit. Bisola just stood there fuming...
She was an angry woman wearing a wedding gown while holding a gallon of fuel and what looked like a matchbox.
"You have only one shot to answer the question I have for you- Did your family die in a plane crash?"
If Bisola had an X-ray vision, she would have seen Kolade's heart skip a couple of beats. He stood up and...
"Don't you dare come any closer. Just answer my question. Did your parents die in a plane crash or not?"
"Of course they did, I don't understand where you're going with this."
Bisola couldn't believe she allowed her self be so blind...
"I just got an update that there were no plane crashes in the last 3 months so how come you said your family died...
Kolade chucked nervously and then goes:
"That's preposterous. Where did you hear that?"
"I saw it on the damn news. I can't believe you lied about such a thing. How could you wish death upon your family members?"
Bisola's tone was obviously...
Kolade knew the gig was up and there wasn't much he could do to pacify his not-so-soon-to-be bride except to come clean.
He knew that Bisola may never have accepted his proposal if he just asked her on normal grounds. As a matter of fact, Kolade's...
"Look. I'm sorry. I later found out it was a car crash."
Kolade fumbled with his response and he didn't know it sounded pathetic until he said it.
Bisola finalized because there was no way she would share her bed with a liar and a manipulator.
"Oh no, don't say that."
Just then, Bisola slipped out of the wedding dress to reveal a cream coloured dress she wore inside.
Kolade was too slow...
She sprinkled some fuel on the dress and Viola! She struck the match and set the dress on fire. A 400k was dress destroyed but she couldn't care less...
"Don't ever come close to me again!"
Bisola said to him in a rage and stormed out empty handed. Kolade wanted to follow her but that would have been a bad idea because he...
After the fire went out, he ran out leaving his office heavy with a mixture of dense smoke...
Bisola drove to a waterside at Victoria Island where she sat down on a bench while being completely ensconced in an episode of regret and betrayal.
She does not deserve any of this. She convinced herself.
At that moment, she helplessly thought of Uche but that made her more angry- an anger that propelled her to rise to her feet and drive to his house.
She needed to confront him and tell him how much she hated him for wasting her time. She was too reserved the last time they met so she felt she needed to...
Before she left, two of her watchers had been keeping an eye on her from their car which...
"She looks sad." One of the watchers said.
"Yes I can see that." His colleague replied.
"Maybe we should help her."
"That's not part of our job. We are spies not terrorists."
The watcher concluded.
She found her way to Pablo's carved wooden door after getting directions and knocked only for the door to be opened by Pablo's sister.
Bisola thought to herself because she recognized her to be Uche's girlfriend from the mall.
"I'm here to see your boyfriend."
Bisola said.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Janet asked.
"No one important. Please just tell Uche that I'm...
"Ummm. First of all, you've not told me who you are. Secondly, Uche is not my boyfriend, he's like 50 years older than me."
Bisola had no idea what she meant by that. Just then, Uche came to the door.
'Aha! The scumbag is home after all.'
"Oh wow. Bisola. You're here."
Uche was surprised.
"Uche, why does this woman think you're my boyfriend?" Janet queried.
"Wait. What?" Uche was confused.
"Well, if you're not her boyfriend, then who is she?
Bisola asked Uche.
"Okay. Now that's weird." Janet chipped.
That was all Bisola could muster in reaction to Uche's revelation. She just came to make a fool of herself. Didn't she?
She thought.
"Hold on. How on earth did you even come about such ridiculous conclusion. You just accused someone of being my girlfriend for the very first time of seeing her?"
"I saw you hugging her in the mall."
Bisola responded and that brought about another round of surprise for Uche.
"Wait. You were at the mall that day?"
"Yes of course I was."
"Yes that's correct." Janet joined in on the conversation.
"The last time I called you, I heard someone calling you baby."
Uche reaction suggested that he was clueless and then it hit him: he remembered...
"That was her on the phone with someone."
Bisola's feeling of disgrace was further amplified and this was obvious in her inability to construe a sentence.
"Janet, can you please excuse us?"
Janet countered. Just then, one of Uche's light-skinned booty calls showed up and she couldn't have picked a wronger time than that moment.
If Uche's body language had a voice, it would have screamed "Holy Shit!"
He needed a sexual marathon to neutralize the reality of his loss.
She said and then ran her hand on Uche's arm intimately.
Alright. Now that was a perfect example of an awkward moment.
Janet said and walked away but not without saying "Good luck" to Uche
because she knew he was going to need it.
The moment was too awkward for her to be a part of. Bisola wasn't even sure of the appropriate response in this situation.
So typical.
BIsola managed to say and then turned to leave.
His mistress called after him but his determination to reach Bisola deflected the sound of his name.
Uche caught up with Bisola and stopped her before she could reach for the gate.
"Yes. I'm totally innocent here. Last time I saw you, you told me you were getting married and gave me the impression that you never wanted to see me again. Little did I know that you falsely...
"It still doesn't change the fact that there is a woman in there who is probably here to screw your dark brains out."
"Oh what? I'm supposed to stay celibate because you're getting married? Look, all the times...
"I called off the wedding." Bisola told him.
Joy would have been the appropriate reaction to the news but Uche found himself in a state of confusion.
"Shut up!"
Uche and Bisola shouted at her at the same time and that startled the crap out of her.
She took up on the clue that it was time to leave and that was exactly what she did.
Uche asked. His voice now a little relaxed.
"He was trash. Just like you apparently."
"All men are not trash." Uche came to the defence of the entire male tribe.
"I never said ALL men are trash. I have a dad...
"Oh so your family members are saints?"
"Well, you can say that if you want."
"You really need to listen to yourself brag."
"Yes. They know how to treat people with genuine love...
Bisola was firm as she spoke.
"Well, in other news I'm glad you're here." Uche told her.
"Well, I'm not. I'm leaving."
"Would you just relax? You're so full of threats."
"Why are you like this? I literally didn't do anything wrong."
"It's only a matter of time before you show just how volatile you are."
"No, I think it should be: "your toxic personality is damaging my perception."
It annoyed Bisola that Uche was one of those male folks that were seconds away from disaster if you decide to keep them.
"I'm leaving. I need a drink." Bisola said.
"I'm coming with you." Uche proclaimed.
Uche noticed the car keys she was holding and grabbed it from her.
"I believe you'll be needing this." Uche said mockingly.
"Give me my car keys."
"God. You sound like a 6 year old right now."
"I'll blame you for that. You have a way of bringing out the infant and fighter in me. Just accept that you'll carry me along to drink away your sorrows."
"I'm an imperfect perfection. I can't always make you smile even If I try to. Sometimes misunderstandings may occur that would lead you to sorrow. I'm like a fire, I'll keep you warm in your coldest days...
"Alright fine. Don't confuse me with those sly and evil words of yours. Give me my keys and go get properly dressed. You look like a bag of chips."
Uche was wearing a bogus T-shirt which concealed most of his bodily features.
"You don't trust me. What a surprise."
She said sarcastically.
"Don't feel attacked. You don't trust me either. Just wait here. I'll be back."
Uche reappeared wearing a black fitted Tshirt and blue jeans with black shoes. She was supposed to admire his looks but she wasn't going to let her guard down.
Uche wasn't quite prepared for what happened next: Pablo came back home carrying a backpack.
As usual, Bisola was happy and Uche was not.
"Oh wow baby girl. You're here."
"Yes I am. Want to go grab a drink?" Bisola asked.
"You know I was made for offers like this." Pablo said and grinned.
"Pablo, for God's sake, you were the same person that called earlier to tell me...
"Try minding your business bro. It's healthy."
Pablo responded to Uche's attempt to exclude him from the outing, and then turned to Bisola and said:
"Let me drop my bag. I'll be with you guys in a jiffy."
"Let's ditch him."
"I'll rather ditch you instead." Bisola answered.
That response dazed Uche and before he could respond, Pablo was back- his face beaming with excitement. Just then, Bisola's phone rang.
Bisola was able to calm her down and then she told her friend to meet up with her.

. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 13. . . . . . . . . . .
Uche was served with a Hero lager beer while Pablo...
"When you said you wanted a drink, I didn't know you meant juice."
"What are you saying? There's alcohol in the drink you know."
Uche laughed.
"I'm not used to alcohol. This is the closest I can come to getting intoxicated."
"Leave the young lady alone bro."
Pablo said, always ready to play the knight in shining armour.
"Thank you Pablo" Bisola appreciated him.
"Well, he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly." Bisola responded.
"He's no better than the rest of us men" Uche said.
"Oh so you're admitting you men are trash?"
Bisola took advantage of Uche's response.
"You kinda did. Maybe it's safe to say that less than 3% of you men are loyal"
"Ummm, I'm going to have to stop you there sweetheart."
Pablo said to Bisola.
She then turned to Pablo and goes:
"Oh. Don't blame me, it's just instinct. You're attacking the man tribe so it's my duty to protect the honour of men."
"Hear hear."
Uche said and clinked his beer with that of Pablo who continued:
"Is that so?" Bisola asked.
"Most definitely."
"Who did you just quote Pablo?" Uche teased.
"Can I ask you guys a question?"
"Sure" The boys answered.
"What exactly is wrong with you men?"
Pablo and Uche exchanged glances and then said almost at the same time.
"Just so we are clear, I don't lie and cheat. There are still caring men like me out there. Women are not the reason men lie and cheat per se but they sure are the reason why a lot of men work and worry their heart out.
Pablo explained.
Uche made to speak but Bisola interrupted him.
"You, don't even say anything."
"Would you stop seeing me as a bad guy already? Pablo can you just tell her?"
"Oh so now you're switching sides. Being a traitor isn't exactly your forte."
Uche accused him.
"O boy, carry your cross. I'm not switching sides. All man must answer for his deeds."
Pablo laughed.
"Boy, hope you heard her? Be more like Pablo."
"Oga focus on your beer. Don't let it choke you."
Uche was annoyed.
"Someone looks riled up." Bisola said to Uche.
"I can't satisfy you with that fact."
Bisola got tired of being socially correct and gulped her drink and what followed was a burped.
All the while Pablo was like:
"Woah, slow down baby girl." while Uche looked at her surprisingly.
"Wow. You never striked me as a glutton." Uche said.
"And you're doing that with juice? Besides, you should direct your anger to the appropriate source. I'm not the cause of problem." Uche scoffed
"What are you? Twelve?" Uche teased her.
"Bro. Stop attacking the lady." Pablo jumped in.
"No, no. Leave him. Let him run his mouth."
"Look, if you want to do something, make sure you do it well."
"Bro. That's bad advice." Pablo said to Uche.
"How is that a bad advice?" Uche asked.
"Context bro. You're encouraging her to indulge in drunkenness."
Bisola said to Uche and took Pablo's stout. She tried drinking it but the bitter taste stopped her, leaving her face in an awful grimace.
"Oh God. What is that? Is that bile?"
Uche and Pablo tried to suppress their laughter.
"Oh, girl. You're determined to get drunk aren't you?" Pablo asked her.
"You have no idea. It's funny I'm still hanging out with you men...
"Look, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that. I really am."
Uche spoke, his voice more gentle.
"How can you even say such a thing? Look, I'm sorry that your boyfriend lied but it's wrong for you to pin his sin on me."
Uche acted offended but in the real sense he was relieved...
"Yeah right. You're like the general manager of liars."
"Have I ever lied to you?"
"How am I to know when you're so good with your lies?"
The alcohol was slowly beginning to gain traction in Bisola's system and she...
"Unfaithful men don't deserve a penis."
Bisola blurted out.
Pablo laughed and then goes.
"Aunty, that's cold."
"Yeah, someone like you." Bisola stroked him.
"For the umpteenth time, stop bullying me. It's not going to help you."
Bisola once again went on an all-out attack.
"That's just some toxic belief."
Uche challenged her.
"Here's something to chew on: since men are known to be the gender that do the chasing, they are more...
"I've got a counter opinion to that." Pablo chipped in.
"Well, let's hear it." Bisola told him.
"I agree that men do the chasing but you've also got to admit that ten men can be on one woman's case.
Pablo explained.
"Being a woman who gets constant attention from men is a struggle especially when such attention is not entertained. Do you know...
Bisola rendered her own counter opinion.
"I'm pretty such that there will come a point in...
That was Uche.
"It's all about being contented. There are a lot of faithful women out there but I can't say the same for men because they just won't stop chasing."
Pablo responded.
"This is obviously not a fair fight. It's
two against one."
Bisola told them. Again, she wondered where Anita was because...
Just then, she sighted Anita entering the bar. She was glad her reinforcement had arrived and there was no way the men in front of her would intimidate...
Pablo got lost staring at her and before he knew it, Lionel Richie's Hello, came on in his head as he Imagined her walking in slow...
At that moment, Pablo convinced himself that he had no more problems in life. Suddenly, everything in his life became sweet and beautiful. When Anita got to the table, she scolded...
Bisola introduced her to the guys but Pablo couldn't be more obvious with the way he was...
"Drool much?" Anita asked him.
"Oh no, please imagine I'm not here."
"That will be when you stop imagining me naked."
Bisola and Uche laughed and Pablo just felt a mild embarrassment as he behaved himself. He leaned closer to Uche...
Uche laughed at Pablo's ridiculousness while Anita looked at the half bottle of Smirnoff in front of her friend and then cast her gaze on Bisola only to notice for the first time the signs of intoxication.
That question was pretty difficult for Uche and Pablo to answer as they fumbled with an appropriate answer.
"Drinking is bad for her." Anita added.
"Oh I'm sorry. She insisted that she wanted to get drunk." Uche said.
"You dared her?" Anita asked Uche.
"I was just joking and she obviously took it serious. I didn't know it was going to turn out this way.
"Well, you've got yourself a timebomb here. The last time she drank, she was breaking mirrors."
"Oh, I think she mentioned something like that."
Pablo spoke. It almost sounded like he did not want to piss Anita off.
"Oh really."
Uche said.
"Wait, you're the roadkill."
"The what?" Uche was confused.
"Oh wow. You're the one with a death wish."
"I don't have a death wish. Is that what she told you?"
"Well, you could have fooled me."
"You bloody niggas will do anything for some action."
"What happened was unfortunate. No one plans for pain."
"Guys, just a friendly reminder that I'm still here."
Bisola quipped.
"I need a drink. How do one get a drink around here?"
"Why would you think that?" Anita asked.
"Maybe because you were against your friend drinking."
"Oh please, we ain't all built the same. She is a disgrace when she drinks. I know how to...
Pablo took up the honour of showing her how to order with the tab.
"Ooooh. Fancy."
Anita admired the innovation and ordered for a big stout which got Pablo's love for her to skyrocket. If this was an animated...
"I was telling these "men" here that they were designed with cheating in their DNA."
"Oh come on. Would you just let it go?"
"Why? You're afraid that she's telling the truth?"
"Pablo help me out here." Uche said to his friend.
"Who? Me? I'm just going to listen and learn."
Pablo was totally sucking up to Anita. He wanted to be on her...
"Wow Pablo, you never seize to amaze me."
Uche said to him knowing that he would not come to his senses anytime soon.
"We all know that you men ain't shit. Y'all can't keep your business in your pants."
"Stop making this a gender thing. It's not."
"Damn right it is."
"Here's one: Men are more likely to cheat on their wives when babies take away their sexiness."
"Miss me with that horse shit."
Bisola goes. She was excited that her friend was representing womankind.
"So what have you got to say about women that can't be sexually and financially satisfied by their man?"
"Oh, now you're being evasive. The point here is that you women are as guilty as what you accuse men of."
"Oh please. You sound like my grand father."
It was that that point that Kolade entered the bar. He looked around the bar trying to...
The locator app on his cellphone cannot lie. It led him right to the bar. The thing was that Bisola also had the app installed on her phone that was why he was able to find her.
Immediately Bisola saw him, she tried to hide.
She wasn't sure if she was ready to face him.
"Did you tell him you were here?"
"No I didn't. He must have used his GPS to locate me. My location services must have been switched on."
"You have a thing for hiding from people don't you?"
"Girl, you crazy? He's supposed to be the one hiding. Stop being a pussy."
"I'm sorry. I've lost my ability to be angry right now. I just want to drink."
Anita said and then called out on Kolade.
"Oh hey! Asshole!"
"What are you doing?"
Bisola reacted with a sense of urgency in her lowered voice. Kolade walked towards Anita after he sighted her.
"You've got balls coming here you know."
"I want to talk to my fiancé."
"I guess you didn't get the memo. The wedding is off."
"You don't get to speak for her."
He noticed Uche sitting down and faced him.
He then turned to Bisola.
"Bisola what's going on here?"
"Nigga, I think you may want to take a step back."
Anita threatened him.
"Stay out of this Anita."
At that point, Uche stood up and tried to calm the situation.
"Look, bro. Please don't cause a scene."
"Don't talk to me. Go wait some tables...
That got Pablo on his feet. No one talked to Uche like that.
Except him.
"Hey, now let's not get ahead of ourselves. Try as much as possible to avoid getting hurt."
"Seems like things are about to get messy. Should we get involved?"
"It's just a small squabble. I'm sure it's something they can handle. No need to interfere with the work of nature."
"This is plain ridiculous."
Kolade said.
Anita warned Kolade. All the while Bisola just sat down quietly with her arms folded. The amount of alcohol she drank was obviously keeping her mind busy. As a matter of fact, she felt safe and unbothered because she...
Pablo alone was enough obstacle for him to deal with. Bisola took her bottle and started drinking from it. Anita stopped her after she turned...
"Oh no baby girl. That's enough. You're not supposed to be drinking because of that sack of pig shit. He ain't worth it."
"I'm not drinking because of him Annie, I'm drinking because of me."
"Yeah right. Leave the drinking to the adults."
"Hey that's not fair."
Bisola revolted. The guys weren't expecting to see Kolade again. They thought he left for good. He pulled out a gun...
Bisola wasn't really moved. One of the watchers observing...
"What are you doing?"
"Don't be rash. You might get her killed."
"No. Hesitation will get her killed."
"Stand down soldier."
The eager watcher reluctantly carried out the...
"Just give me my bride and I'll be on my way."
"Look bro..."
Uche was about to say something but Kolade cut him short.
"Don't call me bro."
Anita, Uche and Pablo were all well behaved just like a bunch of school children would react to a teacher wielding a fat and dry cane.
"Don't lecture me 'waiter'. Step aside."
"I'm sorry I can't do that."
"Ummm, because it's not right."
"What are you talking about? Are you high?"
Kolade really sucked at being the bad guy. The next thing he saw was a bottle flying towards him. He dodged the bottle which broke behind him and what followed...
Kolade checked to see who launched the ballistic object only to find out that it was Bisola who should be held...
One of the guards shot his neck with a dart laced with a powerful tranquilizer.
It was this point that we realize that Uche was the recipient of the stray bullet.
The watchers approached the scene as Pablo and Anita tried to understand why Kolade fell.
In her mind, she begged God for sobriety and promised not to drink again because her mind was in a total...
"What's going on? Who are you guys?"
Anita asked the watchers.
"We work for the government. This man is the leader of a drug syndicate and we have been tracking him for months."
The lead agent lied while Uche got to his feet groaning in pain.
"You might want to take your friend to the hospital."
The agent advised and then picked up Kolade's gun. The second agent carried Kolade's unconscious body...
Poor Kolade.
If only he knew his unfortunate self would be waking up in a terrible prison in Cotonou where about 72 people were jam-packed in a room used as a makeshift cell.
Luckily for Uche, the bullet went through his arm. He was loaded with painkillers as a nurse tended to his wounds...
Anita and Pablo were talking about God knows what while Bisola's eyes were fixed at Uche whose focus was on his wounds.
He then wondered why he had to go through pain whenever Bisola was involved. If he had 9 lives, he'd already lost three...
Normally, if any lady proved hard to get, he would simply move on but there was no moving on from the lady that sat across him.
Uche recalled what his father told him where he said that some men were more likely to prefer a no-strings-attached...
The reason according to him was simply because men did the chasing.
He further told him that men were more likely to accept a no-strings-attached relationship when an attractive woman asked but when the script is flipped, some women...
There are men who don't have to love a woman before they chase them. Uche was one of such men.
Uche remembered how innocent and naive he was before he got sucked into a world of pleasure and...
Here he was, looking at a girl he would not like to lose anytime soon.
Was this love?
Uche wasn't ready to admit that. All he knew was that he wanted a thousand night stands with Bisola if he got the chance.
'If being faithful was oxygen, you'd be dead'
Uche reminisced on...
Uche checked the wall clock and the time was 8'O clock. The nurse wanted to admit him but he declined...
She wasn't ready to let Uche out of her sight because his presence brought upon her a feeling of safety.
"Would you like to come home with me?"
The words flew out of her mouth and she almost regretted it because it made her sound desperate and wanting.
"I just want to talk to someone."
He would have been an idiot if he refused.
This was what he had always wanted. He had always looked forward to the day that he would be spending time with Bisola... alone... without Pablo especially.
"Why is it that I always lose my mind or my blood whenever it comes to you? If I remember correctly, this is the 2nd time I've been physically hurt because of you."
Bisola smiled and then responded.
"And the second?"
"Well, what happened today was my fault. I'm sorry."
"At least I got to learn that alcohol should be kept far from your reach. You almost got me killed."
"I said I'm sorry."
Bisola pressed his bandaged arms which got him to groan in pain.
"Don't get your hopes up."
"Hope you got Netflix?"
"Yes... but no chill. Just Netflix alone."
Anita and Pablo took an Uber that dropped them off in their various destinations while Uche and Bisola took another ride to her house. Her car was still parked at club 68...
BIsola served him a glass of cold water and that felt like pouring cold water on a heated pot when he...
It was Bubble's duty to see anyone who came to the house as a threat.
"You have an ugly looking cat." Uche informed Bisola.
"Oh please, it's just a white fur ball that managed to have life in It."
"Point of correction- That's a He."
"Yeah right."
Bubbles went on aggressive mode and left the premises.
"You must be over feeding the creature, no wonder it's ugly."
"Uche, please leave my cat alone."
Bisola switched on the television to a movie program and she sat down about two metres away from Uche.
Uche wanted to pull her closer to him but he wasn't sure how Bisola felt at the moment. Bisola herself wanted to move closer to him but she doesn't want to come off as...
"You know you can trust me right?" Uche said to her.
"You're in my house. What other proof of trust do you want?"
"I need assurance. You put me in this condition."
"You never get tired of accusing me, don't you?"
"Can you just come close?"
"Because I'm in pain."
"Because you're in my house."
"Be grateful."
"I just took a bullet for you. Be nice to me."
"it's not like you dived in front of me."
"Your action put me in this condition."
Before Bisola knew it, Uche moved very close to her. He could perceive her fragrance which reminded him of the smell of rain after a whole day of the scorching sun.
"What are you doing?"
"What are you afraid of?"
"Wow. I love this song."
She was so beautiful.
Bisola's synchronized movement with the rhythm of the sound brought peace upon Uche's life. At that precious moment, she was the only thing that existed...
Everything about her was perfect. This looked like love and Uche was scared and excited. He remembered when Dr Jack told him:
Uche walked close to Bisola and she swayed into his arms. She stopped moving and looked into his eyes and it felt like an eclipse just occurred. She was the moon and he was the sun.
Uche realized that that was the first time all forms of distance were removed between them. For a split second, their soul became one and their heartbeats merged...
What these two did not know was that they were few seconds from being attacked. Mrs Snow had a team of 4 highly trained
mercenaries ready to cause chaos.
She was losing her patience and she needed to satisfy herself with the death of Bisola.
Very soon, reinforcements from the estate entrance came and the attackers...
a car.
All the while Uche and Bisola were locked in a slow waltz with her head on his chest. If they had looked out the window, they would have seen the small scale war...
It even came to a point when Bisola thought she heard something but Uche told her not to worry about it. He didn't want to let her out of his grip and sight.
Uche thought to himself. Bisola on her part was thinking of what her father told her about ceramic and disposable cups.
Of course Mr D was talking about permanent and temporary people.
Mr D was sitting in his study when his phone rang. He answered the call and was briefed on the attempted attack...
Mr D thought about sending Bisola into full protective custody but that would mean telling her of what he...
Mrs Snow was an insane woman and he knew he won't be able to protect his daughter for long.
His daughter's life was more important than her finding out about the bounty placed on her head.
"Hello X."
"We found them."
"Good job."
Mr D listened to the rest of the information X had for him and then ended the call. The next thing he did was to dial Mrs Snow in her untraceable cell.
"Hello D. Are you calling to beg?"
"No. I'm calling to tell you that the game is over."
She laughed and goes:
"Don't be ridiculous D. The real game is just about to begin."
"I know where your children are."
"736 Sisulu street, Pretoria." Mr D bluntly said.
That address sounded so familiar because that was her sister's house and her children were there with her.
"How dare you?"
"This isn't over."
"This game is over Mrs Snow. Come for one of mine, I will come for all of yours. Have a safe trip back to the south. My regards to your president."
This time, he won't even know that he's part of it.
How can you win a game when you don't know you're a part of it?
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 14. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . DISCOMFORT ZONE . . . . . . .
He tried to get up but the pain in his arm reminded him that he was shot the previous day.
When Bisola sat down on the couch the previous...
"What's wrong?" Uche asked.
"The problem is that I like you."
"And how is that a problem?"
"Because I'm not supposed to be liking you. You're like a big bad wolf...
"B, this is crazy."
"Absolutely not. I have come to learn the lesson of asking the right questions before dealing with any man. Last time I listened to my heart, it led me off a cliff. Now I've come to listen to my head."
"I didn't walk into your life to hurt you."
Uche calmly said.
"That's different."
"And how is it different? I don't want to get my heart broken all because of an unintended action.
That was one of Uche's Frequently Asked Questions when it came to ladies he dealt with and his answers were usually shady and deflective.
He knew she didn't deserve to be lied to and he tried as much as possible not to be farther away from the truth.
"I just want you in my life."
He replied her.
"I can't really say. All I know is that I don't want to lose you."
"Wrong answer. You know what? I'm tired. Good night."
"Oh come on."
Bisola stood up and walked into her room leaving Uche with a yearning that left an emptiness in its wake.
And here Uche was, after last night's event, trying to acknowledge the inevitable arrival of a new day that came with a mild pain.
Uche walked to Bisola's door and made to knock but the door was slightly open.
He smiled and left the door while he savoured the image of her peaceful face as she worshipped in the temple of Hypnos, the god of sleep.
Bisola's kitchen alone was more beautiful than Pablo's living room where Uche slept sometimes.
The kitchen had a dominance of white and a touch of green and it gave off a vibe...
The walls of the kitchen appeared curved and the kitchen cabinets and sink followed it's shape. There was a round table and two chairs at the middle. This was the kind of kitchen that made cooking fun.
Bisola woke up with a slight headache and had a spiritual debate with herself: stay in bed or continue encouraging the spirit of laziness in her.
She went into her living room only to be welcomed with a sweet aroma that originated from the kitchen. Bisola was astonished and the only thing she could do was to deduce...
Her doubts were completely diminished when she saw Uche backing her as he was focused on frying some egg sauce using an assortment of vegetables...
She also caught sight of Bubbles nibbling on some sardines that was served on his plate and thought about how Bubbles could easily switch sides...
"Oh, you're awake."
"What are you doing?" She asked amusingly.
"Oh. Just a morning ritual."
"How come the food smells so good?"
"Oh. You don't think that men can cook?"
"Apparently, you haven't met much men."
"I grew up learning the kitchen constitution from my mother because...
Bisola smiled and settled down on the chair while Uche served her a plate of plain noodles with the...
Bisola's sense of sight and smell was appeased but what was left was her sense of taste. She hesitated to dig in but Uche encouraged her to go ahead.
"Hmmm. This is really good. How did you learn how to cook this well?"
"This is really nice. I'm surprised you did all these with your one hand."
"Imagine what I can do with two hands."
What Bisola didn't know was that cooking was one of the tricks Uche used on some of the girls...
He actually enjoyed cooking and saw it as a creative art process because it dealt...
The few girls he had cooked for fell in love with him because his food was as good as his looks and the seductive skills in his books.
She was smart enough to know that Uche wasn't going to stay long in her life. He would have been the perfect husband material if he wasn't a player.
Bisola thought to herself. She admitted how difficul- if not impossible- it was for one person to have all the attributes people want in a partner.
'There is no such thing as the perfect person.'
Anita once called her greedy for having so many preferences. Bisola knew she would have to live in some sort...
She also understood that what many people lacked in looks, they made up for it with their attitudes and talents.
"You know what's weird?" Bisola asked.
"Enlighten me."
"I don't even know if you're a stranger, a friend or an acquaintance."
"Anyone is fine by me."
"First of all, I didn't do anything last night. Secondly, I was hungry and I didn't want to wake you up. Thirdly, I enjoy cooking.
Bisola smiled and goes:
"Anyway, thanks for the meal. It's really nice."
"What gives you that impression?"
"You have a kitchen loaded with groceries."
"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't know how to cook. There's a woman that helps me with the dishes whenever I call on her.
The smile on Uche's face was obvious enough for Bisola to notice it.
"Aren't you going to look down on me?"
Bisola was quite curious.
"Why? Because you're a woman who don't know how to cook? I won't attack the privilege you had...
"Mr Uche Dike. Are you sure that's how you really feel?"
"You know what's crazy? A few "cool" friends of mine think it's demeaning for me to handle kitchen duties. They think it makes me a soy being. They believed...
"That's sounds crazy."
"Yes apparently. They think a "man" shouldn't cook and that cooking should be ascribed to women."
"Your cool friends are awfully entitled."
"You know, you should open a restaurant."
Uche chuckled and goes:
"Or you could be a chef."
"I think I'll settle for the office life while cooking remains a hobby. I like the idea of juggling between two distinct activities."
"Please don't bring up your lost certificates."
"So what's your day going to be like?"
Bisola took the conversation to different waters.
"Oh. I need to go home, load myself with some drugs and wait for sleep to do it's thing."
Bisola's phone rang severally in the living room before she went to answer the caller. It was Anita calling. She answered.
"Hello Anita."
"So how did it go girl? Did he bless you with some D?"
Anita sounded curious.
Bisola tried cautioning her friend but she wasn't going to listen.
"Oh come on girl. You can tell me. You didn't invite a Nigga to your house to sing you a lullaby did you?"
"He was injured. Nothing happened between us."
If only she knew that Uche was talking to Pablo who called almost immediately she left the kitchen. Just like Bisola, he was trying to convince Pablo that nothing happened.
There were some people cleaning up the mess that occured from last night while another group of residents were complaining to...
The lady was clad in baggy pants and a T-shirt...
"Ah Bisi, I didn't even know you were around."
"What happened here?"
Bisola's curiosity was quite pronounced.
"Some armed robbers came yesterday night but they were stopped by the neighborhood security."
"Oh wow. That's a first." Bisola was as clueless as they were.
"My sister. Me self I'm shocked."
"I can see you were busy yesterday."
He couldn't help but feel that he might lose interest in Bisola after having his way with her but the thing was that...
Man was too horny to have a decent peace of mind.
He knew how ridiculous it sounded but the reality of the situation was that he thought about Bisola alot and wanted her...
It was more like a situation where someone falls in love with a song and keeps vibing to it; the more they listen to the...
As a matter of fact, time and repetition tones down the impact of the song on their mind, and with the discovery of a new song, the song they used to love will become an old favourite song...
Uche was never going to forget how Dr Jack explained some aspects of love to him using music. He once said to Uche:
He added by saying "Music is the elixir that makes existence worthy."
"the beat of a song is what attracts someone and it is the lyrics that'll make them stay longer. This same thing applies to romance."
As it happened, Uche had been meeting a lot of fine-looking women with no interest in mental...
They were just good for the moment- a perfect beat to the night club mood- and with the passage of time, their value totally fizzles out like steam in the atmosphere.
Uche wanted some skin to skin action with her but he knew how difficult that would be.
She was not going to risk falling completely in love only to wake up next to a written note by Uche telling her that he was sorry...
"Love is a risk but risks can be managed."
Bisola also thought about what her father told her when Frank left her with a shattered heart, a damaged dream and a broken spirit.
She came to conclude that she was a bad manager because...
With the experience that her pain taught her, she was not going to...
Her pain made her wiser.
Throughout the new week that followed, Bisola was busy most of the time and she was able to talk to Uche...
There was a problem though- Uche needed to get laid and Pablo wasn't making it easy with his Mia Khalifa and Vanessa Blue collections.
Anytime he tried to wheedle Bisola into love making, she always...
Bisola came to an understanding that if she agreed to Uche's mating call, she would just end up like...
Uche's sexual hunger or 'Konji' soon went to new heights.
It came to a point when his imagination became wild and out of control...
Uche always knew that there was no way he could cajole Bisola into making sweet love to him without agreeing to date her.
Once upon a time, Pablo told Uche that he was a mutant with 6 eyes and that was why he couldn't focus on one girl. Pablo never failed to serve some hot tea to his friend.
She was wearing a black skin tight dress that was just above her knees thus making her a magnet to the eyes of horny men.
Pleasantries were exchanged and memories were revisited. Uche's eyes traced the arch on her back and how it led down...
He tried as much as possible to control the rise of his rod but that rebellious thing usually had a mind of his own. The fact that he was wearing a beige Chinos didn't help...
Uche's old flame understood what was happening and she had to smile at the effect she had on Uche.
One thing led to another and Uche found himself in the lady's self contained apartment that had a dominance of purple and hints of lilac.
"Do you have a condom?"
The old flame stopped and asked Uche.
"Oh shit. No"
"What can I say? I've been distracted lately."
"Well, good thing I always have a spare."
She stood up from Uche's lap to fetch a condom from her drawer but she couldn't find it.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"What are you saying?"
"I can't have sex with you."
"Wow. Are you serious? So you want to turn me on and leave me burning? That's not going to happen o."
"Look Gloria, I'm sorry but I'm not cut out for this. I thought...
"Sha satisfy me if you don't want to satisfy yourself. Try not to be selfish and unfortunate."
"I'm sorry. I just can't."
The old flame moved towards Uche and tried to remove his trousers but he stopped her and hurried out of the room...
The next thing Uche did was to call Bisola and begged to see her. She agreed and they met in her car just a few distance away from her office. She was quite eager to know what Uche had her for.
"What does that even mean?"
Uche struggled with his next few words because it was a difficult thing for him to say. It was an uncharted water that he vehemently avoided in his romantic and sexual voyages.
"Would I what?"
"I want you to be my girlfriend."
Uche changed from asking a question to making a statement. He felt asking her a question exposed him to the possibility of her saying No.
"I'm guessing you're expecting me to say Yes."
"And why should I? It's not like you've given me enough reasons to take your words seriously."
"Look, I'll willing to give this a shot."
"Okay what?"
"I said okay."
"Are you agreeing to what I just said or concurring to the part...
"I will be your girlfriend."
Bisola was totally messing with him.
"Oh wow. Really?"
"Yes why not?"
"This is awesome."
"I guess it is."
The next line of action in Uche's books was to lean in to kiss Bisola...
"What do you think you're doing?"
She asked Uche.
"I'm trying to kiss my girlfriend."
She chuckled and then said:
"Don't outrun your shadow young man. Life doesn't work that way."
"Life is not that smooth, Romeo. There are some conditions you must adhere to. First of all, you're going to have to meet my parents."
That statement bothered Uche and the only thing he could think of was that...
How long would he be willing to go because of a woman?
According to Dr Jack:
"The road to sweet happiness is filled with bitter sorrows."
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 15. . . . . . . . . . .
He had never dealt with a woman to the point of reaching the meet-the-parents phase and he never expected it to come so soon.
How delightfully unfortunate for Uche. This was happening too fast for him to back down. He had tried to think of a way to maneuver out of the situation and all he could come up with was the saying which goes:
Uche's situation was more like a storm in a tea cup but still, he projected it into a life-threatening monstrosity.
His next best conclusion was to start the journey and handle anything he encountered on his way.
When a cab dropped him in front of the Williams' house, Bisola was right there waiting for him.
"God. What are you wearing?"
"I was nervous. I just want to create a good first impression."
Before Uche could say anything, Bisola took off his tie and loosened up his collar to make his appearance lose the formality...
His eyes were on her while she did her thing. It was an ephemeral moment but Uche knew he would be thinking about the tingling sensation...
"Behave." She said.
"I'm sorry. You're just too close for me to behave. You look beautiful by the way."
"Thank you. There you go. All fixed."
"We need to go through the basis. You need to be yourself and try not to be intimidated."
"I can't believe you're making me go through this."
"No one is forcing you to do anything. If you want to...
"Wow. This doesn't feel like an American teenage movie at all."
"It's a family tradition. We all get to bring whoever we want to date. Don't tell me you're nervous."
"Shouldn't I be?"
"I don't see any reason why you should be.
"Okay, now that's a daring lie."
"Can you just do what I told you? Don't screw this up."
Uche nurtured a sinister thought.
"It's funny how you told me to be myself and still want me to lie about what I do."
Uche said to her hearing.
"So you're admitting that you're about to throw me under the bus."
"Don't be ridiculous, uncle. You're meeting my family not a bunch of psychos. Just do what I asked you to do.
"I'm listening."
"Watch out for my brother Freddy. Try and avoid him at all costs. I wouldn't want you to be in his bad books."
"Is that supposed to make me feel good?"
"I just thought I should inform you. It's not enough reason for you to hit...
"How about a kiss for courage."
Bisola smiled and walked through the large and intricate gate of her father's house.
Uche followed suit and came upon the magnificent view of the mansion that was at the background of a large compound adorned...
A chained pitbull and doberman barked violently at Uche who was obviously threatened by the bloodthirsty dogs.
Diana and Maria were at the balcony with their eyes on their visitor.
"He's not to be trusted. He's afraid of dogs."
"You sound like you're already fighting for him."
"Can we just meet him first before you crucify him from a distance?"
"Which side are you on Maria?"
"This is not about taking sides. From what I...
"Frank was cute too, so what's your point?"
She asked and walked back inside the house.
"Innocent until proven guilty."
Maria said and then followed her sister as Bisola and Uche got closer to the house.
"He's just a friend, nothing is happening between us."
"Yet." Diana added.
"Look, I know you're concerned and I appreciate that but you've got to believe me when I say I've got this covered."
"He looks like a Yoruba demon."
"He's Igbo." Bisola responded.
"He's still a demon."
"I think I'll get married to an Igbo man." Maria said.
"Ah. Weyrey. Wait till I tell Lanre what you said."
"It was a joke o." Maria defended herself.
Bisola said to Diana.
"Oh I sure will."
Diana said with a voice heavy with mischief as she went to sit down on a couch across from Uche. She crossed her legs, folded her arms and watched Uche...
Uche waved at her but she didn't flinch and that made him uneasy.
Diana gave Maria a quick and wicked side look and at that moment, she saw her sister as a traitor.
Uche stood up in an attempt to show courtesy to Mr D's presence. The old gentleman sat down and...
"Oh please sit down."
"Thank you sir." Uche responded and sat down.
"Dad, this is my friend, Uche. Uche, meet my dad and my sisters, Maria and Diana."
She said while making the appropriate gestures that came with introductions.
"Yes. We are still in the friend phase dad."
"So you're Igbo?" Mr D asked Uche.
"Yes sir. From Anambra State to be precise."
"I see... So young lad. What do you do for a living?
Uche said bluntly and Bisola immediately felt betrayed because he totally defied her instructions. She quietly thought of different ways to make him pay for the betrayal.
"Oh really?" Mr D goes.
Bisola showed signs of uneasiness by running her hands over her face.
"Come with me son."
Mr D said after he checked his watch and then walked out...
Uche joined Mr D as he walked along the lush looking compound.
"With all due respect sir, I think she'll be in a better position to answer that question. If I provide an answer to your question, I might not be truthful enough for your satisfaction."
Uche knew he was going to have to say something even if it was coated with deceit.
"I just want to build a life with her with hope that she'll be willing to do the same with me."
"I do hope you know that for her to bring you to me means she really likes you"
"I'm aware sir."
"And I do hope you're also aware that you're not allowed to break her heart."
Uche's words and composure was a sharp contrast to the storm of panic in his heart.
"Are you aware of what will happen to you if any harm comes to her?"
"Ummmm, I'm not... I'm not sure I'm aware."
"Yes... Yes sir."
Uche was troubled as hell...
"You still have a choice to back down now before it's too late. I want you to understand that once you start dating her, you're not allowed to see other women. My family and I believe in the traditional values of monogamous relationships."
"That would be upsetting sir." Uche managed to say.
"I'm glad you understand my concern. Let me tell you a little bit about my daughter... She is everyone's favourite...
"I almost lost my wife and my first daughter because of some complications. After 7 days of tension and uncertainty, I got news that brought relief...
I believe I have mentioned this earlier... She has been hurt severally and I have decided to involve myself in weighing the character...
"I'm sorry for the death of your wife."
"Oh. That was a long time ago. But I've got to admit that the images of her face is still as fresh as the morning dew... Another question son: how do you intend to take care...
"I'm doing all I can to get back on track so I can get a job. I understand the importance of work in a man's life. For now, all I can offer her is emotional security which I know isn't so much."
Uche narrated how his briefcase disappeared the first day he met Bisola. He was wise enough to leave out some details like when he forced her to be charitable with 30k.
"What do you think they are talking about?" Bisola asked.
"Dad is probably giving him reasons why he shouldn't come back."
"Diana must you always be a pessimist?"
Maria asked.
"Only when the situation demands for it."
"Can you just give him a chance?"
"No. He's good looking and that's usually a red flag."
"Damn right it is. Look at him, he looks... unfaithful."
Diana told her sister and Bisola couldn't help but worry about her future with Uche. She was not going to give him the...
She was like: "The world is filled with vile and unworthy people and it pays to put those...
Mr D and Uche soon got to the spot where the dogs were chained and they barked at Uche again.
"Do you like dogs?"
"Not entirely sir. I've had some bad experiences with dogs in the past."
"Do you trust me son?" Mr D asked Uche.
"Ummmm, Yes sir."
"But we just met."
"I would like to believe you have my best interest at heart."
Uche replied.
"What? You mean the dog?
"Yes of course."
"Are you sure about that sir?"
"Absolutely. You trust me don't you? Go ahead and touch the dog. It won't do nothing. I promise."
It took about 2 minutes and the whole nerves in Uche for him to slowly...
"What lesson did you learn from this?"
"I'm not sure sir."
"You can try."
"That was close but not quite. I wanted to show you a simple illustration of how dangerous trust can be. Trust nobody: that's the lesson there."
"Oh okay sir."
"Okay sir." Uche tried not to stutter.
"Feel at home son. I'm going out to take care of business. Endeavour to always remember what we just discussed. Oh and...
Mr D said and walked to his vintage car; he got into the back seat after his driver opened the door for him. Before Uche knew it, the car eased out of the compound...
He was listening to the abomination he sang and dared to call it music. He was putting on a tank top....
"Oh. You must be Ushe."
Uche hated the way Freddy pronounced his name. He had come to understand that it was some of the Yorubas and indigenes of Warri that interchanged the C in...
Immediately Bisola saw that Freddy was talking to Uche, she hurried out of the house to meet them because she knew how sensitive and unpredictable her brother was.
He was like an unstable nuclear reactor that could go off at any time.
Uche said, not realizing that that was his first mistake.
"It's my mouth and I'll choose to call it the way I want."
"Well, it's my name." Uche mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"Oh. Nothing at all."
"You're lying. You said something."
"i saw your mouth move. You definitely said something and you're lying."
"Trust me. It means nothing."
Uche had the spirit of a rebel and he wasn't the type of person that would easily stay quiet even if it meant getting hurt.
Freddy offered a handshake to Uche; he took it and immediately regretted that he did because Freddy squeezed his hands and his facial expression could tell that he was trying to brave the pain.
With that, he understood that Freddy was a bully and must be avoided just as Bisola had told him.
"I see you've met Uche."
"Yes I have. I'm sure he's going to love my company."
Freddy said with a sinister smile on his face. A difference between Teddy and Freddy was that Teddy hardly smiled while Freddy's smile was in most...
His parents were worried and then took him for a psych evaluation where they confirmed that he had anger issues and traits of psychosis.
"See you later Freddy."
Bisola said to her brother and took Uche by his hand leading him away from his presence.
"Ushe, I'll be seeing you around."
"Are you okay?" Bisola asked.
"Yes I'm perfectly fine."
"Oh well. Then permit me to do this."
She gave Uche a hard pinch and he reacted.
"Hey. Why do you always have to do that?"
"Because you're annoying. I specifically told you what...
"He offered me a job."
"He did?"
"Yes he did."
"Well good for you but I still feel you should have listened to me... LSo what else did you and my father talk about?"
"Nothing at all. He's a good man."
"Trust me. I'm not."
Bisola led Uche to the picnic table where the family usually had brunch whenever the weather was cool. Just close to the table, there was an easel that had something that was supposed to be a man...
The hopeless caricature had big eyes, an almost invisible nose, a wide mouth that appeared to be...
Freddy picked up interest in art when he saw an expensive painting that was made by awkward handprints and colour splashes.
Uche saw the art and couldn't resist the urge to bash it as he stood in front of it. This was his second mistake.
"Oh my God. That art is really awful."
"Why are you guys still allowing him to continue. That thing could ruin someone's life."
"If you have nothing good to say about it, I'll advice you to keep your reviews to yourself. He doesn't take criticisms lightly"
The next thing Uche felt was a hand on his shoulders. It was Freddy. His eyes were smoldering with rage.
Freddy tried to strangle Uche with his bare hands but Bisola got Freddy to let go. She dragged Uche by his arm and took him inside...
"This your mouth will put you in trouble."
Bisola scolded Uche.
"What? I didn't know he was behind us."
Uche had just scored himself a new and dangerous enemy. As they walked into the house, Diana...
Uche got home feeling all sore and perturbed. He immediately had regrets concerning his decision to go to the Williams house.
'I shouldn't have gone o. Why did I go there? God, why did you allow me go.'
There was a knock on the door and Uche opened it only to find Teddy standing at the door with four other soldiers. Uche actually thought his problems were over.
"If you break my sister's heart, I'm going to ship you off to Sambisa and put you in the middle of the crossfire. We will be watching you mister. Try and...
Freddy had told Uche that faithful day.
"You've got alot going for you, so don't mess it up. I do hope we're clear bro."
Teddy added.
"Yes sure."
Uche responded and wondered if he successfully concealed the fact...
"You see those men there?"
Teddy was referring to his comrades.
"They have great love for my sister & they are willing to damage any one who tries to hurt her. As a matter of fact, they would all like to marry her even if that dream is...
"Disappointed i guess."
"No. They are going to be pissed. You know why? Because that someone misused an opportunity they would have used better."
"Oh and make sure she doesn't find out about any of this."
Teddy instructed him because he knew Bisola hated the over protection.
After that encounter, Uche concluded that...
"Pablo, we have a very big problem."
"What, you impregnated Bisola?"
"What? She wouldn't even allow me kiss her"
Pablo laughed and then goes:
"That's not so bad bro."
"Wait let me get this straight. Does she know about any of this?"
"No. They also threatened to hurt me if I let her know."
"Let me know when you're done."
Pablo entertained himself with more laughter that...
"Why are you even laughing? This is not funny."
"But it is. You finally got what you wanted."
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"You've been chasing this girl with all your body and soul and now that you've finally gotten her, you're...
"Did you not hear what I said? Her. Family. Threatened. My. Life!"
Uche spoke with an apparent emphasis on each word.
"Not because you're dating her but because they don't want you to cheat on her."
"That's very crazy. I mean, who does that?"
"You're supposed to be supportive."
"I am bro. It's about time you settled down."
"Not with a gun pointed to my head."
"Cheer up bro. Bisola is a sweet woman so you need to consider yourself lucky."
He really liked Bisola and letting her go wasn't even an option but the conditions that have been forced down on him was what bothered him. He was literally being forced to play for Team Faithful
All he needed to do was to focus on one woman and that was just...
Uche was still feeling randy and he desperately needed to let go...
Uche soon received a package that had photographs of him wearing different...
The paper that came with it goes:
"The Eagle is watching. Wisdom is better than pain."
The urge to have sex consumed Uche and he had to start leaving the house with a baseball cap to shield his eyes from the enticements that was...
She didn't know what Uche was...
The next best thing Uche could think of was to start training in order to channel his sexual energy elsewhere.
He ran long distances; he lifted weights; he took out his aggression on punching bags, and did any...
He avoided music channels that had fine looking women dancing in provocative attires and bikinis because he didn't want anything that would further reinforce his desire for sex.
He later got another package that specifically came from Freddy. He opened it to see a picture Freddy slaughtering a ram.
Uche felt like the static photograph of Freddy was staring...
The paper that came along with the picture read:
"You're dead."
Uche had hurdles to cross and they came in form of Mr D, Diana, Aunty Seyi, Teddy and Freddy.
As a matter of fact, the only ally Uche had was Maria and she alone wasn't going to...
Uche's life was a mess but it was nothing compared to Aunty Seyi's wedding that was coming up the upper weekend.
Weddings were meant to be remembered for good things but this particular one was going to be a sweet disaster.
. . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER 16. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. . . . . . . .
Diana said to Maria as they sat down close to their father who was garbed in a solid-looking white Agbada. They were in the midst of the guests who had come to witness the holy matrimony (unholy according to Diana) of...
Baba Ibeji's first son Tunde, and beautiful twin daughters - Temi and Kemi- who both wore...
Uche was also in attendance after Bisola forced him to come, and he was sitting down with her. He was wearing an all white 'senator' attire while Bisola slayed in her...
Freddy- who was amongst the guests on the other side of the sitting arrangement- had eyes on Uche; and on two occasions when their eyes met, Freddy made a cut-throat gesture in order to instill fear in him.
It was a small wedding with a 30 seater capacity; and on the green grass, there was a red carpet that demarcated the seating arrangements into two equal...
The event was mostly dominated by old people and it looked like some gerontic parliament with a red and white dress code.
All the guests in the gathering were either wearing white, red or both because that was part of the wedding theme which according...
As the aged couples exchanged their vows, most of the guests' attention were invested in either sleeping or focusing...
The couples didn't even notice the guests' lack of attention because their eyes met like magnets as they both emitted beaming smiles that was inspired by the forces of romance...
When Baba Ibeji got to the part where he said "Till death do us part.", Diana imagined a scenario where someone buys a phone that would be dead in two weeks.
Out of the abundance of Diana's heart, she concluded that Aunty Seyi was out of...
About two minutes after Uche left, six masked and heavily armed men invaded the gathering. They emptied several shots up in the air and that got the...
Mr D was unmoved; all he could think of was that Mrs Snow didn't take his advice.
The two men bundled Baba Ibeji like a baby and carried him away while the other men discouraged the guests from being heroes just by brandishing their guns.
At that particular moment, he got a message on his walkie talkie.
"We got the son. Let's leave."
The leader of the pack walked away from the gathering while his...
After what felt like three minutes of silence, one of the guests stood up and took to his heels while the rest followed suit except the Williams, two old women, Baba Ibeji's son and two daughters. The ravishing twins were sitting down devastated that...
Her hysteria was typical of the average Nigerian woman who had just lost something or someone dear to her.
"Hey! My enemies have located me o! They have finally remembered me. I was on my own and my enemies still came for me o."
Her reaction made Diana wonder what she really saw in the old man.
"The party's over." Diana said to him.
That must have been one hell of a nap.
Bisola had been trying to reach Uche on phone all to no avail and she had to bring it up to her family.
"Please has anyone seen Uche? His number isn't going through."
"No. He told me he wanted to use the restroom and now his number isn't going through. Oh my God. What if something happened to him?"
"Relax sis. Maybe he's hiding somewhere."
Freddy made a weak attempt to assure his sister.
"Ive got to see if he's okay."
Bisola attempted to walk away but Mr D gave Freddy a look and he immediately stopped Bisola.
"Hold on sis. We don't know if it's safe out there."
She turned towards her father and said:
"Daddy, I need to go find him."
"At ease baby. We need to know what we are dealing with first. Let your brother go check things out."
Bisola sat down on a chair for her restlessness was so overwhelming...
Duh! She never liked him so why act like she cared about him? The traces of evil in Diana felt some...
She then realized it wasn't about the missing men but about the welfare of her sister & aunt. She rolled her eyes and joined Maria to speak a little bit of comfort in Bisola.
Freddy untied them and tried getting the information of Uche's whereabout by giving them a detail of what he was wearing.
Since they couldn't provide any useful...
Freddy wondered why he cared about finding Uche because he actually wanted to 'show him some pepper', but just like Diana, he realized it wasn't about the missing men but about Bisola...
Mr D had a problem at hand: his daughter and his sister were devastated with grief and he had to do something about it. His deduction that it was Mrs Snow...
That gave him an understanding that Baba Ibeji must have pissed off the wrong people. In as much as he did not endorse the wedding, he wouldn't want his sister to...
"There's no trace of him."
He updated the gang and that made Bisola's reality to be completely overshadowed with a nagging terror. If anything should happen to Uche, it was all her fault.
"Those men asked for Baba's son and then left after receiving a call. I don't get it. Did they change their mind?"
Freddy said in a manner that sounded like he was some crime scene investigator.
Mr D walked away from the gathering, pulled out his phone and dialed X's phone.
"Is there still trouble in paradise?" X queried.
"Yes. But It appears that we may have a different type...
"30 minutes." X responded.
"20 minutes." Mr D Suggested.
"Track my location and get to me as fast as you can. I think we may be dealing with a case of kidnapping."
They were all going to stay at the mansion until he knew who and what they were dealing with, and how to put an end to it.
It was on loudspeaker and everyone clearly heard that they were demanding for 200 million Naira.
The part where they mentioned that they had Baba Ibeji's son was the confusing part because almost everyone in the house knew that he was right there with them.
Bisola and the others strongly believed...
Seconds rolled into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and hours felt like days. With each stretch of time, Bisola's fears gathered weight.
They were able to place a tracker on Uche's phone earlier and it turned out that it might just save his life. Here's how they pulled it off:
She approached him with excitement and hugged him like she knew him from somewhere. As she disengaged from the hug, Uche's phone...
The next thing the beautiful thief did was to plant a very tiny tracker in an inconspicuous location at the back of the phone after she...
The man hurriedly caught up with Uche and goes:
"Bros. You dropped your phone. I've been calling you since...
Uche expressed his deep felt gratitude totally unaware that from that day henceforth, someone would be somewhere watching him and listening to his conversation like he was a lab experiment. Mr D had chosen to play God...
Uche found himself pacing around an empty room that had just one bench which Baba Ibeji was sitting on. Uche began to question his purpose in life and why he had been a constant recipient of life's bitter...
"Would you stop walking around?" Baba Ibeji said to him.
"Don't even talk to me." Uche snapped.
Uche was furious with Baba Ibeji because...
"My son don't let them take me away! Ah! Ọmọ mi! Please stop them."
The third man following them pointed his gun at Uche...
Uche was brought back to the reality of his unfortunate condition when the rusted metal door- that stood in between...
"Oga, your people don't want to pay. We will waste you both."
"Come papa, watch ya mouth o. Don't forget who is in charge. If I shoot you and that your red suit, we won't...
"Bros. I don't know this man before."
Uche pleaded, hoping that his captives would listen to him despite his previous attempts.
"Oga sharrap there. If your voice does not carry news of when we are going to get our 200 million, please...
"I know it is Alhaji Gamji that sent you."
"Papa you talk too much."
"Tell him that he won't see one Naira from me."
If we care to know who Alhaji Gamji was, he was Baba Ibeji's rival in the oil and gas distribution...
"Is that so?"
"Shey eti e di ni? Are you deaf?" Baba responded rudely.
The leader of the gang who was chewing the groundnut in an annoying way gave his men a signal. The next thing Uche knew, they descended on him...
Uche's saving grace was that the leader of the pack received a call that informed them that the ransom was available.
The abductors wanted the money in dollars in order to reduce its bulkiness and they wanted it wrapped in a transparent...
When he got to the top of the bridge that ran across the river, he was asked to dump the bag in the river which he did. As the river's current carried the...
When the diver surfaced at the other far side of the river, he couldn't...
They had been waiting on that side of the river to pick up the bag when...
He stormed towards an awaiting truck with his emotions corrupted with intense fury while the others tagged along.
Just then, he received a call from the safe house where the captives were being held.
"Sir, I think the police are here. They are shooting...
One of his men said amidst the exchange of gun fire.
"That's not possible. How did they find us?"
"Sir, I don't know."
"Kill the guests and find a way out of that place."
"They've escaped."
"What!?" The leader barked into the walkie talkie which almost...
"Sir, I think we should turn back. We don't know how many they are."
One of the men behind said. The leader snapped and...
After the beating, the driver sighted two figures from afar running into the woods. One of the men was wearing white while the other was sporting a red attire.
The driver jammed his feet on the brakes and brought the dusty truck to an abrupt halt. The door flew open and everyone ran after them except the diver.
Alright hold it. Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Let's backtrack and see how Uche and Baba Ibeji got way.
One of the guards opened the door and dropped a tray that had a loaf of agege bread on it. Several gun shots went off outside and...
That knocked the lights out of the armed man and no one told Uche and Baba Ibeji to take to their heels.
It was X's team that came to lay siege on the building after they traced Uche's cellphone. They were the ones who organized the fake drop so as to split the number of men in the building.
As a matter of fact, when the kidnappers gave Mr D the drop off location, X's team got the coordinates using a GPS software which...
There were 3 men who attacked the building and when they searched the whole perimeter, there were no signs of Uche and Baba Ibeji.
Consequently, they reported back to Mr D informing him of the absense of the captives.
As Mr D spoke to the retrieval team on his study, Bisola was on her way to meet him and she paused to listen to...
She strained her ears to intrude on the conversation Mr D was having with X and then, she heard that Uche was being traced and also got to find out that she used to be under 24 hours surveillance...
He sighed and then said to her:
"How much did you hear?"
"Enough for me to be mad at you."
"Sit down."
Her father sighed and told her and she complied. Mr D was forced to tell her...
"Dad, how could you do this?"
"I'm sorry baby. But i was worried."
Mr D told her that they found his phone but there were no signs of Uche and Baba Ibeji. That info infused her with so much...
"Dad, I'm going to need about a week to be angry with what you did."
"I understand child."
Bisola walked out of the study and tried not to break down in tears. She was worried out of her...
If only Bisola knew that right at that moment, Uche was carrying Baba Ibeji on his back as he fled from the hail of bullets that came...
If not for the high concentration of trees that was in the forest, either him or Baba Ibeji would have been easily shot.
Uche soon hurt his ankle and dropped Baba Ibeji who immediately took to his heels when a bullet rattled a shrub not so far...
His eyes raced for a place to hide and as soon as he found one, he limped towards it and prayed to God to spare him that day.
Was this the end? Was he going to die because of a woman who he hadn't even kissed? He found himself begging...
Baba Ibeji soon ran out of the forest and into the major road. A truck carrying tomatoes stopped...
The driver of the truck shouted at him to get down and the moment the kidnappers sprayed bullets on his truck, no one told him to hit the accelerator as hard as he could.
Uche had to fall asleep in his hiding place until dusk fell upon the earth. Long after the kidnappers were gone, he crept out and headed out...
The only befitting cloth for Uche was a worn out 'native' attire that probably looked older...
Uche was stunned to see a metal sign board advertising a church that was in Ogun State. It didn't take long for him to know...
Uche met one of the men there and told him he was going to Lagos.
The man responded excitedly in the Hausa dialect and...
Uche was relieved because he thought the truck was going to Lagos. He hopped in on the truck filled with his fellow hitchhikers and thanked God that he was...
The next morning, he woke up in Kogi State which was in an opposite direction far from Lagos state.
He thought his problems were over only to find out that it just got harder. Uche regretted his decision to get on the truck instead of looking for a way to call home.
Uche had to wait at the police station for Pablo to come pick him up and while he waited, he got something...
Bisola had broken down in tears and wept her heart out as her father tried to comfort her. Uche freshened up at a hotel...
For the very first time in 4 years, they shared their very first passionate kiss and the more their tongues met, the more they wanted...
She was one who believed that sex before getting to know someone well enough can make couples miss out on the need to have other forms of...
'If i die, i die."
She had concluded to herself. She feared losing him without tasting the whole of him and as it happened, Uche couldn't make love with her that day
After a week, they were able to get together in another hotel room and right...
As their bare and hungry bodies met on top of the king-sized bed, the only thing that existed to them was pleasure...
(Okay let's stop here and give the couples some privacy.)
She focused more on the sunshine than the darkness - this was almost the same thing she did with Frank. She was beginning to lose herself...
One fateful day, after going on a date with Bisola, Uche returned home in order to get some things in order.
Upon his arrival to the compound, there was a bright looking little girl- that had an abundance of natural hair that was well packed in a...
"Hello little one, can i help you?"
Uche asked her as friendly as he could.
"Excuse me?" Uche was taken aback.
"Oh. Forgive my manners. Hi, I'm Daisy."
She stretched forth her hands. Uche reluctantly took it because he was yet to understand why this kid was talking to him.
She added, and with that Uche froze like a deer in the headlights.
. . . . . . . . FINAL CHAPTER. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .WHO'S YOUR DADDY? . . . . . .
Let's say that she was one who had always liked Uche even before he transformed from a weird frog to a glowing prince.
Months after Uche got a total makeover, they met at a party where Pablo was the DJ of the event as usual.
That night, she was wearing a green gown that he found enticing and motivating.
What followed was these two horny adults putting on their birthday suits which was coupled with the fact that alcohol and lust coursed through their systems...
Weeks passed and Henrietta got the shock of her life when she tested positive for pregnancy- a pregnancy that was a product of a drunken one night stand.
Henrietta was devastated with regret and confusion. How was she going to face her parents...
On her way to cut the thread that holds the destiny of the child that was slowly forming in her, she had a motorcycle accident where a reverend sister ran into her & her carrier...
"God wants that child to live. Give God a chance."
Henrietta narrated the imminent destruction that awaited her if her parents were to find out...
Her parents were strict disciplinarians that ruled with iron hands.
She wept to the point that her agony was felt in the very edges of the universe.
After the fires of pleasure and enjoyment had finished spewing forth it's blaze, all that was left in her custody was the ashes of had-i-knowns.
The nun took her in and tried to revitalize the life in her by taking her places; introducing her to inspirational books like "The Purpose Driven Life"; taking her to the zoo...
Sister Mercy- as she was popularly called- told her at a point in time:
"Once a mirror is broken, the next step is to accept that you can't undo the reality of the damage.
She named her daughter Daisy because she was born outside in a makeshift tent that was erected...
It was a beautiful day with thick clouds obstructing the sun from pouring forth...
"Do you like them?" One of the nurses had asked.
"Yes. They are beautiful."
"That's an African daisy."
The birth of the child came with the conception of a new flame in Henrietta. That flame was called hope.
The more she held Daisy, the more her love for her grew;...